SPOTTERS, lets unite and figure this out!

GreenOrchid - So sorry to hear about the endo. I am shocked that an ultrasound can show endo! As of right now we are in the "unexplained" catergory, but our RE wants me to go for a laproscopy to look for endo, I am hesitant because it is an invasive surgery...I will be interested to hear how things work out for you. My RE also told me that as long as my temp stays up then the spotting shouldn't matter...I guess they are the doctors they know. :shrug:

TeddyBearPug - I also took the progesterone for the spotting, and it didn't help at all. I have heard that clomid is supposed to help with short LP, however it seems that most of us don't have that issue, we just have spotting. My last cycle of IUI they tested my progesterone on day 21, the same day I got AF, they called to tell me the results - my progesterone level was "awesome" and showed that I had a really good ovulation :dohh:....So what's the problem then?!

My acupuntrist is also a nutrionist and she gave me some suggestions on how to cleanse the liver to help get rid of excess estrogen, I am going to try that also, see if that will help.

About bcp, my RE told me that the bcp shouldn't cause changes to your cycle but it can mask changes that might happen who knows.
GreenOrchid - So sorry to hear about the endo. I am shocked that an ultrasound can show endo! As of right now we are in the "unexplained" catergory, but our RE wants me to go for a laproscopy to look for endo, I am hesitant because it is an invasive surgery...I will be interested to hear how things work out for you. My RE also told me that as long as my temp stays up then the spotting shouldn't matter...I guess they are the doctors they know. :shrug:

TeddyBearPug - I also took the progesterone for the spotting, and it didn't help at all. I have heard that clomid is supposed to help with short LP, however it seems that most of us don't have that issue, we just have spotting. My last cycle of IUI they tested my progesterone on day 21, the same day I got AF, they called to tell me the results - my progesterone level was "awesome" and showed that I had a really good ovulation :dohh:....So what's the problem then?!

My acupuntrist is also a nutrionist and she gave me some suggestions on how to cleanse the liver to help get rid of excess estrogen, I am going to try that also, see if that will help.

About bcp, my RE told me that the bcp shouldn't cause changes to your cycle but it can mask changes that might happen who knows.

What did the acu Dr suggest for nutrition? I started weight watchers this week so I'm hoping that will help me.
TeddyBearPug - YES! I totally second guess myself and thing that somehow it's not my real period. We're always hopeful until the full flow shows up, I guess :dohh:

Curlygirl - The doctor wasn't positive it was endo, but it was a pretty huge thing covering my ovary and I guess from the appearance it looked like a blood-filled cyst. I could tell he wasn't sure though and that's why he wants to repeat the scan during my next follicular phase and then I assume if it looks the same it will be on to laparoscopy. Honestly I'm not surprised at all if it's endo giving my cycle and symptoms. I will definitely keep you posted.

I'm curious, what tips did your acupuncturist give you for cleansing the liver? I need to do the same thing because I have way too much estrogen and it just feeds the endo. I'm officially starting an endo diet today (no wheat, no sugar, no red meat or pork, and lots of omega-3's).

Hi sizzles - Good to hear your husbandhad good SA!! I've heard some sources say that underwear choice doesn't matter, and others say it's very important. Maybe it just depends on the man?
She told me to take 1 B6 complex with food, and something called NAC (n acetylcysteine) ( I haven't gotten that one yet) the NAC she said you can only use for a finite amount of time, and cannot use if you are on fertility meds, or are pregnant. And then she said to have a lot of fiber. I will let you know about the NAC when I get it, I have to go to a special store for it.

GreenOrchid- the endo diet doesn't sound too bad, I don't really eat alot of red meat, but I am addicted to bread and sweets. Maybe I should try cutting these items out, and see if it helps. I don't have an endo symptoms - do you?
Sizzles-hopefully acupuncture does the trick for you! my Af's are normal. Usually starts off heavy and then gets lighter for about a total of 4-5 days.

Greenorchid-hopefully on your next scan, it will be gone off your ovary or is just a cyst or something.

curlygurl-thanks for the nutrition info!! i started weight watchers online this past sunday and i have been eating a ton of veggies, so i'm hoping all that fiber gets my toxins moving out of my body.

Has anyone read that book "Making babies: 3 month program"? It recommends alot of fiber and meditation for me because my body gets "stuck" its a good read if your interested.

I started AF full force during the middle of the night last night. She's all normal now. I'm calling the FS office tomorrow and will ask about the spotting. I'm still deciding if i want to do another round of clomid and progesterone. It didn't seem to help with the spotting.

With the progesterone my cd 21 test was 43.8, so it really helped my numbers which are always borderline low. :dohh: So maybe it is a good idea then? lol

I hope you all are doing well :hugs:
TeddyBearPug - Making babies is a GREAT book. I'm a stuck/tired, so from what I can gather I need plenty of moderate exercise, even during my luteal phase, for the stuck part of me, but not too much where I get more tired for the tired part of me. And of course plenty of fiber to flush out those toxins and excess estrogen. I hope the weight watchers is a good solution for you!! I've heard good things. Sorry AF arrived but it's a new fresh month :hugs:

CurlyGirl and Sizzles - I'd like to try acupuncture, but DH is really against it. He thinks it's quackery, which is really ironic because he's Chinese :dohh: Maybe if my FS recommends it he'll go for it. There's an acupuncturist office next door to my FS - I wonder if that's on purpose??

