Ds2 is 17weeks old. He is breastfed and normally only poops twice a week. Two weeks ago he started having diarrhoea, runny yellow poop. As the days have gone on it have become more and more green, and now its very snotty and green and still happening about 6 times a day! He has been quite congested from birth and his chest can sound rattly at times.
We've been back and forth to the doctors and are waiting for the results of a stool sample but the Dr and I are starting to think its not a bug as there are no other symptoms. He is otherwise happy and healthy apart from when he is having tummy cramps.
Also looked into over supply (breast milk) but I don't think its that either.
Any ideas?!
We've been back and forth to the doctors and are waiting for the results of a stool sample but the Dr and I are starting to think its not a bug as there are no other symptoms. He is otherwise happy and healthy apart from when he is having tummy cramps.
Also looked into over supply (breast milk) but I don't think its that either.
Any ideas?!