Smoking question!

2nd time mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2008
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That is now over 17 weeks I have been off the ciggies and at the moment I don't know what is going on but am absolutely desperate for one, although I am resisting.

I know that there were quiet a few of us before who were all trying to stop/cut back and was curious to know how did everyone get on

I quit my 30 a day habit dead, cold turkey, 2 days after i found out i was preggo 33 weeks ago and i am still gagging for a fag lol. I even think one of my cravings is for a ciggarette. I can't wait to have the baby, finish breast feeding and have a ciggarette, ahhhhh bliss :) xx
I smoked about 20 a day when i got my BFP, I also went cold turkey day after, was quite easy at the beginning with MS but i must admit ive struggled a lot lately, I can see me nipping out for one 10 mins after giving birth :blush: I wanted to stay quit now i gone 9 months but we will see, hopefully its just a passing phase! xxx
I smoked 15 a day but went cold turkey a few days after I found out i was preg. Im so terrible i have a pack of 20 in my hospital bag for after the birth, my Oh even gave up but has been stop starting, but we will see ill probley pull a whitey on the first fag i have lmao
I quit mine dead. best not to go back if youve had a break from them.
For one thing it will make you feel rotten. It only takes 48 hours for the nicotine to be out of your system... and most of the toxins. try not to go back now.. it is worth it.
I am the same. I quit the day I found out I was pregnant ! I hated even the smell. But now I have a slight want for one.

I said to my OH the other day i wanted a cig but knew I can't have one. We have a smoke free home now which I am happy about ( OH isnt in the rain ). But know its best but understand what your saying I am missing it now again especially after a meal but will never smoke again !!!
i quit cold turkey on new years eve, to be honest it hasnt really bothered me, my midwife said there are danger times. 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months and 3 years, she didnt have a clue why but just said that thats when people tend to lapse
I quit cold turkey 10 years ago and still crave them badly. It is a forever battle but I want to stay off them and never go back. I know once I take that one puff I will be hooked again so i won't even dare one puff at all. Good luck girls
I smoked maybe 10-15 a day. I smoked for about a week after I found out I was pregnant but I was always just finishing my husbands cigs...last few puffs. Then they started making me sick so I haven't since. I've craved a few times buy not a lot.
Just to give some ladies some hope...I used to smoke, not a really heavy smoker, but an everyday smoker...half pack? Quit about 6 years ago...then after a couple of years started socially smoking...this increased from once a month or two to eventually I was finding a reason to go out drinking or to a smoking friends to visit so I could have one every day, every second day. 2 years ago I went out new years...and had my last smoke. I had no clue, but a month later went out drinking again and my body TOTALLY REJECTED it...couldn't even have one puff...thought I would puke! So strange...really missed it for another few months when I'd go out, but eventually I've got no cravings really you can get totally over it!! It won't always be a struggle I promise...but once you stop, try not to go back, be proud of yourselves for quitting this long! It'll get better....really!
hey girls i just wanna say well done to you all!! :wohoo:i was a very heavy smoker 30+ a day when i used to work in a pub (before the ban came in) and managed to stop but eventually started again but managed to cut back to about 15-20 ish when i changed jobs. i went into hospital around this time last year witha very serious asthma attack and obviously they didnt let me smoke (not that i wanted to the first few days i was in!) i came out just over a week later and managed not to smoke again!! i still do crave every now and then but i feel so much healthier for it and keep thinking how much better my baby is going to be for it and my bank balance!!!

try to keep up the will power ladies even after your lo's arrive...if you think you're gonna go back go speak to your gp about getting some tablets prescribed for after the mum used them to stop and she has absolutely no will power at all......

well done again ladies :hugs:


Oh I miss my menthols:cry: Went straight to cold turkey as soon as I found out I was pregnant and feel so good for it!! Despite the craving I will not be returning, esp at the price they are now and it's so nice not to smell!!
I quit about 3 months before I got pregnant, and sometimes I get cravings.... but for me it was very easy to quit. I think I was lucky that way.
When my dad passed away (I was 3 months pregnant) I had 2 cigarettes at his funeral. I didn't care, and no one was going to try to stop me. You know what? They tasted SO GROSS!!! I'm done, and I don't plan on starting again once I give birth.

Stay strong honey, don't do it!! If anytime to quit is good, now is the best!!!

Good luck

I am so glad I am not the only one! I was beginning to feel guilty about wanting one and was beginning to wonder if it was a slight craving! Every comment from you all is so true how it's not worth it, my sense of smell is back and my house smells so much better for it, the cost is absolutely shocking (almost £6 now for 20!), and I so hope once baby is here I can remain strong.

Thanks everybody. We will all have to keep strong for each other!
I quit cold turkey back in July when I first found out I was pregnant. I held out my entire pregnancy as the guilt would have just killed me, the baby was really all that kept me from smoking. Near the end I just kept it in my mind that it wouldn't be long before I could have one.

I find that even though I crave badly now, she continues to keep me from smoking. Also, lots of people are always around- family, friends, boyfriend- and some of them would go nuts if I picked up smoking (mainly our families) so if I want to smoke I have to do it when I'm home alone.. get a baby monitor, take it outside with me, hope that neighbour doesn't see me because he would tell my dad, lol.. even though I'm an adult and it's legal for me to smoke, I would still get the lectures about it, etc. so yeah :)
Oh also, I'm so afraid that since it's been so long I will start hacking and coughing while trying to finish my cigarette and look like an idiot.. it helps me not do it :)

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