SPOTTERS, lets unite and figure this out!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2011
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I'm starting this thread in hopes of finding other ladies like me who are spotting and have tried many different things to fix it! It seems that I cannot get rid of the brown spotting no matter what i do! I'm very frustrated because the doctor put me on prometrium oral 200 mg a day, per my request...and I started spotting on 10dpo just like before! Wth is up with this?!

Here is a list of things i've tried:

clomid 100mg 5-9, hcg injection, prometrium 200 mg, bcomplex 50
clomid 100mg 5-9 and 3-9 and bcomplex 50
myometomy to remove fibroids (helped with the heavy spotting)
bcomplex 100-made LP too long and still started spotting at same time.

Last cycle i started spotting on 8dpo with clomid! :dohh::shrug:
Even though i start spotting as early as 8-10dpo, my LP is still on average of 13 days.

I'm not sure what else to try. I think i'm going to start up vitex again, i started it a few days last year before i started clomid and the dr told me to stop all other meds, so idk if it really works.

I'm just not sure if i want to do all the hormones again this cycle.

What is everyone else's spotting and treatments looking like?
Hi teddybearpug :flower: I have the same problem. It seems like it has gotten worse since I've gotten older, which worries me. I haven't tried anything long enough yet to make a difference. This is my first month on b-complex and also clomid (for clomid challenge - i ov normally. I'm curious to see if I still spot with the clomid. Just went to a Fertility specialist for the first time last week, and he thinks it might be due to too much exercise. He says it can lower progesterone. I don't think I exercise all that much, and I thought exercise was only a factor for marathoners and other extreme athletes, but he says it can have an effect on people like me who just go the gym or do power yoga 5 days a week. I will be doing a lot more bloodwork and testing over the next month so hopefully can get this sorted out.

How many days do you spot? Does your temp stay up? How old are you? Has it gotten worse with age? Lately I've had spotting on cd 27 or 28, then a day with no spotting, and then :af: starts the next day. Temp stays up during spotting.

Will definitely keep you posted on the results of all my testing and what the FS thinks.
Ever since I went off birth control 2 years ago I now spot all the time and randomly :( my dr says its no big deal, but it is annoying and concerning! If you guys find anything that works let me know!
Thanks for starting this. I have been a spotter since coming off of BC in doctor and RE are not at all concerned by this. I did progesterone vaginal pills after my second IUI - and guess what I still spotted! So I am totally at a loss. I am taking a little break from fertility treatments, we meet with RE this week to go over our next steps, so just going natural this month and maybe the next. I have started acupuncture, and this month I started maca, and I have natural progesterone cream - I will let you know what happens. But I seriously think that my spotting has something to do with my infertility.
I was diagnosed with PCOS recently and am going for a scan next week to find out why I spot.

Dr thinks its because I don't ovulate, so lining just builds up and up and the spotting is because I don't have any progesterone to make it hang on.

The scan though is to check for uterine polys though, basically non dangerous growths in my womb, but that would cause random spotting. Have you had any scans?
LoveCakes - that makes sense that the PCOS causes spotting. Hope the scan goes well and no polyps are found!! I should hopefully be getting some scans next cycle (if no :bfp: before then!). I can't wait to get some answers.

CurlyGirl and ArizonaGal - don't know about the BCP - I've only been on it for about 6 months many years ago for bad menstrual cramps, but no spotting afterwards. I don't remember the spotting before the period starting until a few years ago. Definitely looking forward to getting 21 day bloods done next month to check progesterone levels.
Hey ladies! Cronic spotter over here! I start as early as 7dpo and my LP is 11days. When af comes it's really light and short too. I'm sure it's a progesterone issue but still waiting to get all my test results back.

I haven't tried much but I can tell you B6 did not work at all for me and I swear it shortened my LP.

There's a thread in the group discussions area about it and most of the ladies on there are preg now. Seems like a lot of them spotted even during their BFP cycle which I find reassuring.
Hi pinkpeony. Glad to hear about that other thread and that many of the ladies are preg! When do you get results back? Please keep us posted on your progesterone.
Hi teddybearpug :flower: I have the same problem. It seems like it has gotten worse since I've gotten older, which worries me. I haven't tried anything long enough yet to make a difference. This is my first month on b-complex and also clomid (for clomid challenge - i ov normally. I'm curious to see if I still spot with the clomid. Just went to a Fertility specialist for the first time last week, and he thinks it might be due to too much exercise. He says it can lower progesterone. I don't think I exercise all that much, and I thought exercise was only a factor for marathoners and other extreme athletes, but he says it can have an effect on people like me who just go the gym or do power yoga 5 days a week. I will be doing a lot more bloodwork and testing over the next month so hopefully can get this sorted out.

