Beauty - Good luck for you appointment and scan today, can't wait to hear about it!!
kbkb - it's nice that you get that growth scan though, is there a reason you are having it or is it standard to have one? We don't get any scans after the 20 week one, unless you are looking like baby is too big or small! Or, like me, had a monster baby last time and looks like it might be heading the same way this time
Steph - Ahhhh, I would be so sad if my best friend moved, it would be bitter sweet. I'd obviously be very happy for her though, what an amazing move!! And yes, Skype is fantastic

It is good timing for you with the new baby as well, will def keep you busy!
Certain - Oh, the flu jab. I keep thinking about having it, but I don't think I am going to. Just keep thinking that I wont need it, i've never really had proper flu (or if I have it was so long ago I can't remember) - and it's just not registering that I need to get a jab to be protected from it

I don't know!!
AFM - Well I have managed to keep the secret for a whole 24 hours now

Go me!! It's difficult, cuz I want to tell everyone as i'm so excited. I also want to tell everyone so they stop thinking "it could be a girl" - but then I don't want to tell anyone as I want it to be a surprise - tough call. Maybe i'll just start dropping considerable - i'm sure it's a boy hints!
The great name debate has also commenced - ARGHHH!! I want to pull my hair out already!!! x x x x