SPD Support Thread


Mummy to Morgan & Niamh!
Nov 22, 2007
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Well, it seems an awful lot of us have been diagnosed with SPD recently, so I thought I'd start a thread where we can chat about how we're doing and offer support to each other.

So maybe we could start off with a little intro of ourselves and when we were diagnosed and maybe what kind of treatment we have had so far...

(Sorry if there's a thread like this already, but I had a mooch and couldn't find one... Admin: Please delete this thread if it is duplicated or inappropriate!)

OK... I'll start!

I started getting general pelvic pain at around 22-23 weeks which within the space of 5 days went from being uncomfortable to absolutely excruciating. I went to see my GP who said it was just "discomfort from the baby growing" and sent me on my way!!

Two weeks later, it was so bad that I could hardly walk without wanting to scream, and so I went back! He tried fobbing me off with the same reason again, but said he would order a blood test to check for a Vitamin D deficiency (which is like Rickets?!). Well, the next day I was at the hospital for my anomaly scan, and the sonographer asked me "why are you walking like a 90 year-old who has a bowel problem!??!!!!!" and managed to get a M/W in the antenatal clinic to see me.

The M/W took one look at me and said "OMG, How long have you been like that for? You've obviously got SPD and need to see a physio urgently!"
A week later, and I was seeing the physio and she gave me crutches to use whenever I need to try and walk (even just round the house!) and some exercises to do... this was about 10 days ago, and although they kinda get in the way when I'm trying to make a cuppa (!!) they really help. I got to go back and see her for a follow-up in 2 weeks, and if no improvement then she said she will probably fit me with a support belt of some kind.

I'm now panicking about how labour is going to pan out... like I haven't been freaking out about it anyway!! And I've decided to start my maternity leave earlier than I had originally intended as some days I am lucky if I can even get dressed without crying from the pain!

So that's my story so far....... anyone else want to share their experiences?

i have been getting strange aches and pains downstairs for about 4 weeks now, (one way i have described it is as if i have been on an all day bike ride, have gotten off the bike but the saddle is still there, the other is like i have bricks tied to me pulling me down 24/7) My pelvis is aching to hell and my back/bum is agony, i find i get a lot of pins and needles and sleeping is getting impossible so im grouchy from being tired!!
I have just been diagnosed with this last fri..the doc literally said lie down, pushed "gently" she said on my pubic bone and omg the pain was awful, she then said yes you have spd, ill refer you to a physio and you may need to use a belt, she has said when i ove i must try and kepp my knees together and this does help a little with the discomfort when i get in and out of a car but thats about it...

im really struggling and wish i could say im enjoying being preg but im not...

one thing that seems to differ though with my advice is....my mw said when you have spd rather than your pelvis going up and down it grinds left to right and becomes more flexible thus making labour slightly easier!! however some of you are talking about beingd induced early..is this because of te intense pain do you think?


h x
I still have this at 1 year post pregnancy in fact I am still in chronic pain and off work now with it.

This is a horrible illness and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Pelvic floors are meant to help but I havent found these to be of much use.

Hope it eases for you.
I still have this at 1 year post pregnancy in fact I am still in chronic pain and off work now with it.

This is a horrible illness and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Pelvic floors are meant to help but I havent found these to be of much use.

Hope it eases for you.

Wow! A year!!!! How did you manage when LO came along? Did it improve after the birth, even just a little bit?!

how was your birth etc with it if you dont mind me asking!?

h x
I was 30 weeks and had really bad abdominal pain. It was Easter Sunday, no where was open, so my OH took me to a walk in center in town because he thought it might be appendicitis (due to where the pain was and what it was like) Even though I knew it wasn't the baby, I was plamed straight off to L&D and monitored there. All they did was told me I wasn't in labour and to go home.

The next couple of days the pain spread to my right gorin bit I guess... like where your legs bends? and my legs kept feeling really sore and numb. I went straight to my GP, explained what happened at the hospital and he told me I probably had SPD. He gave me some co codamol and sent me home.

Went for my routine midwife appointment that same week, she referred me to a physio clinic, which took place with 5 or 6 other women. The physio was showing us about pelvic floor excerisizes. We had to get on all fours at one point and sit on a birthing ball and I just couldn't do it, so she's referred me to a specialist who Im seeing this Thursday. And thats that!

Im currently on crutches and I have a support belt which does absolutely bugger all. And everyone at work laughs at the crutches lol.

well, Im convinced i have it.
it started a few weeks back around the side sorta hip area but the past week its spread to the front.
I went to see my GP and in fairness it was taken seriously... i was refered to a physio (16th may) but he said other than paracetamol theres no pain relief i can safely take. so he got the surgery M/W to book me into a local aquanatal class as the water helps.
it hurts when i sit from standing, stand from sitting, lie down, roll over in bed and climbing the stairs (although it doesnt hurt going down). when its really bad i have to hold things like a wall or piece of furniture.
hope with physio it gets better.
Can I just ask... what information have you been given by your docs/MWs?

