Ok I just feel the need to get this off my chest.
Overall I can't wait to bf my baby but I am also quite scared.
I remember the blisters and pain with ds & the feeling of absolute despair when bfing didn't work out and exclusively pumping didn't work.
I have spent time this pregnancy reading all I can about bfing so I know whats normal, what to expect etc.
My ds will be 19m and I am so worried he will be neglected because baby will clusterfeed. I am scared how I will cope with my ds bedtime etc as my husband works long hours if baby wants to feed all evening. I worry about feeds lasting a long time and not being able to play with my son.
I am scared how I will cope if baby wants to feed hourly or every 2 hours in the night. How I might resent dh for sleeping.
I read comments.on here about how hard people find those first few months unbearable and painful and all I can think of is why bother whenyou coucould ff and get hubby to help even though I totally agree.and know that bf is best.
The idea of feeding in public daunts me. I am worried I will take the 'easy option' if it gets too tough.
I so want to make bf a success and I know I will try my hardest and I know how rewarding it will be.
Right now it feels like I will be going into battle to be a success at bfing rather than looking forward to it.
Overall I can't wait to bf my baby but I am also quite scared.
I remember the blisters and pain with ds & the feeling of absolute despair when bfing didn't work out and exclusively pumping didn't work.
I have spent time this pregnancy reading all I can about bfing so I know whats normal, what to expect etc.
My ds will be 19m and I am so worried he will be neglected because baby will clusterfeed. I am scared how I will cope with my ds bedtime etc as my husband works long hours if baby wants to feed all evening. I worry about feeds lasting a long time and not being able to play with my son.
I am scared how I will cope if baby wants to feed hourly or every 2 hours in the night. How I might resent dh for sleeping.
I read comments.on here about how hard people find those first few months unbearable and painful and all I can think of is why bother whenyou coucould ff and get hubby to help even though I totally agree.and know that bf is best.
The idea of feeding in public daunts me. I am worried I will take the 'easy option' if it gets too tough.
I so want to make bf a success and I know I will try my hardest and I know how rewarding it will be.
Right now it feels like I will be going into battle to be a success at bfing rather than looking forward to it.