I obsessively track my fertility signs -- OPKs, BBT, CM, CP, the whole nine yards.
What seems to have done it this time? Giving up.
It took 5 cycles to conceive, despite excellent timing. It was a CP, and I lost it. Same thing on cycle #6. The following cycle, no luck. The cycle after that, another CP/early MC. I was crushed because it genuinely seemed at first like it was going to stick, but it didn't. I put TTC on hold and did some blood tests in the hopes that it would give me some insight, but it didn't. I continued to track my fertility signs, but we didn't target our BD'ing. I was debating whether or not we wanted to keep trying at all -- the constant losses kept taking their toll on me. Well, around 10dpo, I decided I wanted a drink with dinner, but I opted to play it safe because I'd had some TWW symptoms that could have been pregnancy symptoms (but that also all had perfectly reasonable explanations). Color me surprised when it came up positive! (So much for that drink.)
Everyone always says, "relax and it'll happen," which is trite advice, and for someone like me, how can I relax? I'm obsessive. But when I finally just said, "I can't keep doing this, I give up," that seems to have somehow done the trick.
It's still early yet, but so far, so good. FX.