Some people are so rude!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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This old man was so bloody rude.

I got on the bus and a guy sat in pram space he got on same place as me. When i got on i ask him can i get the pram in there please. He tries to shuffle over and when he realized wasnt enough room for pram he got up sat in seat oppiste and said *these people with bloody pushchairs* so i said *excuse me* he said *nothing* then i said *we have just as much right to be on here* then he goes *dont annoy me* then i said *well dont annoy me and have some respect. He didnt know where to loo then. Then funny part is when he was by doors to get off summer shouting *is that silly man getting off* lmao
Old people drive me crazy. They feel they have the right to respect etc and in a way they do but they still have to give it back in return and earn the respect.

They can't be rude and get away with murder. If the 'youth of today' do it, old people go crazy but if we go crazy because they are being obnoxious jerks we have no respect etc.

exactly. I have no problem with young middle age or old as long as i get respect people get it back. It clearly states the space is for prams and wheelschair not lazy men that cant walk a few feet to a empty seat.

Normally i let it slide over my head but im just sick of it now and couldnt bite my tongue
I don't blame you. Last week I got on the bus with my almost two year old niece (birthday is the 24th) and I was 38+4 and very obviously pregnant (I'm huge!) and a group of teens were sat in the wheelchair area and the pushchair area was occupied by a bunch of forty somethings. It was the 'ignorant and disrespectful' teens that helped me get the chair in place and gave me their seats.

I was also on the bus the other day (39+3) and sat in the 'disabled and elderly' area, was only going four stops or so, so didn't see the point in going all the way down the bottom when it was basically empty. Anywho, an elderly lady (60's I think) literally came to me and asked me to move despite there being other seats available. I just looked at my gigantic stomach (that was moving at the time too and very visible), looked at her and said "Erm.....nope." Lol.
Drives me bonkers! I used to get the bus to Uni and it was always old women with those trolley bag things, so they wouldn't be in the pushchair seats but their trolley would, and they'd huff and puff when i asked them to move the bag over so the buggy could go in as well. Also i have to say every instance of queue barging I saw waiting for buses was always old people....
I agree that if you expect respect you should be respectful in turn - good on you for speaking back and not just accepting rudeness OP!
Drives me bonkers! I used to get the bus to Uni and it was always old women with those trolley bag things, so they wouldn't be in the pushchair seats but their trolley would, and they'd huff and puff when i asked them to move the bag over so the buggy could go in as well. Also i have to say every instance of queue barging I saw waiting for buses was always old people....
I agree that if you expect respect you should be respectful in turn - good on you for speaking back and not just accepting rudeness OP!

Ive had that happen to me as well where they would have their trolleys in space and would tut etc cus they had to move them
On one of my local buses the old people are always muttering under their breath about ppl with pushchairs. I think they should take their trolleys next to their seats, that's what i'd have to do (and have done 100s of time)if i had a big bag!

There's a lot of women with pushchairs on that route because it goes to back and forth between two towns and there are primary schools and nurseries near it, and quite often old people will push in the line at the bus station (even when people with pushchairs have been waiting longer) to get their trolley on first, or be bitching that there will be no room for their trolley. I think you can squash it in on a full bus but you can't out a pushchair anywhere else.

...ALSO, it winds me up when old people (lol) give me dirty looks when i sit at the front of the bus (not going very fair or when bus is empty, I always give up my seat if it's busy) because i'm young. there are time's ive been on the bus when i've been ill and i get terrible migraines that give me partial vision loss and i will sit in the first seat i can find because they make me really dizzy and feel sick - but old people assume you must be perfectly fine because you are young.
I hate getting the bus now for these very reasons. I'm sick to death of the majority (not all but alot) getting pissy when I'm getting on wih the pushy and alfie and their bloody trolley things being in the designated pushchair and wheel chair zone. They have 2 signs up stating that is what the space is for so why get annoyed when I ask to shift It. The amount of times I've had to point out the signs is unreal.
They are also the worst for que jumping in my area, normally I wouldn't care but its the fact I never push in, never and teach alf the Same but its like the same rules dot apply because they're old.
Feels good to get that out lol