How many days do you spot? Does your temp stay up? How old are you? Has it gotten worse with age? Lately I've had spotting on cd 27 or 28, then a day with no spotting, and then :af: starts the next day. Temp stays up during spotting.

Will definitely keep you posted on the results of all my testing and what the FS thinks.

:hi: Greenorchid! I typically start spotting 10dpo but a few times i have started spotting 6-8dpo with clomid. I rarely spot sooner than 10dpo when i'm on a natural cycle. weird huh? I just turned 31 this month and i never spotted until i had my last m/c over 2 years ago. then the spotting started and has progressively gotten worse. How old are you and have you noticed a difference? Most of my cycles average around 32 days and i'm a later ovulater..around cd 18 usually. My temp almost always stays up with the spotting and when it gets close to coverline, AF usually starts. My spotting is a dirtyish brown too, almost never pink.

I don't think exercise would have a huge impact on spotting like you said. Do you exercise alot? I hope all your test results come back normal and give you some answers! And please share what the doctor says about the spotting!

Ever since I went off birth control 2 years ago I now spot all the time and randomly :( my dr says its no big deal, but it is annoying and concerning! If you guys find anything that works let me know!

:hi: I have only taken birth control for a few months when i was 18 (now 31) so mine doesn't have anything to do with bcp's :dohh: My dr also doesn't seem all that concerned about my spotting, but i think there is something wrong!! We aren't supposed to spot like this!

Thanks for starting this. I have been a spotter since coming off of BC in doctor and RE are not at all concerned by this. I did progesterone vaginal pills after my second IUI - and guess what I still spotted! So I am totally at a loss. I am taking a little break from fertility treatments, we meet with RE this week to go over our next steps, so just going natural this month and maybe the next. I have started acupuncture, and this month I started maca, and I have natural progesterone cream - I will let you know what happens. But I seriously think that my spotting has something to do with my infertility.

:hi: curlygurl! I took oral progesterone pills this cycle 200 mg and i started spotting on exactly the same time as usual! :dohh: The whole point of me taking the progesterone, which i had to ask for from my FS, was to help with that. I just don't understand it at all! I'm currently debating if i want to take a break from clomid. This will be my 4th round of clomid after my surgery and i'm not sure if my body can handle anymore. Keep us update on what the FS has to say about spotting! i bet we get a bunch of conflicting statements from each of our doctors because i dont think they really know! :haha:

What did the acu dr say about your cycle and the spotting? I want to start going to one but i don't have the time right now :wacko:

I was diagnosed with PCOS recently and am going for a scan next week to find out why I spot.

Dr thinks its because I don't ovulate, so lining just builds up and up and the spotting is because I don't have any progesterone to make it hang on.

The scan though is to check for uterine polys though, basically non dangerous growths in my womb, but that would cause random spotting. Have you had any scans?

:hi:Lovecakes! I get scanned every month. I had fibroids removed in March of this year, and it caused a lot of spotting! It got to the point to where i was spotting 5/6 dpo and i called it the mini period before the real period! After i had my surgery, all the early spotting stopped, so polyps can cause spotting. Its best to get it checked out and see whats going on. The scan doesn't hurt at all. Have you had one before? I Do ovulate on my own, but they suspect its weak ovulation :shrug: This cycle my progesterone was an awesome 43.8 and i still started spotting!

Hey ladies! Cronic spotter over here! I start as early as 7dpo and my LP is 11days. When af comes it's really light and short too. I'm sure it's a progesterone issue but still waiting to get all my test results back.

I haven't tried much but I can tell you B6 did not work at all for me and I swear it shortened my LP.

There's a thread in the group discussions area about it and most of the ladies on there are preg now. Seems like a lot of them spotted even during their BFP cycle which I find reassuring.

