So today and tmrw are the important days in my fertile window! Hubby is on board with ttc#2, but just wants to BD whenever suits.... doesn't want it to feel forced and he really doesn't get the whole fertile window thing. We are under a lot of stress at the moment with building work so trying to convince him to dtd is tricky, but all signs including opk points to today and tmrw as the days!! We are also child free today and tmrw! But I am so worried I am going to miss my window this month as he is so stressed whenever I try initiate it doesn't happen! So far have only dtd twice this month, one of which was in fertile window but 5 days before ovulation so chances are slim!!! Anyone else in similar situation or just me! Guess I am just looking for a place to vent as don't want to have to wait a whole month more for another chance...