I'm just glad my bro wasn't with me there would f been world war 2 lol
See this really annoys me. How people think that old people should be respected just because they are old. Well I think people should be respected if they act respectfully regardless of their age and it's not automatic just because someone is old. Some of the rudest people I've met are old and kindest and respectful have been teenagers. The man was very rude indeed!
Totally agree. I talk to some really lovey old people and most kindest. This sort of thing happens whatever she u are. Sham the world just can't be a full fill nice place
A similar thing happened to me a while back. I got on the bus and on one side there was a shopping bag on wheels and the other side was an old woman sat talking to her friends on the front row of seats. I asked her to move so I could get the pushchair in - which she did, reluctantly - and I heard the old bids on the front seat mutter about there being space the other side. So basically they wanted me to park the pushchair up next to the shopping trolley and STAND for half an hour, or leave Fran alone which obviously wasn't going to happen (because there wasn't space for me to sit down) just so they could have a gossip - I don't bloody think so lol!
Oh my days, I'm dreading using the bus with a double pushchair! I will have to follow your lead and get brave and tell them to move. Why can't old people have their own little pensioner buses.
Gahhh just goes to show there are ignorant twats from every age group! No need for it is there x
Sometimes it feels like we dont have aright to be on bus cus we have a pram. If it was a wheelchair there i would of happily folded the pram.

My mum and dad are in wheelchairs and they get a lot of crap as well. My bro tho he has a mouth on him so they get told if his with them lol. Plus my bro bitches about the bus passes which they hate. Always mouths off saying tax payers money lol
I don't understand some people, I think they're rude just for the sake of being horrible.

I got onto a bus a few weeks ago, there were 3 people standing in the pram area, an older couple and a guy probably in his 30's. When they saw me get on the older couple moved away to let me put the pram in. The guy just stood there and kinda had his arms stretched holding onto the rail and pole so I couldn't get the pram into the space. I said excuse me, he just looked at me and smirked. The older woman spoke to him (in a foreign language) and he moved the tiniest bit, I still couldn't get the pram in but tried anyway so he could see that he still had to move a bit more. This time the older woman said something else but in a more aggressive tone. He looked at me and said very pointedly that he was there first lol. I looked at him thinking wtf? is he serious. Then I pointed to the sign and said, Um that space is for buggies or wheelchairs, you're in neither although with the way you're carrying on I'm thinking you should be in a buggy. He got embarrassed and moved away. The woman began telling him off and he just hung his head. They all got off the bus 2 stops later with the woman still telling him off :haha:

I'm assuming she was his mother or some relation lol.
What really bugs me is old people jumping n front of everyone for lifts. In our local shopping center theres lifts stairs and escalators right next to each other. But rather than just step on to the escalator they'd rather wait ages bitch about the people waiting with pushchairs and barge everyone out the way. Me and my friend got in the lift before an old woman managed to push in, she reached through the lift hit my friend, swore and then stuck her fingers up at us. All this from someone mid to late 70s. Its pretty funny looking back at it but at the time was shocking.
What really bugs me is old people jumping n front of everyone for lifts. In our local shopping center theres lifts stairs and escalators right next to each other. But rather than just step on to the escalator they'd rather wait ages bitch about the people waiting with pushchairs and barge everyone out the way. Me and my friend got in the lift before an old woman managed to push in, she reached through the lift hit my friend, swore and then stuck her fingers up at us. All this from someone mid to late 70s. Its pretty funny looking back at it but at the time was shocking.

I don't understand why a lot of elderly people think its ok to just lash out and hit people. I was walking through the village with my LO in his buggy a few months ago and some idiotic old man hit him on the foot with his walking stick. It wasn't accidental, he actually reached out with his stick and hit LO on the foot. I had been walking slowly, patiently behind him because the path was narrow, when we got to a much wider area I went around him. It was as I was walking around him that he reached over to hit LO. At first I thought it was a mistake then I looked and he had this horrible snarly look on his face. I told him he better hold onto that stick and keep it away from my LO or it would be shoved up his arse. He mumbled something as I was walking away from him.

I was so angry though, I really wanted to slap him. My LO wasn't sure what was going on, he looked so confused and upset. It really annoyed me that someone could be so horrible to a baby.
Lief thats disgusting. I dont think a lot of old people have boundaries, I was hit a few times when I was training to be a nurse, the nurse in the ward next to ours had an old man hit her with his walking stick breaking het collar bone. On the flipside to the boundaries I've had so many random old people kiss lo when I've not been looking, I find that pretty rude.
Yeah maybe years ago things like that were ok and they're just set in their ways but it's not ok now. Like a few people have said, if people want respect from you then they should treat you with respect too.

I've been in and out of hospitals either as a patient or visiting and I remember quite a few instances of the nurses/doctors being treated very badly by old people. I have a lot of respect for nurses, doctors, paramedics, garda/police and firemen because I've seen first hand some of the things they have to deal with. It's disgusting that people think it's ok to treat another human being that way.

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