:hi: thanks for the heads up about the other group, i'm going to have to find them! When do you get your test results back? Have you tried the bcomplex instead of just the b6? I started taking bcomplex 50 a long time ago and it inceased my lp from 11 days to 13. When i tried the bcomplex 50, it made my lp almost 17 days or so!! So i prefer the 50

I honestly don't think the doctors know why we spot. I'm getting frustrated with it all. I have read that it can be so many things. From excess estrogen, low progesterone,, high stress, fibroids, polyps, etc. I think its easier for them to pin point the reason for the spotting if you have fibroids or polyps, but mine are gone, so now what? :shrug:

Thanks for all your responses! i hope we are all able to find some answers!

(i hope i didn't miss anyone!)
Hi Ladies - just got back from a different FS. I have two FS because one is near where I live, but everything has to be out of pocket - DH is going there for SA so he can produce his sample at home. The FS I went to today is an hour away, but insurance covers everything there as far as diagnotics, surgeries, and drugs for trying on our own. If we move onto assisted conception then everything is out of pocket so we will only work with the FS in our city at that point.

Anyways, this FS didn't seem concerned about the spotting. He didn't really know why it's happening, but says that as long as my temp stays up for at least 12 days, then there's no need to worry about it.

And it turns out that's the least of my worries - he did an ultrasound and although my uterus was perfect, it looks like I have endo on my right ovary :sad2: Thankfully the left one looked clear. So now he wants to repeat the scan at the beginning of my next cycle and also do an HSG. I pray that my tubes aren't screwed up from endo. [-o<
TeddyBearPug - Judging from what my FS said, your brown spotting shouldn't be a problem as long as your temp stays up. He didn't give me an explanation as to why but also didn't seem concerned.
Hey ladies thought I'd pop in an say hi:thumbup:

I used 2 have terrible trouble with spotting used start 9dpo an clomid thinned linning so much that I would start spotting on 7dpo. Iv tried everything from b6 to raspberry Leafe tea 2 strengthen uterus. An then in June I had a D&C an low an behold no more spotting full 14 day lateral phase I REALLY believe I just needed a good clean out,an I really feel its the D&C that sorted my spotting out so might be worth asking your FS about 1 :winkwink:
Well I was at the FS today. Had a sonohysterogram and got the results of my day 21 bloods. Turns out my hormones & thyroid are all pretty normal! Even my progesterone was great! I'm totally shocked. Only my prolactin was a little high but my doc wasn't concerned and said that's probably stress. So not sure what to think. I kinda think the sonohysterogram may have cleared me out a bit. We'll see how my cycle goes this month.
DH's result didn't come back so good. Low motility... Seems like our issue may be male factor. Having a hard time wrapping my head around this bc I just assumed I must be the issue with my weird spotting and light af. :shrug:
Hey ladies thought I'd pop in an say hi:thumbup:

I used 2 have terrible trouble with spotting used start 9dpo an clomid thinned linning so much that I would start spotting on 7dpo. Iv tried everything from b6 to raspberry Leafe tea 2 strengthen uterus. An then in June I had a D&C an low an behold no more spotting full 14 day lateral phase I REALLY believe I just needed a good clean out,an I really feel its the D&C that sorted my spotting out so might be worth asking your FS about 1 :winkwink:

Hi Kazzababba :wave: glad you got your spotting sorted out. Why did you have the D&C? Did you m/c or was it just to clean things out?
Well I was at the FS today. Had a sonohysterogram and got the results of my day 21 bloods. Turns out my hormones & thyroid are all pretty normal! Even my progesterone was great! I'm totally shocked. Only my prolactin was a little high but my doc wasn't concerned and said that's probably stress. So not sure what to think. I kinda think the sonohysterogram may have cleared me out a bit. We'll see how my cycle goes this month.
DH's result didn't come back so good. Low motility... Seems like our issue may be male factor. Having a hard time wrapping my head around this bc I just assumed I must be the issue with my weird spotting and light af. :shrug:

Well that's good news that everything is normal for you :thumbup: What did the FS say was the next step considering the low motility? Will you move on to IUI?
She said we should try doing another sample first. So we're going to work on DH's lifestyle for a couple months - lot's of vitamins, no drinking, keep the area cool etc... then we'll see how we do. If no improvement we'll probably think about IUI.
She said we should try doing another sample first. So we're going to work on DH's lifestyle for a couple months - lot's of vitamins, no drinking, keep the area cool etc... then we'll see how we do. If no improvement we'll probably think about IUI.

