so my 13 year old niece has got the implant :/

this is a really difficult situation :hugs:

I just hope the dr who put the implant in for her took the time to educate her, in that it only helps prevent pregnancy but she is still open to STI's

It is really upsetting that children as young at 13 years old are having sex, they grow up too quickly and i think this has alot to do with media etc

I am also very surprised that the dr hasn't reported this to the police themselves, there role would be to educate her and during this she would have surely been ask about her partner etc therefore the dr should be aware of the partners age, if the dr is then he/she has a legal obligation to call the police for the protection of a minor
her dad popped in for a suprise visit yesterday and she has completely cut him out of her life :( so basicly she has disowned all of this side of the family it looks like, so now i know this i will take a walk down to the police station tomorow and give them the information that i know as he is sick for sleeping with a 13 year old, i remember something she said to me last night, which she said when i saw her last (about 2 or 3 months ago) 'kim if i let a man have sex with me can i still get him into trouble' as i had taken her and my mums OH's daughter to the fair and i thought i should have a 'girly talk' and try to inform them (the other girl is 15 but a bit behind mentally say like a 13 yr old...) and thats when she asked.

but when i go tomorow what do i say cause all i have are the facebook profiles...
Least she's using some some sort of contraception, better than nothing. She'll learn the hard way.
Its worth going to the police to try but I'm not sure they'll do anything unless she admits it! Something seriously wrong with a 19 year old wanting to be with a 13 year old!! xxx
I agree that the implant is the best idea, I think
I'm gona get it in not for pregnancy though lol
but partly that. ANYHOW! She is under 16, he is an adult plus usually they give a ley way
of a year or two, e.g 15 and 17. But this is a huge age gap and she seems really messed up. The police is a good idea because of her and his age and the age gap they should investigate. Good luck!xx
She may be using contraception but its statutory rape, correct me if im wrong.

If it was a relation of mine, i would call the police.

Why the hell would a 19 year old want to be having sex with a 13 year old??

Its disgusting.


V xxxx
I'm glad she's got the implant to be honest. I would definitely be worried about this guys intentions, he may even be abusive, who knows, and she's far to young to know what a healthy relationship is like.

Any guy that age who would sleep with a 13 year old child is a pedophile and sick in my books. Who knows what he's doing to her.
im sorry but regardless of what she looks like she is 13! 13 FFS still a child in EVERY sense of the word

i cannot believe that none of her family members have reported this paedophile (and thats what he is) to the police

while i do agree with preventing pregnancy the implant should in no way be the extent of the help this girl recieves

its abuse, plain and simple and just because she is starting to look more adult like do not does not mean she is mentally anywhere close to being one.

please please please contact either the police or social services - you dont have to have proof, they will investigate EVERY allegation x
My cousin went on the pill @ 12, her boyfriend was 18 at the time.

Alot of people I went to school with started taking the pill at 12/13.
The contraception is probably a blessing in disguise but from the things you have described I would want to call social services as she sounds very at risk.

If her mother is unaffectionate and they all have some kind of mental issues then they are perhaps not as protected as they should be.

Maybe they all need some kind of help. Her mother doesn't sound completely uncaring, she has taken steps to make sure her daughter won't get pregnant even though she has left her open to abuse and STI's.

Because I don't care how mature she looks or how much attitude she has or how many girls have sex younger than 16, she is still a 13 year old child having sex with a man. He might be an immature 19 but he is an adult and she is a child and if he had anything about him he wouldn't have looked twice at her or gone near her with a bargepole once he knew she was only 13.

If her mother either can't see this or feels she can't stop it then perhaps she needs help too. And your neice needs someone looking out for her that she can't brush off the way she has tried to brush off her family.

At times in your post I was confused as to if you were quoting her or her mother but either way this is a situation that would concern me enough to report it if this were my neice.

I hope you can do something to help keep her safe. :hugs:
this is so wrong! my mum allowed me get the implant when i was 18, had been with by 19 year old bf for 2 years! from her behaviour it is clear that she is a child in an adults body. so sad :nope: tbh i don't think giving her the implant was the worst idea because her ending up pregnant when she's not ready would be awful but this girl clearly needs more help than that
yeah she dosent try to hide it shes got her age on her face book
If you went to the police it would be anonymous and none of your family would ever know it was you that said something :shrug:
Oh my :nope:

Sorry I know its been said already but that 19 yr old needs a reality check!
Whats wrong with choosing people his own age fgs :shrug:

Will people in this world ever realize things a law for a reason or what :( ?

I've had a similar experience in my family except my family member was 12 and her boyfriend was 16, almost 17 :confused:

What happened when her mum found out is: her mum took away her mobile phone and internet access and grounded her until she's 18 or until she can be proven trustworthy. Her mum drops her to school and picks her up. Her mum is not a SAHM and had to arrange with her boss to use her lunch break as two 30 min slots to be able to drop her off and pick her up.

It was hard at the start, the girl rebelled etc and the mum even had police round to talk to the girl about anti-social behaviour and also the mum and step dad went to speak to the boyfriends parents (who were clueless and didn't seem to care anyway!).

Now, nearly a year later, after LOTS of tears, apologies, arguements and forgivings, the girl has earned some trust, is able to have friends round, go shopping with her cousin and walk to and from school with her friends but still is not allowed a phone or internet and she doesn't speak to the boy anymore or have a new boyfriend.

Sorry about the novel! If it doesn't make sense it's coz I'm tired :haha:
thats insane, I agree, can you report him?

but also I think its good shes on BC
I think it's a good thing she is on birth control.

She is clearly not ready to be a parent.

I totally agree that you should report him and the situation the the police. She sounds like she needs some kind of counselling and he is a pedophile TBH, 13 is a child. I am 20 right now and looking at old pictures of guys I thought were cute when I was like 13 makes me think "WOAH we were so young!!" -- and even if physical maturity IS there, the emotional/mental maturity is not.

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