My AF welcoming ritual?? The hottest shower I can possibly stand =) I don't drink, so this is my guilty pleasure. Well this, and chocolate.
While I can't wait to finally have a LO, at the moment DH and I pretty much only have set schedules for work days and Sundays. Other than that, we can sleep when we want, eat when we want, go wherever, whenever we want. I would gladly give all of that up for a baby, but until baby comes I'm going to enjoy it!
We recently moved across the country -- I can't imagine doing that while early pregnant (morning sickness anyone?), hugely pregnant, or with a newborn or even an 8 month old (what we'd have if we'd gotten pregnant our first month TTC).
DH and I are planning to be missionaries. That means in about 3 years we'll be travelling on the road a LOT as we raise support. If we don't get pregnant by then I won't have to worry about a screaming/bored child in the back seat, won't have to stop every 30 minutes for the bathroom, or to change a diaper, breastfeed, etc. Won't have to worry about multiple children fighting (seriously, I'd be working on #2 already if I had my way!) in the backseat because they are grumpy from being cooped up the entire day. Again, I'd gladly put up with all that in exchange for infertility, and hopefully in 3 years my infertile status will have changed, but I might as well look at the benefits while they're there!
Also we live in a 1 bedroom apartment that the landlord says only 2 people are allowed to live in, so we'd have to move if we had a baby. I hate moving! I would definitely get over it if it meant having a baby, but for now I get to enjoy my peaceful view over the lake =)