CurlyGirl - Thanks for the nutrition info. I'm ramping up my fiber and already take a b-complex. Also adding tons of omega-3's (more fish and supplements). In hindsight, I do have potential endo symptoms. For about the six months to a year, I've gotten really bad pains in my right ovary a few days after ovulation, but just assumed it was something to do with the corpus luteum or something. Also, my periods have gotten shorter and heavier and more spottier. I've always had horrible periods since I was 12, so I didn't worry about it too much. Time and maybe a lap will tell...
[B said:
CurlyGirl and Sizzles [/B] - I'd like to try acupuncture, but DH is really against it. He thinks it's quackery, which is really ironic because he's Chinese :dohh: Maybe if my FS recommends it he'll go for it. There's an acupuncturist office next door to my FS - I wonder if that's on purpose??

I'm sorry, but that did make me smile! My OH is not very 'alternative', but 'humours' me. He's of the opinion that whilst he really doesn't think it'll do any good, it can't do any harm, and it's my money I'm spending (as in my 'allowance' rather than money to go on bills, holidays, furniture etc.) Interesting that it's next to the FS though!
I called into the FS office this morning to report the start of my new cycle. I asked the nurse about my spotting and she called me back after talking it over with my doctor. She said that he is not happy to hear that i'm spotting since was taking progesterone to stop it and my progesterone results were really good on the blood test. So this cycle, he wants to add estrogen after i ovulate. So i will be doing clomid 100mg 5-9, progesterone and estrogen. I don't know anything about taking estrogen and what its intended for. Does anyone know?
I've heard of doctors prescribing estrogen on clomid cycles because the clomid blocks out all your estrogen so they have to supplement with extra estrogen to make sure the uterine lining gets thick enough and to prevent hostile cm. Not sure what is has to do with spotting though...
So we went to our RE today, and we talked about laproscopy for endo...he said he could sometimes feel endo, long story short he did an internal exam, and felt some on my left side. It looks like I will be moving forward with the surgery. He was very positive that with the lap I should be able to conceive naturally.

GreenOrchid you made me smile about the acupuncture...
So we went to our RE today, and we talked about laproscopy for endo...he said he could sometimes feel endo, long story short he did an internal exam, and felt some on my left side. It looks like I will be moving forward with the surgery. He was very positive that with the lap I should be able to conceive naturally.

GreenOrchid you made me smile about the acupuncture...

Thats pretty neat that he is able to find endo like that. I know its not an ideal thing to have, but its good that he is so optimistic. I have heard alot of women have good success after getting rid of it.

GreenOrchid-i am also a combo between stuck/tired! Mostly stuck though. I brought out the book again a few days ago. I plan on re-reading parts of it this weekend.
Hi all

Thanks for starting this thread, it's interesting to read though everyone's experiences.

I spot very soon after I get the LH surge each cycle (usually starts about 3-5 DPO and continues intermittently until AF, really only a very small amount though). My cycles are not regular. I've had countless bloods and scans done over the last two yearss and they found was a polyp, which was removed 2 weeks ago, although I have been told by one doctor that I have PCOS too (but the other didnt agree). Unfortunately I still started spotting on Thurs after LH surge last weekend, so the polyp was not the cause of the spotting.

So my specialist now says he wants put me on clomid and do a day21 progesterone test to check ovulation. My previous specialist (I recently changed)didnt want to do this but instead just advised IUI or IVF without even trying a clomid cycle which seems absurd.

Anyway, he suspects that I get an LH surge but dont ovulate, so dont produce progesteone to keep the lining there. However this doesnt explain how I conceived in Feb and was spotting straight after right until when I MCd. The thing is the consultants can only make an educated guess at what is wrong. They dont know for sure but can only keep trying different things until one of them works. Our bodies are just sooo complicated!!:wacko:

When I started this journey I thought that someone would be able to say "this is the problem, this is the solution" but how wrong I was. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the clomid works (very excited to be having treatment rather than tests!). The other thing is that some women go through healthy pregnancies with AF, or spotting, so although it's not normal, it's not always bad.

Good luck to all of us spotters! Wouldnt it be lovely if we all had a clean cycle?

MrsElsie x
Ha! A clean cycle would be amazing.

Mrs Elsie, have they done an ultrasound when you're supposed to be ovulating? I just had that done yesterday with bloods and they were able to detect my surge and could see that I had a follicle ready to go on the left side. Have you had low progesterone results? Mine were Ok, nothing showed in terms of polyps or fibroids etc but I still spot all the time. Sometimes I just think my body isn't pushing out all the blood with my af so it makes its way out during my cycle. :shrug:
MrsElsie-I don't think they really know either! it really comes down to trial and error i think. That is crazy that the one specialist wanted to send you straight to IUI and IVF! sounds like he was in it just for the money! :dohh: its a good thing you switched. I agree with pinkpeony, you should get an ultrasound around ovulation. Especially while taking clomid, so that you know if your body is responding to it. Good luck this cycle!

