DD was 8lb 4oz at birth. By 5 days old she'd not lost weight and was 8lb 8oz. At 10 days old she was 9lb 2oz. She hasn't been weighed since but I'm positive she's continued to gain weight. She's been happily feeding every 2-2.5 hours in the day and every 3-4 hours at night.
She fed last night at 11:50pm. I'm not sure how long she fed as we both dozed on and off. When she'd finished I moved her to her moses basket. She went back to sleep and so did I. She then woke for a feed
I expected it to be 3-4am but it was actually 6:20am. Shed slept for pretty much 6 hours and had technically slept through the night.
I'm wondering if I should have woken her? I've read up alot on this and I know the consenses is usally only to wake them in the very early days if they hadn't regained their birth weight. Her weight gain has been fantastic and feeding has been established. What do you think? Is it OK to let her sleep that long? We're feeding on demand and I'm happy with weight gain.
She fed last night at 11:50pm. I'm not sure how long she fed as we both dozed on and off. When she'd finished I moved her to her moses basket. She went back to sleep and so did I. She then woke for a feed
I expected it to be 3-4am but it was actually 6:20am. Shed slept for pretty much 6 hours and had technically slept through the night.
I'm wondering if I should have woken her? I've read up alot on this and I know the consenses is usally only to wake them in the very early days if they hadn't regained their birth weight. Her weight gain has been fantastic and feeding has been established. What do you think? Is it OK to let her sleep that long? We're feeding on demand and I'm happy with weight gain.