

Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Please tell me there is someone else out there with the same obsession over Skyrim as I have? Pleaaasssee :blush:

I haven't played in a little while as I had to re format my PC but I do love it :D Didnt get too far in the story, just wandered around seeing what I could find! I do love me an open world game <3
Oh bloody oath! I play it on my ps3 and am addicted!
It is the most amazing game I have ever played, mindblowing graphics and gameplay, it is really hard to play anything else as nothing comes close to it !!!
Just started playing this again. Only played a small bit on release, but then ditched it for Saints Row The Third (I think). So, getting back into it now, only level 7 atm though haha!

I play on 360 xx
This is one game I would really like to try but haven't got around to it yet. I heard so many positive reviews. When I do get to buying it, it will be for the PC. I usually play MMO's but this game looks up my alley.
I have always loved games like skyrim, oblivian, fallout, red dead redemption, basicly open world games that I can just wonder around looking at random things (very rarely get any actual quests done just too busy exploring) :)
Havnt played Skyrim in a while though as LO hijacks the tv for his cartoons too much and mummy isnt allowed to play with "his" tv :)

I am naughty though I cheated in skyrim and did the gold bug so now I can afford anything :blush:
Love it! I'm only on my 26th character :rofl:

Has anyone bought Dawnguard & Hearthfire? They're both pretty sick.
Ive just finished the main storyline today :) i had to restart last week after unknowingly becoming a vampire and not knowing how to reverse it lol! X
Ive just finished the main storyline today :) i had to restart last week after unknowingly becoming a vampire and not knowing how to reverse it lol! X

There's a guy in Morthal named Falion, he can reverse it for you if you bring him a filled black soul gem :D

That saved me from having to restart. I only became one so I could get the Master Vampire achievement :haha:

I like the Vampire, but hate the defects that come with being out in daylight, (I'm too lazy to feed on people) it kinda put me off x
I have always loved games like skyrim, oblivian, fallout, red dead redemption, basicly open world games that I can just wonder around looking at random things (very rarely get any actual quests done just too busy exploring) :)
Havnt played Skyrim in a while though as LO hijacks the tv for his cartoons too much and mummy isnt allowed to play with "his" tv :)

I am naughty though I cheated in skyrim and did the gold bug so now I can afford anything :blush:

I know this is an old thread, but what is the gold bug cheat ?
I have not played for a long time, since there is very little time and many hours have been played in this gaming universe

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