Hello! I've been ttc #2 for almost 2 years. I had long cycles, and most likely some anovulatory cycles. My ob/gyn prescribed clomid (it's still sitting in my dresser drawer

) but I wanted to try Soy first since I had heard so many great reviews and that it had less side effects.
I am on CD5 now and am taking soy 120mg CD3-7. No bad side effects, just slight headaches. Will keep you posted on my progress

Thanks hun. Yea please keep us posted. My cycle is all over the place. And I don't really ovulate. I decided to try soy before going to my gp. Took it cd 5-9 80,120,120,160,160. On cd 21 and no ovu yet so I don't think that it worked for me

. Oh well, please do keep me posted, Good luck x