SMEP success buddies

Oh I hate it when some people say that having a c-section means you are less of a mum type thing!! Who cares how baby arrives, as long as they arrive safely??!! Grrrr, things like this do wind me up. As do a lot of other things you never thought people would judge you for when u become a mum. I swear some mums drive me MAD!!!

Ok so the vein eye theory goes like this:

If you look in the white of your eyes, below the iris (you need to get a good looking up angle in the mirror) you will see two veins shaped like fish hooks at about 5 and 7 o'clock. (there are most likely lots of other veins as well, but it's these 2 ones that count!) if they are in your right eye it means you are haveing a girl, left eye means boy. If they are in both it either means twins or if you definitely know you aren't having twins then the right eye over rules - so it means girl.

Yep, I know crazy!! But iridologists swear by it, and it has shown to be correct for quite a few people on the thread!!

x x x x
Hhhmmm...i think i have them in both eyes! Not 100% sure tho! Il check during the day tomorro wen its lighter!!

In answer to ur earlier questions...i need to get a scan at 34 weeks to check that my placenta isnt lying on my scar! Apparently its quite dangerous if it is...i dunno lol! But hey, another chance for a scan, im not gonna turn that down!! And my hospital do a 19 week scan was 20 wen we had yeah, my scan is a week earlier than i thought!!

Lol its ridiculous what people judge u on isnt it? I got major judgemental looks today when i told a midwife that i only breastfed brandon for 4 days! Gosh if looks could kill!

Soooo...what do ur veins say about ur bambino?? Xxxxxx
Ah that makes sense, yeh it is good to get an extra scan tho! Oh 19 weeks is good - less waiting :D and I noticed you are exactly a week ahead of me now!

My veins are in the right eye - so another result for the girl camp. I'm still clueless tho as to what I actually think. If this is a boy I will know that not a single old wives tale can be trusted :haha: I'm hoping for a nice clear nub shot at my next scan, that's the only thing that seems to have some reliable science behind it! OH is absolutely convinced it's a boy!

Oh yeah, i only breastfed for a couple weeks and the looks I got when I had to tell the midwives I'd stopped!! As if I'd completely given up on my childs life! I do plan on trying breastfeeding again this time, but if I do carry on I'd never make anyone else feel bad about not doing it!

x x x x
Well...I dunno about all these old wives tales anymore! The chinese gender predictor says Im gonna have a boy...but when I calculated for said he would be a girl! I just dont really have any gut feelings...Im swaying a tiny bit towards a girl but I dont know! My OH is also absolutely convinced were having another boy!! At the end of the day...we both know we produce some pretty handsome another one isnt a bad thing haha!!

There is a big debate in the first tri thread just now about csections...its getting pretty heated! I wanna just write..."sorry, who actually cares how anyone else has their baby??? Each to their own!!" It really winds me up cos of all the comments I got! I dont know about breastfeeding this time...Brandon ended up dehydrated last time at 3 days old because I wasnt doing it right, so that makes me anxious about trying again! It was a midwife who actually recommended I switch to formula! Its ridiculous the looks you get though!!

Oooh I am exactly a week ahead of u!! How exciting!! My due date is 11th of April so is ures the 18th?? Eeek how exciting!! Were u early/late/on time last time?? xxxxxxx
:flower: Girls, I am feeling so left out! You ladies have been chatting up a storm :haha:

Ok, first of all, what is a VBAC and a lupus? Sorry, i am feeling like a major ignoramus :)
I am firmly in Smiley's club- becoming a compulsive scan predictor!:nope: though i really cant call myself an expert :shrug:
I am totally addicted...Come on to the 2nd tri forum smiley- there's one prediction asked for a day (at least). Ok, I promise to have mine up this weekend and you girls can refuse to speak to me monday if i dont! How's that for performance pressure :winkwink:

I saw the iris theory as well yesterday! it was so funny- I spent like 10 minutes in my office bathroom trying to locate if for myself ( but obviously failed)....Going to try and rope in OH now, he is going to be super amused.

Wow, I'm so glad you girls are not judgemental about people's birthing, childcare etc choices....the Feb mummies group I am on is very like "its my privilege and joy to be a mother and I will kill myself to do it". some of them refused medication at birth, and spent 30-40 hours in labour.....I mean to each her own, but this kind of totalitarianism scares me a bit :brat: You do what you can to the best of your abilities, but honestly- if you fall short/ body doesnt live up to it/think otherwise -its wrong to blame! You only wish your child well at the end of the day ...

Steph- that is a BEAUTIFUL :cloud9: scan!!! I am thinking :pink: too! But i agree, your boy is so handsome, wouldnt hurt to have another of those lady killers in the family. I am the QUEEN of heartburn :nope: Anything remotely spicy and I'm in misery..I have had awful heartburn since week 14-15 i think..Just trying bland food, smaller meals, lots of lemon in warm water and coconut water -generally a combination of these works for me. But I still have bad days

So sad to hear about peckles :friends:...and a prayer for mustang, hoping all's well.
Morning kbkb - how r u today?

