Hi Girls,
How are you all? I see no babies have arrived...fx they will appear soon
Smiley - hope you enjoy your ds free weekend
will be strange im sure! your bump is gorgeous!
Steph - love the bump - not long now i reckon!
Hoping - so sorry you are ill
keep the fluids up
fx you can move the scan
Sorry I havent been popping in as much - my time is no longer my own!!
things have been up and down which im sure is normal. She is a gorgeous baby and she will happily sleep in her basket during the day but come the night she will only sleep on us!! Rather frustrating and feeling extremely tired! Any tips ladies?
As i mentioned before we had a few issues with bf - i have pretty flat nipples (TMI)so she couldnt latch on
I had to hand express and top up with formula for the first night, it was very frustrating and tiring! Then on the next day an amazing mw suggested nipple shields and with those we were able to get a latch
so now she is feeding like a trooper! Every 2-3 hours for at least 25mins! very rewarding but tiring too
so far we have had no luck without the shields but we will see when she gets a bit bigger - it does make things a bit more complicated and not looking forward to trying to do it in public! I am planning on expressing soon so that DH can do a bottle at niight and also possibly for when we are out and about.
The c section was fine (well, i was asleep
) and it was lovely coming around to see DH and baby girl. It is pretty hazy for the first bit but got to hold her pretty quickly. The pain wasnt too bad as I had strong painkillers
they had to keep me in recovery overnight because my BP went really high (160/102 at one point) and they were worried i may have pre e (apparently it can come after birth!?) so that was a shame but i think it was better than the ward. On day 2 i went to the ward, they were supposed to check it 4 hrly but they didnt. The ward was ok, but the mw are so busy and a mixed bunch! getting out of bed was hard the first few times but the pain was not too bad at all and im pretty much back to normal movement now (although no lifting
) so thats great. The 2nd night was just hell!! Eleanor had really bad wind etc from the fluid in her belly and just wouldnt stop crying
it was so hard and the mw were so mean to me. I got no sleep at all so was exhausted as that was 2 nights without..anyway the next day i begged to go home and was allowed to
such a relief. We are now using infacol which is great!!
So anyway we are getting there and Im trying to sleep as much as i can...she is making nom nom noises now so time for a feed..!