So confused!
Hi Everyone,
I am really confused about which treatment would suit me (I have no children).
My partner has had a vasectomy (years before I met him) and he has two children, so we can not have a child in the expected way.
I went to my doc to see if I could have treatment, he told me I had NO CHANCE, as my partner has had a vasectomy & has two children??? I asked him why would I be penalised for something that had nothing to do with me! ( sorry im still angry about this).
I told my doc that I wanted him to send a letter to the hospital for referal on the NHS anyway, he was reluctant but I more or less pleaded with him.
3 weeks later I got an appointment through for NHS, but its only a consultation, even though my spirits were lifted by this letter I also know they could turn me down.
So - we have a back-up plan of going private, BUT- im not sure which treatment is best for me, im not sure if my partner would qualify for sperm retrieval as he has high blood pressure, high cholestrol & asthma.
So do I go for donor sperm, do I not nessessarily need IVF.
I have also thought about egg sharing whether I get treatment on the NHS or private, but I dont know much about it.
Does anyone know if us women can egg share more than once? or on two seperate occasions?
I am 33ys I am a bit over weight but im trying to lose weight before my appointment on 28th Dec 2011, plus I have stopped smoking & drinking.
Many thanks,
Hi Everyone,
I am really confused about which treatment would suit me (I have no children).
My partner has had a vasectomy (years before I met him) and he has two children, so we can not have a child in the expected way.
I went to my doc to see if I could have treatment, he told me I had NO CHANCE, as my partner has had a vasectomy & has two children??? I asked him why would I be penalised for something that had nothing to do with me! ( sorry im still angry about this).
I told my doc that I wanted him to send a letter to the hospital for referal on the NHS anyway, he was reluctant but I more or less pleaded with him.
3 weeks later I got an appointment through for NHS, but its only a consultation, even though my spirits were lifted by this letter I also know they could turn me down.
So - we have a back-up plan of going private, BUT- im not sure which treatment is best for me, im not sure if my partner would qualify for sperm retrieval as he has high blood pressure, high cholestrol & asthma.
So do I go for donor sperm, do I not nessessarily need IVF.
I have also thought about egg sharing whether I get treatment on the NHS or private, but I dont know much about it.
Does anyone know if us women can egg share more than once? or on two seperate occasions?
I am 33ys I am a bit over weight but im trying to lose weight before my appointment on 28th Dec 2011, plus I have stopped smoking & drinking.
Many thanks,