A VBAC is a vaginal birth after csection! I had an emergency c section with Brandon and I wasnt sure if they would let me try do it naturally but they were so supportive & said they would need to monitor me a lot more throughout pregnancy and labour! I even get a wee extra scan!! So im just gonna try make sure it all goes to plan this time!! I planned a waterbirth last time with just gas and air...and ended up induced with all the drugs under the sun & then a csection! But by that point id been at it for 46 hours so i really didnt care how the baby got here...just wanted him here lol!

Thats why i get so annoyed at women who judge other womens prererences for birth etc! Well, people who judge mothers on any of their choices really...its not fair to do so...especially a first time mum! Theres things i did first time that i wont b doing this time, because ive learned! Oh im getting into a big rant! It just winds me up!

Lol i really need to practice more with my gender guessing! I wish there could be a test that was definite!!

Aw heartburn is a total pain...literally haha!! I seem to get it anytime i eat! I like the lemon in water try that 2nite! Ive been avoiding all spicy foods...which are my faaaavourite!

Lol yeah if we dont see scan pics by monday morning...thats it!! Ur out the group haha!! As if!!

I got my OH to look ay my eyes this morning and his reply was "theres too many fish hooks....i cant say for definite that u have them at 5 and 7" lol useless haha!! He thinks im mad!!

Haha kbkb - it is so addictive guessing isn't it!! I have branched over to 2nd tri every now and then, I think you guessed on one I had.... I got it wrong though!! It's a great time killer :D

Ah i'm so glad you saw this thread as well about the eyes!! I'm not too sure my veins aren't from wearing contacts to be honest, but i'll go with it for now.

Oh dear, that sounds just like the kind of mums I try to avoid personally. I'm all for the each to their own thing, but when others don't think the same it gets to me. It is scary totalitarianism!! But I think as long as you know you are doing the best you can, then stuff what anyone else thinks!

Woohoo!!! Looking forward to seeing your scan pics :happydance: That's it now, totally pressured into putting them on that you can't not do it now!

Steph - Yep, my due date is the 18th, Unless they change it again at the next scan?! I was a few days early last time, i'm sort of hoping for the same this time - OH's birthday is on the 14th, not sure if I want to avoid that or for them to share it! :D You said you were induced last time, so you were overdue?

Oh and my new living room furniture arrived this morning!!! WOOP! I'm far more excited than I should be about a new sideboard and tv unit :blush:

Hope you all have a lovely day! x x x x
:wave: TGIF!!!!
ah, i feel so first time mum - Thank you for educating me, Steph! 46 hours in labour? Are you kidding me. You're my hero!!! Who would ever blame you for taking drugs or opting for C-Sec. Its awesome they're letting you try a vaginal birth. Hurrah :dance: for the extra scan. If you dont mind my asking, is it hard to recover from a C-Sec? esp weight loss?
Smiley- Yes, I promise I'll have my pics up even if i have to photograph them from my silly 14th century phone! I am feeling the heat :winkwink: you wont believe this- there are some women who say ' i had a C-Sec, i failed my baby' ...i mean that is scary....isnt it? Ok, stopping the rant now.
Wont it be cool to have your OH and LO on the same birthday? We have everything in feb! my bday, OH's bday and our anniversary Feb 7 is my due date....well, we may just have the LO as our 5th wedding anniversary present! what a boring rest of the year :rofl: we had vowed not to have a Feb LO!!!! and here we are.

Have a super friday ladies!!!!!!!yay for the weekend :wohoo: I am so READY for it!
Oooh new furniture!! I totally share ur excitment!! I love things like that!!

Lol i want my LO to arrive on the 14th but for a very silly birthday is 15/05...brandons is 18/ id love it if LO's was 14/04!! But thats a silly reason and i doubt it'll happen! Been told i prob wont b allowed to go over my due date! I think it would be sweet for ur OH and LO to share a birthday!!

Nah, Brandon was 2 weeks waters broke wen i was lyin in bed one night but after 30 odd hours of contracting...i wasnt 1cm dialated! Oooh i was gutted wen she said that! So they took me into hosp and induced me!

Wot does eveyone have planned for today? Im back at work tomorro...yawn! So just gonna have a wee relaxed day with brandon lol!.

Oh and smiley- i totally get your excitement over new sideboard and TV unit....I was in raptures over silly cushions last week. :haha:
Aww kbkb - thats tooooo cute that ur LO is due on ur anniversary!! Aaaw! Haha...ur february sure sounds busy...and its the shortest month haha!!!

Tbh...i didnt find the recovery too bad! I had to stay in hospital for 4 scar got infected! But as long as i took the pain killers regularly, it wasnt too bad! I obv dont know what recovery from a natural birth is like but i wouldnt have said my recovery was too bad! The day after i got out of hosp, i was out pushing the pram! Weight loss wise...i put on 4st and took me the best part of teo years to loose it...but i couldve tried harder! I lost most of it in the first few just seemed to be that last stone i struggled with!