One doctor told me theres a severe risk of my pelvis splitting and not to deliver naturally.

A physio told me I could be induced for my own comfort, but would need an epidural

Another doctor told me that I needed an epidural to make sure I can open my legs. She also told me that trouble opening my legs ISNT a problem caused by SPD

And my midwife told me that Ill be able to give birth naturally, in any position I want, it shouldn't be any more risky or painful than anyone elses.

Im really really confused.

I had it really bad with Charlie and also ended up on crutches. It got so bad that I couldn't open my legs and was (like most of you ladies) really worried about the birth. I was really lucky and managed to speak to an aneasthesiologist (sp?) at the hospital, and she recommended that I have an epifural, in fact, a complete spinal block. She said that I would have to measure how far apart I could open my legs before I went into labour, and then not let them move me any further apart once I had the spinal block in as that could cause me permanent damage afterwards.

Anyway, it ended up getting so bad that I went to see the mw and she suggested an elective c section. She referred me to a consultant, he took one look at me and got his diary out. Charlie was born by section at 39 weeks.

One other thing, and I'm not sure if this is the norm, but it happened to me. I had been in that much pain pre-birth that the section pain was a breeze and I recovered sooo quickly after. I had Charlie on the Thursday morning, and when Kayleigh came in to see me on the Friday lunch, I was walking back from the nurses station, and Kayleigh's mouth just dropped open. It was the first time she'd seen me without crutches in 4 months, and I hadn't even noticed that I wasn't using them!!!:happydance: I have no pain at all now.

:hug:to you Bexxie. I didn't realise it was still so bad for you.:cry:
I had chronic SPD and was on crutches from around 22 weeks too.

I was panic stricken about labour, but Iwasn't offered c section, I was however induced at 37 weeks.

Labour wasn't easy as I couldn't get mobile and towards the end I was shouting for epi, mainly 'cos cobtractions back to back and constant pelvic pain and mw said only 5 cm dilated, so decided couldn't take anymore.
Never got epi as LO arrived as they were trying to set it up.

My SPD didn't wear off as quick as Amandas, I was on crutches for 6-8 weeks after the birth, gradually needing them less and less.

I wouldn't say it has gone completely sometimes I have problems with discomfort, past week or so can't lay on RHS for long.
Does make me concerned about ttc again ( poss next year) as I don't particularly want to go through it again, some ppl get it worse with successive pg, but then some ppl I've spoken to didn't get it next time round.

I can imagine work being impossible for you Tabs on crutches, I'm, an optom in store & not mobie/domi, and I really struggled, until I went on maternity.

I have every sympathy for you girls I would only wish this on my worst enemy.

Make sure you get as much rest as possible, and take it as easy as you can.

Wishing you a short easy labour ( you deserve it).

Often pop on to see how everyone doing, but not posting much due to work, but if anyone wants to chat/ ask q's pm me and I'll add you to msn as always around for a chat.

Big :hug: to you all
Well my SPD has really flared up the last couple of days, and the pain in my pubic region has gotten to the completely unbearable stage! :cry:

I was supposed to be having my physio follow-up tomorrow, but they've pushed it back to next friday. :dohh: :hissy:

I'm seeing my MW on tuesday and want to have a chat with her about labour stuff... I've read a few other threads where some have been offered c-section or early induction... I just want to have an idea what the options are to me.

I've arranged my maternity leave with work and as I have loads of hols to use up, I'm finishing on 23rd May! I've also managed to drop my hours down to 4 days a week... so taking into account the bank holiday on monday, I only have 12 working days left!! :happydance:
Sorry you're feeling so bad hun.

I was offered an induction at 37/38 wks by a physio, but then when I went for a follow up appointment they told me that that isn't normal procedure, and they would push an epidural. the main thing I was worried about is the pain i get when I open my legs and thats an obvious problem when trying to get a baby out!

Thats what ive been told anyway, but to be honest Ive heard so many different things off different doctors I don't really have a clue what is usual.

hiya all i been getting spd now since i was pg with my twins 5 yrs ago nothing has helped except a pillow i bought recently i just learn to live with it all i get from doctors here is u cant get spd unless ur pg and it goes after thats total bollocks as most ppl here know there is no proven treatment to help the pain we just have to get on with it least when ur not pg u can take pain killers
Thanks for the link Ann-Marie!

And thank you to everyone who has shared their experiences on the thread.

Well Im just pleased I only have 4 more weeks to put up with this, I feel really lucky that i've only been suffering since 30 wks.

