SMEP success buddies

Tray - so glad to hear ur scan went well! Thats fantastic! Aw the booking appt...its so boring haha!!

Beauty - aw thats lovely u have a 5 year old girl! Have u told her yet uz are gonna have another or will u wait a while? How are u feeling? Any symptoms yet??

I have my 16 week midwife appt tomorro! I hope she tries listen to the heartbeat! Cant remember from last time! I cant believe im 16 weeks tomorro...this past week has flown by! And i can definitely feel baby moving now! He or she properly kicked me yday wen i was workin! Just need to wait for OH to feel it now! I think i was 18 weeks when he felt it last time!

Hows everyone 2day? Im jst getting ready to head to work! Yaaaaawn! Xxxxxxx

No, i haven't told anyone except you lovely ladies and OH. Not really any symptoms but I just feel bloated and have to potty more often.

Ooh, 16 week appt!! :dance: How did it go? Did you hear the baby's heart? Glad you can feel the baby moving! :happydance:

Beauty - no worries :) pleased to see you here!! Aww cute you have a 5 yr old too :) Shame about the couch, Im starting to worry as I cant seem to stay off my back :( may need to start using pillows.

TrAy - phew, glad to hear all is well :) booking app is a big step too!

Smiley - I think that the back pain can be preg related. If its on one side and lower down it could be being referred from your hip joint. Try and rest up. I have now got a number to call to get a physio app for mine :( hope it helps some!

Steph - loving the movement! mine was wriggling loads yesterday and a fair few can be felt outside now - so exciting!

Yea, the pillows are really helpful. I think I'll get a big preggo pillow this time in 3rd Tri. I'm sorry, I missed it. Do you have some back pain too? I hope it gets better soon. :hugs:
Hiya ladies!! How r u all today??

Smiley - i def think the back pain could b related to pregnancy! Im gonna mention to my midwife 2day abt the pains ive been gettin! Lol its not easy to put ur feet up wen u have a toddler runnin abt mental haha!!

What baby event is it?? I havent heard anythin abt it? Maybe theres one comin up here soon...scotland tends to be the last port of call for these things haha!! Let us kno if its any good!

Beauty - aw thats good uv not got a lot of symptoms...i hope it continues for u!

Well, for the 1st time in a long, OH and I have a day off together!! So were gonna head out soon after the midwife appt and have a nice wee day! Im excited haha!! Xxxxxx
Morning, how are we all today?

Steph - the event is a big baby event in London today, I think it is also going to Manchester but not sure where else. Its a bit like a wedding fair. I wish we could go but Im away at my cousins this weekend :) ooo have a lovely day with OH :)

Yep I def think a pillow is in order :) my pain is mainly on my left side, where is slipped a disc before - heat does help it though :) So, I feel huge today - woke up and put my pre preg 'fat day baggy top' on and look at the pic below.. I feel biiiig :) nice really but bit of a shock too. I also hadnt realised how huge my arms look :( good thing I was on the x trainer this morn, think i need to do it more often!
Good Morning! (Or afternoon now!)

Steph - Ah hope your midwife appointment goes well and you and OH have a nice day off together!!

Yeh, i'm starting to think this back pain is preg related, going to have to mention it next week. And get myself a pillow!! I've heard they are amazing!

Oooh maybe I can get one at the baby show on Friday :happydance: I doubt we'll buy much, but it will be a fun day out anyway. FX for lots of freebies!!

Certain - your bump is SO lovely. It's a proper baby bump now isn't it - such a neat little bump!!! love it! Oh gosh, don't be silly - your arms look fine to me! I can't believe you are still managing to get on the X-trainer, how on earth do you have the energy??!!

x x x
Good Morning! (Or afternoon now!)

Steph - Ah hope your midwife appointment goes well and you and OH have a nice day off together!!

Yeh, i'm starting to think this back pain is preg related, going to have to mention it next week. And get myself a pillow!! I've heard they are amazing!

Oooh maybe I can get one at the baby show on Friday :happydance: I doubt we'll buy much, but it will be a fun day out anyway. FX for lots of freebies!!

Certain - your bump is SO lovely. It's a proper baby bump now isn't it - such a neat little bump!!! love it! Oh gosh, don't be silly - your arms look fine to me! I can't believe you are still managing to get on the X-trainer, how on earth do you have the energy??!!

x x x

Thanks smiley - in all honesty I really dont have the energy but make myself do it...I am always zonked by the end of the day - I will try to keep it but occasionally if I can though. I think a bit of exercise does help the back pain overall (as long as its not high impact, so no running - I HATE running :))
Aaw certain!! Ur bump is lovely!! Its proper bumpage too! Lovely! They say the more u exercise in pregnancy, the better ur labour will be! I dnt kno if theres much truth in it but im gonna exercise as much as possible to try have a good labour this time! Good on u for trying to keep up the xtrainer!!

