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SO SO UPSET! Please Read This..


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
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So, a few weeks ago I got a call from the Children's Aid Society..
They said that someone had made an "annonymous" call saying that I had a substance abuse problem.. I was so furious, I have never taken any other drugs other than smoking a little bit of weed and that was 2+ years ago !
They said it's "voluntary" to talk to them, I was so scared and just shocked at the moment that they even called me that I said I will call you back, but I didn't know if i wanted to meet with them at all..
So, my at home nurse comes over yesterday she is from the health unit, just someone that teaches us about pregnancy etc.. Nothing to do with Childrens Aid.
She says that Childrens Aid has sent out a "birth alert" on us, and the hospital is to contact them when we have the baby. It also said the reasons were "marijuana use" and "hygiene issues".. WHAT THE HELL..
Like i said i have not used marijuana in a LONG time, and my house if perfectly spotless all the time, we have her nursery all set up almost. I have never been a "dirty person"..

So me and my boyfriend have decided to call them back and set up a meeting with them just so they can see our apartment and everything..
My boyfriend dosen't smoke in the house because i won't let him, our house is SO so clean. And as for me, I don't have any personal hygiene issues? LOL..
I shower everyday (obviously) and take care of myself..
I am furious that someone even decided to make this call, it's rediculous..

I'm really upset, but i have nothing to hide, they can drug test me whatever they want, it's just upsetting :(

Has this happened to anyone else? Or anything like it?
Thanks ladies, Im at school and have to get the bus or i'd write more.
Will check back in tomorrow

Ive.never had this, but its obviously someone reporting to get to you/hurt you. Call them.back, and set up a.meeting for sure! Sorry your.going through this :hugs:
God that's awful hun :hugs: I haven't been through anything like this before, but like you said you have nothing to hide, so just show them that and they'll see :) I'm sure everything will be ok <3
Oh my god people are absolutely effing despicable! I can't believe someone would do that. I hope this gets sorted out! Soon! :hugs:
that is terrible... i would also make an app with your own doctor not theres for a drug test asap and gived it to them to prove you have nothing in your system just to get them out of your lives asap

if you let them use there you dont know what will happen
I see you are in Canada. How old are you? Personally I think its appalling, and they should mind their own business. Can they even do that? Like, I work in childcare and I see children daily going home to households they should NOT be going back to (obvious alcohol abuse, and drugs like meth, crack). SO THE F*&K WHAT if you smoke pot??!! (Obviously not while pregnant, or nursing, of course, or around your child) But sersiously. Don't they have bigger fish to fry?
This chaps my ass, because I got pregnant with my first when I was 19, and now I am 24 and we are expecting our second. I am, and always have been, a better mother than most 30-35 year old mothers I know. Its like they decide to pick on us because we are young.
It may be different as I'm in uk but are these like social services? To be honest where I live lots of young girls have babies and other girls get jealous or just pure b*tches ring and make these fake accusations! I had someone ring and say I gave my daughter a black eye,l and that I take her out late at night LOL just pure crap I told them to come round the next day and hey ho proved that everything that was said was complete crap! My friend also had someone ring and say she's a drug dealer lol! She was just a young mum, it's mad what some people do just to destroy your happiness, I had an idea who said it about me so told them and proved them wrong, that's all you can do hun is prove them wrong there's some nasty people out there who can't stand other people being happy :hugs: x
Hey beth, I am 19.. Going to be 20 this year ! It is very appalling ! I don't even smoke pot, sure I did a bit when I was younger but haven't in almost 2 years !
My boyfriend smokes a little bit, but in my opinion they should be looking for bigger things (crack, coke, meth) like you said! And dirty homes, neglect etc..
My house is always spotless (not perfect, but nobody's is eh?) Haha..
But we have done everything for this baby!
She has a nursery, tons of clothes, diapers etc..

I called the other day to have a meeting so they can my house and such, because I definatley want this cleared up before she's here, because I DO NOT want them at the hospital.. Ruining my first moments/days with my baby girl..
Ugh ! So frustrating..

Meg- I think that's exactly what this is ! Someone calling over jelousy, which is bullshit !
I shouldn't be going thru this in the first place :( I've done evthing for my baby girl and we love her so much.

Thanks ladies<3 your the best
Forgot to mention..
My fiance does not smoke in the house at all, we have a spot outside.. I told him from the beginning I didn't want any smoke in our new apartment at all!
Forgot to mention..
My fiance does not smoke in the house at all, we have a spot outside.. I told him from the beginning I didn't want any smoke in our new apartment at all!

well he needs that to be far away from the house incase a surprise visit...
good luck hun

you guys are in my thoughts
Some people are just plain evil. The worst part to me is usually GOOD families are targeted with false allegations while truly abusive families are never reported - it's sad. :nope:
Wow, i am so sorry to hear that! I can't believe someone would do something like that. Maybe its jealousy or something. But they took it to the extreme. I really hope everything gos well for you and your family to be. This is one of the best moments in life and people are trying to ruin it for you!how sad, dont let them get to you. You deserve better!My prayers and thoughts are with you!
Thats terrible, sorry you have to deal with this stress. But you have nothing to worry about, jus show them you have nothing to hide and they will leave you the hell alone.

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