So scared at the moment


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Dec 30, 2010
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Hey all

I am new to this forum. I am hoping you can give me some hope and reassurance. I am not a newbie to the experience of having a prem baby. My eldest boy who is now 8 was born at 31+2 due to me having severe pre-eclampsia, after he was born I had an eclamptic fit which caused me to have a mini stroke and put me in a coma for 6 days. I was tranferred away from my baby boy and taken to ICU in a neurology centre. Fully recovered thankfully.

5 years later I was pregnant after 5 mc's with our second boy (new father) Was given 80% chance of developing pre-eclampsia again but I didnt. However, I bled alot during this pregnancy from week 5 to week 20. Then my waters leaked from 30 weeks onwards back n forth to the hospital he was eventually born full term at 38 weeks.

I had stupidly got it into my head that this pregnancy will also go to term. It hasnt been an easy pregnany. I had the odd days of bleeding early on. Hyperemesis from week 4 and its still here to this day and SPD and Rib Flare kicked in around 18 weeks so have been very immobile.

Despite this, I have been having growth scans and all of them point to a large baby, last scan was at 32 weeks and he was est at 4lbs 13 which is a huge weight off my mind. However, I have too much fluid. GTT came back clear though and I am awaiting blood results because I recently started to vomit blood each morning with my usual sickness.

Thurs before christmas I got what I thought was a tummy bug. Boxing day my braxton hicks became more regular but i put this down to still having the runs. it wasnt until Tues morning I realise baby had bn quiet i rung the ward who got me in and put me on a monitor which revealed I was in labour. I was contracting pretty big every 5-10 minutes. Queue panic, within minutes I had been transferred to labour wards, first steroid jab given (was 33+1 at this point) and was also given 4 doses of nefidipine 15 minutes apart. Contractions carried on for a while but did eventually settle to every 20-30 mins. They got me settled in a room on antenatel ward and kept the nefidipine going until 8am wed morning. By 11pm Tues night I was getting contractions 1 in every hour and was a lot more settled. I had the second steroid jab at 3am, 12 hours later.

For now labour has stopped. I got home late last night but no instructions to rest or anything. I feel like Ive beenhit by a truck today though and the reality has hit me. My consultant came to see me yesterday morning and told me I wont make it to term this time and it scares the crap out of me. I have 2 boys at home how will we cope with a preemie? When my first was born I could focus on him and him alone as I didnt have anymore children then.

Added to the fact my body has yet again failed to do its job! Consultant seems confident hes a good weight now around 5lbs and may not even need special care and I am hoping to get to 34/35 weeks before it all kicks off again. The fluid level is what caused it we think, but I also have a split uterus so it could be that.

Just really frightened. Did anyone have a baby born around this time and not have to do the whole special care thing?
Niamh was born at 35+4 and only went into special care for severe jaundice, before that she was on the ward with me. I hope you can keep baby cooking for longer :hugs:
I had my girls at 29 weeks. My friend had her twins at 33 weeks and they spent 2 weeks in hospital and were home at just 35 weeks. My girls came home at 33 weeks after spending 4 weeks in NNU. Hope you make it to term or nearer to.
I had my LO at 33+5 and we spent nearly 3 weeks in NICU. You are already further on than this though and have had the steroid injections so it is all looking positive. I hope that you mange to hang on a little longer and can bring your baby home with you. x
olly was born at exactly 34 weeks on the dot, he was 4 lb 8oz. He was in scbu for 1 day to monitor him while I was on a ward downstairs and then we both got transfered to a transitional care ward where the MW help with feeding it. we were in the hospital because he developed jaundice and so we were in there for 2.5 weeks in total, but he had to put on weight and be feeding totally from me ( bottle or breast) so it took a while to get all 3 things sorted.
Hope all goes well for you, fingers crossed you go to term xx
A friend of my Dad's had a baby at 34 weeks the other year (and hadn't had the steroid jabs) and the little girl didn't need any special care at all and went home with her Mum the same day. Hope this helps x
I had my lo at 34+. She was 5.2 and home after a wk. She spent 5 days in nicu and 2on the ward before we were discharged

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