'Sniff' 'Rant' 'Sniff'


Fairy Godmother - really!
Nov 30, 2007
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Hi everyone,

I said I was taking a break to finish my Uni work and am still being a good girl and studying hard. However, I've just heard something that has completely thrown me off balance and need to share.

I know it's not my place to judge others, but sometimes it can't be helped.

My sister-in-law (38 yrs) is 10 weeks pregnant and has just flown to New Zealand from the UK for a holiday with her husband. We've just received a text to say that she is currently enjoying a tandem paraglide!

I'm shocked, honestly. All I can think of is that here I am trying my hardest to conceive (with no luck) and someone very close to me is taking what I consider are unnecessary risks. Actually, I'm more disgusted than shocked. I worried about her flying the 23 hour journey, never mind her practicing high risk sports. I realise I'm being judgmental and that it's her decision, but can't help thinking that I wouldn't dream of chancing it. God, I hope she is all right ... you just never know. I won't tell you what my husband (her brother) said ... he won't even answer the text. He did comment that he wouldn't dream of standing by and watching me do such a dangerous sport ... and I love them. My attitude is that it's only 9 months out of your life to support and nurture another little human being that only has one shot at their 9 months in the womb. What happened to duty of care?

Rant, rant, puff, pant, rant.

Thanks for letting me share.
sorry to hear that hun. Some people just don't really understand how hard some people try to conceive and get nowhere because they are just able to get pregnant pretty much when they like without a problem. Hope you start getting some more luck :)
friends of mine have flown during there pregnancies... one miscarried at 12weeks after having flown and she felt really bad about it.

Personally, and we are all entitled to our own opinion, i definitely would NOT risk flying or doing anything dangerous whilst pregnant - my baby would be just TOO precious to me to risk. (when i am blessed with a baby that is)

its okay to rant tish - we are always here to listen hun xxx :hug:
OMG - how could she even consider doing that - that's just stupid - did the company they're doing it with know about the pg cos they shouldn't have allowed her to do it.

Some people just do not realise how precious their little bump is. Unfortunately I know a few of them :hugs:
Thanks for that.

I'm trying to rationalize it and think it would affect me anyhow to hear about her doing this, whether I was trying myself to conceive or not. It's obviously a little more meaningful to me though because I am.

I also flew as cabin crew for 10 years so know that flying is perfectly fine under most circumstances. I do know however that IF there was going to be any risk, it would be in the first and third trimesters and that asking for your doctors advice relating to you own personal circumstances is best. My SIL had never been on a longhaul flight before and booked the journey after she found out she was pregnant. The journey was not necessary, but she seems to want to carry on like normal. She also drinks but again this is her own decision. I can't help but criticize her in my own mind and really feel annoyed at myself for feeling this way.

I am sure it is accentuated by the fact I would love to be pregnant. I got so excited when she told me she was expecting baby number 2 and now I just think she is a little bit reckless. It actually took her 6 months to conceive too and they had just given up trying when they succeeded. It's all a bit confusing and I'm not going to dwell on it anymore. I just needed to share it with someone as I wouldn't dream of saying anything to her ... I love her too much and would not want to upset either herself or her husband.
Mmm! Jolyn, I can't imagine the company would have known ... although she has a little bump already but is a little bit squiggy around her middle. She won't have told them I know that as she didn't want to tell the airline.

I wanted to get her an upgrade because she was flying with my old company and I could have arranged it. But I told her she would have to tell them she was pregnant as they have a policy not to sit pregnant people next to the emergency exits (long reason why so I won't go into it but it's safety related). I could not risk getting them upgraded and have them find out she was pregnant after sitting her in one of these seats as my name of course would be linked to hers and I could get into trouble (very strict airline). Anyhow, she said she didn't want them to know, so she's obviously trying to hide it from everyone. Tell you what though, her insurance policy most certainly won't cover her and that's for certain. She is very silly.
Hi Tishi,

just wanted to say i totally understand what you're saying. When i was pg i was even careful crossing the street, lol, let alone paragliding- are you frigging kidding me????

rest assured when i get pg again i will be super careful as i dont want to lose something so precious and something i long for so much.

Im with you missy. Crazy people!!!

:hug:, Omi
aw hun that must have really peed u off!!! I dont blame u for ranting!

Has anyone said anything to her?xx
The only person with her at the moment whilst they are so far away on holiday is her husband and it is him who sent the text to my husband. Not sure if he has said anything, but I guess we will find out when they come back home and 'tell us all about their wonderful experience'.

I'm still bubbling you know. I keep thinking ... would they let their 5 year old be put is a comparative risky situation (obviously not paragliding)? I already know the answer is no, so wonder why all the risks when pregnant as it just doesn't make sense.

Goodness me, I'm must stop bubbling but it's the combination of drinking, a 23 hour flight (when she has never flown longhaul before) and paragliding. What next .... a bungy? Ahhhhh!
Ok, I feel I need to comment here, and will likely get shot down in flames/stoned for this BUT .....

I paraglide, I will be paragliding week after next in the Alps, flying at over glaciers 1km up, whether this is 'my' month or not.
When pregnant. I will also continue to ride, sail etc. I will make decisions based on fact, how I feel and the situation.
Have any of you ever paraglided? Do you know what's involved? Do you know what part of the sport could be dangerous? Do you simply presume the because its high up and under what looks like a glorified parashoot it MUST be dangerous?

At 10 weeks paragliding is not dangerous to the foetus, tandems aren't particularly dangerous at all, if the wing should collapse, its designed to re-inflate and continue straight and level flight, should it get badly tangled (a cravat) the harness contains a parashoot.
Coming in to land is like stepping off a kerb, the pilot handles it, you just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Tish - please do not take this the wrong way, I do understand your rant, I am simply trying to provide perspective on the activity undertaken.

Anyone who is genuinely interested in paragliding, what it takes and why I am confident to say that its safe, feel free to PM me, If you want to take a pop at my views, I'm not interested.
Hi there Tishi! I do understand how you feel and you are right to have a rant and get it off your chest. But on the other hand, I have also paraglided and it was really probably safer than trying to cross a busy road! I was also in tandem - which means that you just sit there and enjoy the view, while an experienced paraglider takes care of your safety and actually controls the paraglider. My "flight" was all of 4 minutes long. I wasn't pregnant, but I don't think it would stop me if I was (not that I'll be doing it again soon - I think it was a bit of a rip-off actually!) :hugs:
:hug: I understand how you feel - Although trampolining is not as dangerous as paraglding once I find out I am pg I plan not to get on the trampolinine. I teach thsi so it will mean finding now ways of teaching the moves, but I am not gonna take the risk for my unborn
Yeah i think its totally up to the indvidual but i have been on holiday early on in my two pregnancies iand i didnt feel like i was putting my unborn baby at risk, as it is perfectly safe to fly until you are at least 7 1/2 month depending on airline and distance!!!!!!!!
Paragliding is a safe sport i dont think the lady involved would participate if she thought it wasnt. Sometimes its not a good thing to be wrapped up in cotton wool.
Well, I'm not sniffing or ranting any more and am happy to say that my sister-in-law is back on terra firma. Although she threw up for 5 hours afterwards so her husband told us ... but she says she has the worst morning sickness ever. Poor thing. I'm just happy she is OK. Her husband is absolutely livid with her though ... but not sure if it's because she took part in a high risk sport and breached their insurance policy or because he had to hold her handbag while she did it. :laugh2:
:rofl: :rofl: Most likely the latter!!!!Glad you're feeling better about it all! :hugs:

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