I am trying soy iso this cycle, I have shorter cycles, with a short lp, which seem to be regular, but I really don't think I'm ovulating every cycle. I was on depo shot for over 11 years(before finding out that it shouldn't be taken for that long), and various other birth control also. I have only 'felt' ovu maybe once or twice, and think both times ended with cp. I use opk, but only ever get very weak lines, never as dark as the control. So I decided to give SI a go for a cycle to help me ovu. I am taking 100mg for CD 3-7 to hopefully mature the egg more and not mess with my cycle too much. This works out to two tablets a day and I wanted to keep it as a weak dosage for the first cycle to see whether it helps or not.
I started them yesterday, and am happy to check back with the good, the bad and the ugly that I experience. I am coming up to almost 9 months trying, so I am keen to try something else to see any difference, as my cycle is currely not working very well. Oh, and I can't temp due to working irregular shift work, so no charts.