Smiley - aw i remember goin to a baby fair wen i was pregnant with brandon & the freebies alone were amazing! Have a great time!!! I hope it comes to scotland! Do u have a link or anythin i could google search so i could check?

My day has been good with the boys! MW appt was good, she said everything is spot on! Woo hoo! And then went into sains and stashed loads of toys - they all go half price 2moro! So that'll b most of my xmas shoppin done after 2moro haha!!

Hope every1s had a good day!

Steph - I am so jealous of you working in Sainsbury's!! All the toys always go so quickly when it's the big half price thing, we never get there in time! Glad your midwife appointment went well :D

Yeh, this is the link for the baby show :happydance:

Well I keep waking up in the night / early morning with the most painful headaches... arghhh! It was the same when I was preg with DS, it's horrible. It's like waking up with a migraine all the time - Keep having to take tablets for, so feeling bad about it, I hope it doesn't last much longer!!

My back seems to be a bit better. I think it's going to keep coming off and on though. Oh and I also keep waking up on my back, i'm trying so hard not to sleep on my back (hearing lots of "MUST NOT SLEEP ON YOUR BACK" stories) - What's a girl to do!! :shrug:

x x x
Hello Lovely Ladies!!!

Certain - Ooh, very lovely baby bump!!! You are not big AT ALL!!!! Stop it. :hugs: I hope your back feels better soon.

Smiley - I'm glad your back is doing a little better. I hope it continues. You're going to the baby fair? I hope you get some good stuff!

Steph - I envy you xmas shopping almost being complete. I haven't begun to think about xmas yet. :haha: I still have to plan for OH's birthday next month. What will I do?! :nope: I need to get on the ball. Glad your appt went well!!

AFM - I've been worrying my self to death. What's new, huh? :rofl: Just been thinking about miscarrying a lot. I don't know why. I did the same thing when I was preggo with my daughter. I just hope everything is alright in there. When should I go see a doc? I remember last pregnancy my MW office told me I couldn't come in for an appt until I was 12 weeks. I wonder does that rule still apply. I was thinking of lying to get an appt; however, I kind of want to be honest about this whole process. :shrug: I'm just super nervous.

Anyhoo, I hope you ladies have a great day!!! :thumbup:

Have a great day, ladies!
Hey ladies!!

Smiley - glad to see ur backs a bit better! Thats rubbish abt the headaches tho! I remember them from last time! I haveny had too many bad ones! The only thing that made me feel better was lying in a dark room! How u meant to do that with a wee one already! Dnt feel bad abt takin paracetemol! Needs must! Thanks for the link, will check it out!

Beauty - u are not alone! I spent my entire 1st trimester convinced i was goin to miscarry! I wasnt like that at all with DS! But try not to worry...easier said than done! I was told to make an appt at 8 weeks! But u should say u are unsure of ur dates & they normally offer u an early scan! Ur not lying...just bending the truth a wee bit!

AFM - well today has been such a success! I went into work at half 6 and got all Brandons toys! Got some absolute staff discount lol! I am gonna need to have a huuuge clearout before xmas tho! Huge! Lol! And ive been gettin lots of wee kicks today! Amazing! Its suddenly hit me that im pregnant! I know that sounds stupid...but everytime i feel a wee kick i get this huge gush of ive jst realised theres a baby in there haha!!

:flower: Girls!

Wow you can all chat!!! I'm having a hard time staying on track with you ladies.

Certain- WOW, some one has a proper bump now! It does help to keep exercising though...I find my energy levels much much better after a workout even if I was feeling absolutely down in the dumps before.. I'm doing a lot of squats and pelvic floor exercises, including kegel, I hear they're great for labour. We shall see!!!

Smiley- Glad the back's better, how are you feeling now? How was the baby show? Buy anything???

Traybaby- :hugs: glad all well!!

Beauty2-Do stop worrying , it will be all fine!!! I'm sure you can should an early scan if if it puts some fears to rest :shrug: what's a lie or two if it gets you one!

Steph- feeling kicks, shopping done and discounts earned. You're one productive gal!!!!! :rofl:

I'm an eggplant!!!!! 25 weeks, holy cow.................
I better get to love this darn eggplant, it will be stuck to me for 4 weeks now...
Hey kbkb!! :wave:

Oooh an eggplant seems so big!! Wow!

Lol please dont let me fool you into thinking im productive haha!! Im just a control freak when it comes to christmas!!

So...I was looking through the pics on my computer and I came across Brandons 12 week scan pic...and it is sooooo similar to this baby's scan pic!! Apart from facing different ways! LoL i just find it strange!! They even both have their hands up waving lol! So im asking u u think u see any differences regarding skull/nub theories?

The first pic is Brandons scan, the second is this babies!! xxxxxx


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Beauty - Yep, sex - go for it! There is no reason why not :D Hope you are your new little bean are getting on well!

kbkb - EGGPLANT!! :happydance: yep, better get to know and love this eggplant - got a few weeks with it :D (what is next??)

