Haha, he really is gorgeous! My DS hates the camera, all the happy pics of him I have i've had to catch him doing things. If I just pull out the camera and say smile he'll pull out a frown that could kill!!!
Haha smiley my wee boy used to be the exact same! Would run away screaming "nooooo"! But now he just stands and says "cheeeeese!" U just gotta break em! Haha! Wear him down! Lol!
Im up for work i hate working weekends! Especially at 8am haha!
Hey everybody thanks for all your well wishes. Just a quick wee history of me. I was pregnant in March this year but unfortunately it was ectopic so I was treated with a nasty methotrexate injection. Because it stripped my body of all natural folic i was told that i had to wait for 3 months till the injection worked its way out my body & my folic built up. So we waited (longest 3 months ever!!!) in July we ttc and was BFN. Then i read about SMEP on here and so tried it on my 2nd cycle ttc and got my BFP, but sadly that ended in an early miscarriage at 5 weeks. So my doctor told me to wait one cycle before ttc but i didnt (oops my bad ) So when i stopped bleeding from the m/c we tried SMEP again and a few days ago i got my BFP . I had a blood test done on wednesday at 11 dpo and my hcg was at 22. I had a 2nd set of blood work done on friday to check to see that they are doubling but because of the weekend and the holiday monday here i wont get the results till tuesday aaaaaarrrrrrrrggghh so needless to say it will be a long weekend. Still i am pregnant and i couldnt be happier eeeeeeekk. I have a few friends that are thinking about maybe starting to try for families soon and i'll be telling them about SMEP. It totally works.
TrAyBaby - Wow, you have had a tough journey. Sorry to hear about your losses. I'm so pleased smep worked for you this month!! I'm sure your results will be perfect, will you get a call on Tuesday with them?! x
Well I had a lovely evening in to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my OH - but I do also love the peace of a house to myself whilst DS is sleeping!
Steph - hope your day goes fast, I used to work weekends and I hated it!!
I did get my doppler yesterday - HOORAY!! but couldn't for the life of me find the HB. I'm not in panic mode.... just yet..... So will give it another couple tries! Ugh, I really wanted to hear it last night!!
Traybaby - congrats again! So sorry to hear abt ur losses! Wishing u a happy and healthy 9 months!
Smiley - glad u enjoyed ur peace and quiet! It is nice! Ooh thats good ur doppler arrived! Dont b panicking! Apparently most midwives dont hear the hb til 16weeks! Only 2 days til ur scan!
AFM - ive had a horrible weekend...brandon was admitted to hospital yesterday, he was vomitting had a really high temperature and was really listless so we got taken up in ambulance! Hes back home now and still vomitting but his temp is down! Hes just lying sleeping beside me just now! Dont think ive ever been so scared in my life! But at least hes home! Having to give him 2ml of water in a syringe cos he cant even keep water down! Poor wee lamb!!
Well I have been playing scientist today - haha. I tried the red cabbage gender test, has anyone else done this?? My OH is convinced there is not a test in the world that can predict the gender based on your wee, the jury is out for me until we find out - i'm remaining open minded. (whilst still knowing everything has a 50/50 chance!) It's just so much fun trying!
Anyway, I did it and by the results it says girl. So i'm just trying to see if I can persuade any of you to do it so we can compare
I also tried to the test with water, and another with vinegar - just to see what the diff results look like. I have pics as well.... Soooo anyone care to join me in cabbage madness?
Il def do some of the tests next week smiley so we can compare results!
Lookin forward to comparing scan pics as well!
I seen ur thread in 1st tri, i get wot u mean about people wanting u to have a girl! Becos we already have a boy, everyone just expects that this will be a girl! It doesnt work like that!! U actually have 55% chance its a boy and 45% a girl!
I feel exactly the same as u...would love a wee girl to see what its like but i already know that me and OH produce fantastic wee boys so why wouldnt i want another one? Im genuinely not bothered at all!
Yay! Thanks Steph - I look forward to your cabbage results! I had a look at a thread where someone had posted a poll to see if it was correct for them, and the results were bang on 50/50 - haha! I'll post the pics I took in a bit.
Yeh, it was really getting to me earlier - I feel much better now (after having ranted!) but it's still frustrating that people are so quick to say they hope it's a girl, or like you said - assume you're hoping for a girl because we already have a boy, I have absolutely no preference!
I was even saying to OH that I didn't want to find out at the scan anymore (completely throwing my toys out the pram) because I was worried people wouldn't be as excited at the birth if they knew we were having a boy.... But I do feel calmer now, I know people will be excited just wish they'd stop saying they're hoping for a girl! Ugh!
I will join you in cabbagness - how does it work? I cant wait to find out. I dont mind either but have a strong feeling its a boy
Steph - so sorry to hear about Brandon hope he recovers soon the poor thing!! And how scary for you
Smiley - really dont worry about the hb - I still sometimes cant find mine, he (she?!) likes to hide this morn he was def moving around and kicking the doppler love it!!
Just really counting the hours until 1.45pm tomorrow....eeeek. Will put up pics asap! been feelin quite tired again this weekend, just cleaned the house then napped this afternoon - bliss. DH is making a roast now - so lucky
Oh certain I'm so excited for your scan tomorrow!! I willbe counting down the hours for pics
Ok so to do the cabbage test you need to:
- Cut up half a cabbage and boil it for about 10 mins in just enough water to cover it.
- then strain the water into a clear cup (it will be dark purple in colour)
- mix equal parts cabbage water to pee (doesn't matter how much you use, just as long as it's roughly equal parts)
- if the mixture turns bright pink/red then it's a boy
- if it turns purple (or stays roughly same) it's a girl
Thanks certain! It really was so scary! Hes slept all day today...his temp keeps going up and down and he is constantly throwing up! Just wish there was something i could do! He wont keep calpol down or anythin so weve had to give him half a milileter every 10 mins til hes finished the wee syringe!
Anyhooz...im very excited to see ur scan pics tomorro! I hope it all goes really well! Il check tomorro for a wee update from u!
Smiley - il def do the cabbage test! Will buy some next time out at the shops! Xxxxx
Sorry i have been MIA...Soooooooooo pooped!
We're doing up our new house to move into later this year (i'm hoping November) and the to-do list just keeps growing! I am so tired, i actually looked forward to Monday Morning.........
Steph- I feel so bad about Brandon, hope the poor little man is better! how is the MS?
Smiley-Hope u had a lovely bubbly bath and relaxing weekend-yay for being a prune!!!!!!!!!! I love the cabbage test.....i'm so dying to do these tests..i just totally forget about it once i go home and get into 'we have to do up the place before 3rd trimester begins" mode....
Certain- Welcome to 2nd trimester! its the best!!!
Traybaby-Welcome! sorry you had such a rough ride can only get better!!!!
Steph - how is Brandon?? Hope he is feeling a bit better??
Certain - SCAN TODAY!!!!
kbkb - Oooh, moving house! Exciting! I can understand wanting to get as much done beore 3rd tri - but it is still exhausting isn't it? It will be worth it though when you can move in and put your feet up in your nice new home!
Here are the pics from the cabbage test. The first is with water - so just the same, the second is with vinegar - and the last is my actual test. The glass on the left in each one is just normal cabbage water for comparison each time (i'm thorough!)
Hope everyone has a lovely day. What an exciting week!!
Yep, the cabbages have spoken and are saying girl. Most of the tests I have done are saying girl actually - which means I am fully expecting for this to be a boy
Man, my back is killing me...and the heartburn nonstop since the last 2 weeks...sorry I'm being such a Monday gripemaster...i really hope the new house is worth it!!
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