Hope all of you are ok :)

IT has been now almost 4 years that I have been suffering with this and I'm so happy I found a support forum on it. I had extreme pelvic pressure and pain in my groin area with my first pregnancy in the third trimester. My daughter was born a week overdue and those last two weeks, I was walking around with a cane. I remember feeling horrible. After her birth, the pain was better but still there.

I was still nursing so I figured it was hormone related also. I nursed her until she was about 15 months. The pain still continued but was less and uncomfortable at times. I had trouble walking around large department stores like Target and Walmart. I had relied on the cart to lean on towards the end of the shopping trip which often times was cut short.

My pain is mostly ranges from my pelvic bones in front to the groin ligaments where my legs start in my inner thighs. I started going to a PT (physical therapist) who was specialized in pelvic pain postnatal. She had really changed my life. I went to her once a week and had felt tremendously better each time. By 5-6 months, I felt I was completely healed and had stopped going.

Her treatment had consisted of massages (I guess cranio sacral therapy), heating pads, stretching all part of the webster techniques. I highly recommend finding someone who is skilled in the webster technique.
Two months later, I had found out I was pregnant again. I'm now in my 6th month and have continued to go back to the PT and now to a chiropractor who is also skilled in webster.

I'm planning on getting a prenatal girdle support belt... has anyone tried this? Which kind do you recommend? Are they comfortable? I'm planning on wearing it in the summer. Im also planning on a water birth so to avoid Csection or epi this time maybe.

Chicka :)
hi guys, I just posted this on another PGP/SPD thread but I thought I'd mention some stuff I found really helpful when I had PGP last year to you as well. My story goes like this... I started getting backache at 9 weeks, with more aches and pains around the front around 16 weeks. At 20 weeks I couldn't walk and was shuffling like a geriatric with bowel probs too! (great description!) my consultant at the anti-natal clinic sent me packing with the helpful comment 'pregnancy is uncomfortable' and wrote all over my notes that I was extremely anxious. Thanks. I finally got come help about 8 weeks later, and I learned all of the following info the hard way! So here it is... I hope it's useful!

In the UK you can get free mobility aids like crutches from the Red Cross and you don't need a doctor's note. You can even rent wheelchairs for about £5 a week. It's worth thinking about even if you can still walk, as it's a godsend for those days when you just have to be out for 12 hours! It does take a bit of a mental leap to accept you could benefit from one, but I used it instead of a pushchair with my 2.5yo DN and he sat on my lap. No pushing, no walking. Win-win. I could still get up and walk around when we got home instead of needing to collapse onto the sofa and cry!

Also, for days when I was just desperate and I needed to actually talk to someone who understood, the pelvic partnership (linked by OP above) has a helpline on their website. They ring you back if you can't speak to someone immediately, and they have example birthing plans on there for you to use with your midwife. They are staffed by women who had PGP so they truly understand what you're going through.

As for the birth, DS arrived 2weeks early (thank goodness). I'd booked an appointment to speak to the head midwife at 39weeks to talk through my birth plan (water birth, natural labour), but in the future I'd ask to do that by 36weeks if poss. I was almost turned away from labour ward because they thought my labour pains were my PGP (it really was that bad!) and was 5cm before anyone even read my plan!! I ended up with emergency forceps and a spinal block. Be pushy... I know it is so hard to muster up the energy after months of pain, but if you can't, try and ask someone else to do it for you. The sooner you get people to accept that you are the ONLY person who knows what you can, and can't do, the better!!

Finally, I was eventually seen by the chronic pain clinic at my hospital instead of just the midwives and GP. They prescribed proper pain relief that allowed me to sleep. There was a slight chance DS was going to be a bit sleepy at birth as a result, but it was less of a risk than using pethidine in labour. You have more options than paracetamol, but sometimes you need a specialist to prescribe it. I had to weigh it up, what would be worse, an extra day of observations in hospital after the birth, or taking him home when I was too exhausted to care for him? It's such a personal decision but if you need more pain control than you are getting, ask for a referral to a pain clinic. I had 30mg codeine 4x a day for my last 4 weeks. The GP wouldn't give me more than 8/500 co-codamol, but he admitted he didn't really know what would affect the baby or not. GP's are General, not specialist practitioners, so don't worry about questioning their judgement!

Oh, and as for support belts, I had about 4. The Serola one was the only one that was comfy and helpful, and didn't show under clothes.

I hope you all get better as soon as your lovely LO's arrive! Good luck, and PM me if you need to chat/have any questions x
I've had another referal to the physio, but I've only got 3 ish weeks until my c section

I was give exercises to do and a crap support belt which rubbed the hell out of my stomach and now my stomach is sore, but I got a wheel chair a few days ago, and finally got a chance to get out of the house today.

I do have co codamol to take to ease the pain, but as it causes constipation I very rarely take them.

Just been on here, found it quite distressing that it wont be all over when the baby's born. This is what I've been praying for

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