Steph - ah they do look similar don't they!! It's amazing how they can look so alike isn't it - I was comparing scan pics of DS and this baby and they have the exact same profile!! I do still think this baby for you is a girl though - is that a nub? I can't see a nub in Brandon's one, but their profiles are very similiar!!

So the babyshow was FAB!! So much fun!! I am now considering reusable nappies though...They just look so cute - haha, stuff the environment!! So i'm going to look into it and see. We got a couple of sample ones to try on DS - so we have put it to the test tonight. They are so soft, but I just can't see how it's going to hold all his wee and keep him dry?? We'll see in the morning I guess.

There was so many things to look at, so many baby gadgets and ideas for things - it would have been so easy to go crazy buying things!

I have lots of new things that i've added to "the list" now though, so as soon as we know the sex I will commence buying :happydance:

x x x x x

Aww smiley, glad to hear the show was good. would have liked to have gone. I think I would have gone mad though! How did the nappies go? We have been given a load of reusable ones - they are very cute, but i will be interested in seeing how you found them.

Beauty - how you feeling? go for the sex if you feel like it :)

Kbkb- happy egg plant :) so excited for you :) Yeah I must start doing more pelvic exercises -im sure they will help in the long run.

ps..eeek im a sweet potato!

Certain - Well i'm still undecided about the nappies, going to give it another try tonight before I can say if I like them or not. They do hold a lot and there weren't any leaks, but OH changed him this morning and didn't really take many notes as to whether DS felt wet or was it still comfortable etc. So, i'll give it a good testing in the morning and let u know!

Congrats on your little sweet potato!

Oh yeah, the kegals.... I really need to remember to do those! I didn't really do any last time. I didn't have any probs, but I think I got lucky, so need to make sure I do this time!! Might have to set some kegal alerts on my phone :haha:

Eeeeeekkk less than a week till my scan!! :happydance: x x x
Eeeeek, just made my first baby purchase(s) :happydance: A sleepy wrap and a miracle blanket!!! Sooo exciting!!

x x x x
Hey ladies!!

Smiley - thats fab the baby event was so good! Wot kinda things did u add to ur list? Ive never trier reusable nappies...have uz decidef whether uz like them or not! Tbh...i have never looked into it! Wot do u do when LO poos? Jst put it in the washin machine? Or do u need to scrape the poo out first? Lol that sounds like such a silly question!

It really isnt long til ur scan at all!!!! How exciting! Are u gettin all impatient? I still have 18 days left til our scan!

And wooo hoooo on the baby purchases! Im not sure what a miracle blanket is...i shall google!!

Certain - happy sweet potato!! Lol i never did any kegels last time!! I jst never remembered! And so far ive been unsuccessful in remembering this time either!! Lol!!

Happy Sweet Potato-ness, Certain!!!

Smiley- the baby show sounds like real fun....Sorry I was going to ask you the exact same Q as Steph :haha: What's a miracle blanket and how do you clean re-usable nappies? Also wanted to know, did you use cloth nappies when DS was very little like, just after birth. I'm terrified of putting the commercial ones on an infant, i keep thinking will it hurt them?
and :dance: for your scan!!!! how exciting!

Steph- Totally :pink: vibe for me too....this one's a Diva!!! I agree with smiley !

Ooh, 100 days to go.....i'm going to be down to double digits tomorrow! How close is that, huh?? I think even lesser cos my mum delivered me and my brother 1-2 weeks early...
Morning my fave preggo ladies!!

How are we all?

Ok, so - the reusable's - No, you don't have to shake any poo out, or do anything. (you can if u want to) You just lob it all in the washer and it takes care of itself. You store them in some sort of container with tea tree oil (I think that's the right oil) and that gets rid of any smell. Then when you have a bit of a collection you just put them in the machine and ta daaaaa.

They are so much softer and so much kinder to babies bum than the regular ones. So that is def a bonus, and they also look SO CUTE!! So great on a little baby!

With these particular ones I tried, I probably wouldn't invest in these. They didn't leak at all (which is amazing, all DS's nappies leak overnight) but his bum just felt as if it was wet and I can't imagine it was comfortable laying in a clammy nappy all night.

There are LOADS of different types, I am absolutely boggled by them all. (some with liners you throw away, some with liners you take out, some without liners, some with a waterproof top layer etc etc) So I think if you are considering it it's just a case of trial and error as to which ones you and baby prefer.

I'm not sure if I am going to, maybe I will get some in addition to the disposables - it would be nice to give baby's bum a break and a nice soft nappy to sit in :D

Ok - that's my review done!

Oh and a miracle blanket is an amazing blanket for swaddling!! It just makes sure baby can't wriggle out of it and they are kept all snug and swaddled - Google it - it's cute.

Anyway - HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Here are some cakes I made last night :D

x x x x x


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