But i wouldnt worry abt anyhing like that...u go to the gym dont u? Im starting back this week! Im gonna make sure i dont make the same mistake as last time! Xxxxxx
Haha Steph - My birthday is the 19/09 and OH's is 14/04 - DS didnt follow our pattern though so ruined that one! :haha:

Oh really 2 weeks early?! Ah I hope it all goes a lot more smoothly this time for you hun!

kbkb - That is crazy, some women are crazy!! (there, i've said it - haha) haha, yes - the rest of the year will be boring - but what a month February is going to be!!

I have no plans for today, I'm off work and DS is with OH's mum - so I might just sit and stare at my beautiful new furntirue!! I need to move loads of crap out the way so I can get it in the right places, but it's all too heavy for me so I can't do anything - Boooo!

x x x x
Wow, that is a pretty decent record, steph! dont be hard on yourself...Yes, I do go to the gym and have started some nice swiss ball pelvic exercise to help with labour...Lets see, I hope for the best!

enjoy your lazy day with brandon!!!!!
It isnt the best situation!!! I know i am nuts, but i didnt will it this way!

How does it help that i get ONE present for-
1. Valentine's day
3. Birthday????

totally my OH's doing :rofl: -the tightwad! I am threatening him now - we laugh about this all the time. I want a really expensive 'push present'- i just learnt that it is what a woman is gifted for 'pushing' out the baby. :haha: what a concept! Gotta love it..
Steph - Your recovery sounds fab! It'll be interesting to see how recovery from a natural birth goes in comparison!

I had absolutely no complications with my labour, no stitches, needed no drugs etc and I swear it took me aaaggggeessss to feel normal afterwards!!! I don't think people are told enough about the recovery after birth. I think I was niave though, and just expected to be hopping and dancing around straight after having him :dohh:

x x x x
Morning ladies,

Oh my what a lot of chatter has been going on...I may not be able to keep up with it all :) apologies if i miss something!

Also sorry for being vague about things! So Lupus is also known as S.L.E and is an autoimmune disease that I was diagnosed with when i was 18. It basically is a form of arthirtis but affects the white blood cells and sometimes clotting. It goes in flares, so sometimes im fine for months then get a bad spell. But you can 'grow out' of it and I am now 25 and the last yr has had no symptoms or positive blood results :happydance: however to be safe they have put me on the aspirin to make sure i get no clots in the placenta etc.
There are 2 reasons why I may have to have a Csection - one is that I have a recurrent slipped disc and nerve damage at the bottom of my back, so i get sciatica etc, the other more important reason is that I have something called a Chiari, which is in my brain (not serious) but means that when I ummm strain (TMI on toilet or when coughing) I feel like I will pass out and get dizzy, so obviously they are worried with pushing in real labor. So as you can see, im not really straight forward.

I also get annoyed with people judging and im so glad all you girls and amazingly supportive. Although I would have loved to have a natral labor, if i cant then I dont mind a Csection, and I wont feel like ive failed. Its important to get the baby out safely.
kbkb - ooo mean OH - def get 3 pressies this year :) My bday is the 10/4 so if my LO is 10 days late it may be on my bday!! eeek.

Steph - your labor sounds hard, well done you!! your recovery is inspiring as well, good to know it doesnt take too long!

Smiley - I love new furniture too, me and DH are thinking of doing a little bit of baby shopping this weekend, I am soooo excited! Im v.jealous of your day off - got a mad day at work :(
Haha smiley!! My OH ruined our wee pattern...hes 10/05 but i figure it would still be cool if me and my babies had it haha!! Gosh, ur actual birth sounds really good! I do agree tho that people paint the recovery as ridiculously easy if u do it naturally! I mean, it didnt hurt wen i sat down...or burned wen i pee'd which ive heard is quite common! I think the recovery of a csection can be more limiting as u cant drive for 6 weeks and things like that...but ur stomach is no where as delicate as 'down there' so id imagine there is still a lot to recover from!!

But i guess, u never ever know how its gonna turn out so theres no point worrying about it just now!! Easier said than done!!

Kbkb...i hope its a bloody big present u get for all those days rolled into one!! Haha!! And i have never heard of a pushing present...u may have just got my OH into trouble haha!! My OH is hilarious, hes not the most romantic of men so i didnt expect anything! His mum had picked out this beautiful ornament of a mum and dad holding their new baby and when she showed him it he said "i think shed appreciate a dvd more than an ornament" haha god bless him!!

Lol smiley...dont u be rearranging ur living room today...ur pregnant dont u kno :-p u should just put ur feet up today!! I waa gonna spend today doing the ironing...but my iron broke this morning so that puts that plan out the window!!

haha, my OH is a real sweetie. Not too good with presents and stuff, but is very understanding, very supportive and has been taking very good care of me especially through my pregnancy....i'd take that over all the presents!!!! but i will never let him hear that :haha:

Certain- you're right ,important thing is to get baby out safe! it doesnt matter how!

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