That sounds like a good plan :) I made my DH switch from super tight boxer briefs a few months ago much to his chagrin hahaha. I'm hoping for super sperm when he does his SA next week so we only have to deal with my issues.
Yep - mine's a briefs man too. That's going to change for sure. ;)
Hi Ladies - just got back from a different FS. I have two FS because one is near where I live, but everything has to be out of pocket - DH is going there for SA so he can produce his sample at home. The FS I went to today is an hour away, but insurance covers everything there as far as diagnotics, surgeries, and drugs for trying on our own. If we move onto assisted conception then everything is out of pocket so we will only work with the FS in our city at that point.

Anyways, this FS didn't seem concerned about the spotting. He didn't really know why it's happening, but says that as long as my temp stays up for at least 12 days, then there's no need to worry about it.

And it turns out that's the least of my worries - he did an ultrasound and although my uterus was perfect, it looks like I have endo on my right ovary :sad2: Thankfully the left one looked clear. So now he wants to repeat the scan at the beginning of my next cycle and also do an HSG. I pray that my tubes aren't screwed up from endo. [-o<

I'm sorry to hear about the endo. Hopefully the next scan will be a better image and you will get good news. The hsg will give you a good image i hope. Thats good about what he said about as long as the temp stays up for at least 12 days!

TeddyBearPug - Judging from what my FS said, your brown spotting shouldn't be a problem as long as your temp stays up. He didn't give me an explanation as to why but also didn't seem concerned.

Thanks. yeah i've read that if your going to spot, its better for it to be brown. I wish they could give us a definite answer though :dohh:

Hey ladies thought I'd pop in an say hi:thumbup:

I used 2 have terrible trouble with spotting used start 9dpo an clomid thinned linning so much that I would start spotting on 7dpo. Iv tried everything from b6 to raspberry Leafe tea 2 strengthen uterus. An then in June I had a D&C an low an behold no more spotting full 14 day lateral phase I REALLY believe I just needed a good clean out,an I really feel its the D&C that sorted my spotting out so might be worth asking your FS about 1 :winkwink:

I wonder if thats whats going on with me. Everytime i go in for my follicle scan on clomid, the FS says my lining looks good, so could that be my problem? Prolly not?

Why did you get the d&c?

Well I was at the FS today. Had a sonohysterogram and got the results of my day 21 bloods. Turns out my hormones & thyroid are all pretty normal! Even my progesterone was great! I'm totally shocked. Only my prolactin was a little high but my doc wasn't concerned and said that's probably stress. So not sure what to think. I kinda think the sonohysterogram may have cleared me out a bit. We'll see how my cycle goes this month.
DH's result didn't come back so good. Low motility... Seems like our issue may be male factor. Having a hard time wrapping my head around this bc I just assumed I must be the issue with my weird spotting and light af. :shrug:
yay for good results on all your tests!! :happydance: As for your husband. There are lots of things you can do to improve his count with diet, etc. I can't remember my Dh's numbers but they were all a little low. So i had him drinking tons of pomegranite juice and taking his vitamins and his count came up to normal on the next scan. Idk if all that helped or if it was a better time. he also used to wear briefs, but i made him switch to boxers.

I am still spotting and my tempature is way down. I think AF should be here in full force. I'm definitely cramping like crazy! do any of you ever second guess yourself and think "is this my period?" i do that all the time, but then the real Af i'm just waiting.
I too have suffered with pre-af spotting since coming of bcp. On average it begins 8/9dpo, but once I had it from 5dpo, which I was REALLY mad about! :growlmad:
I've had various blood tests which haven't shown a progesterone problem - or any other problem for that matter! none of the doctors, including FS think it's a problem. However, my acupuncturist agrees that it's not right and treats me for this, 'invigorating' my uterine lining to get it nice and thick (my periods are very light and short) and also treating it to keep it where it should be until my period is due!
Aside from that all I've done is try to eat nuts and seeds daily because as well as improving egg quality, these foods are also good for LP generally.
Even with such early spotting, my LP tends to be 16/17 days long.

On another note, my husband is a 'briefs man' and both his SA came back good.

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