My AF this cycle was only about a day and half! I've never had such a short cycle. So i think my lining must have been way to thin! Its a good thing i'm going to be on estrogen along with progesterone this cycle. makes me wonder if thats why i've been spotting all along :shrug:

What is everyone taking supplement wise? i'm only on bcomplex 50 at the moment, along with multivitamin.
For the past few months been doing acupuncture, folic acid (1 mg), B12, & red raspberry leaf tea. I think the acu & red rasp tea have had a noticble affect on reducing my spotting and making my af more "normal".

PinkPeony - I took clomid before, and they scanned with no results, but that was because I took it at the wrong time (I thought AF had started but in fact it was just spotting, so I ended up taking it about 2 weeks before AF rather than on Day 2-6!) I then fell pregnant naturally the following month and havent taken it since.

My specialist hasnt said anything about a scan around ovulation, but i might see if i can do this anyway as i agree it would seem daft not too. I'm booked in for Day 21 bloods next time round.

That's good news about your scan, hope you and hubbie have been busy this weekend :winkwink:

Teddybearpug - I agree i do think they just wanted my money, feel much more happy with the new specialist. I'm only taking multivit & folic acid. I did acupuncture, chinese massage and herbal supplements last year (which tasted AWFUL!) but dont think they did much to help (although the massage was lovely and relaxing!) - it's good to hear your having success with it though. I might try the raspberry leaf tea.
Hi MrsElsie :flower: I agree with the other ladies - it make no sense to go straight to IUI and IVF without knowing exactly what it going on. Go with what your gut is telling you and don't let the doctors try to bully you! I hope you get your scan around ov time to check for follies.

TeddyBearPug - that's a crazy short AF. It definitely sounds like you didn't have enough lining. I really hope the estrogen helps this cycle. As for supplements, I take a million hahaha!! I take a daily multivitamin, COQ10 300mg, calcium/magnesium, fish oil, and a B-complex. I've had two FS tell me that I take alot of supplements, but they don't see anything wrong with my regimen. I also occasionally drink raspberry leaf tea, but don't care for the taste so I'm bad about taking it.

PinkPeony - Maybe it's time for me to follow your lead and 1) Stop being such a slacker and drink my raspberry leaf tea :wacko: 2) Start acupuncture. I called the acupuncturist next door to my FS office :haha: and she charges $65 usd/session, which is quite a lot for me, as it would also come out of my monthly "allowance". I think I may wait until I get all my testing done (hsg, potential lap?) so I know what I'm dealing with and what our path to a baby will be.
So we went to our RE today, and we talked about laproscopy for endo...he said he could sometimes feel endo, long story short he did an internal exam, and felt some on my left side. It looks like I will be moving forward with the surgery. He was very positive that with the lap I should be able to conceive naturally.

GreenOrchid you made me smile about the acupuncture...

Thats pretty neat that he is able to find endo like that. I know its not an ideal thing to have, but its good that he is so optimistic. I have heard alot of women have good success after getting rid of it.

GreenOrchid-i am also a combo between stuck/tired! Mostly stuck though. I brought out the book again a few days ago. I plan on re-reading parts of it this weekend.

Did you re-read any making babies this weekend? Any advice for a fellow stuck girl? :winkwink: I got in some good workouts Sat and Sun and that's usually the best thing to keep my energy flowing and prevent my internal drama during my luteal phase :wacko:
PinkPeony - Maybe it's time for me to follow your lead and 1) Stop being such a slacker and drink my raspberry leaf tea :wacko: 2) Start acupuncture. I called the acupuncturist next door to my FS office :haha: and she charges $6ch as $160/treatment in the little bit of research I did before I started g5 usd/session, which is quite a lot for me, as it would also come out of my monthly "allowance". I think I may wait until I get all my testing done (hsg, potential lap?) so I know what I'm dealing with and what our path to a baby will be.

Fair enough. I would struggle to do acu too if I had to pay those rates. Where I live there's a lot of choice, and there's a huge range in the rates people charge. I go to a community acupuncture clinic where it's basically pay what you can ($20-40). The only drawback is that it's in a room full of other people getting treatments, so you have to talk in a whisper and you don't have much privacy. But that's why they don't charge as much. Also they're not necessarily specialized in fertility acupuncture although in my experience they know what they're doing.
PinkPeony - Maybe it's time for me to follow your lead and 1) Stop being such a slacker and drink my raspberry leaf tea :wacko: 2) Start acupuncture. I called the acupuncturist next door to my FS office :haha: and she charges $6ch as $160/treatment in the little bit of research I did before I started g5 usd/session, which is quite a lot for me, as it would also come out of my monthly "allowance". I think I may wait until I get all my testing done (hsg, potential lap?) so I know what I'm dealing with and what our path to a baby will be.

Fair enough. I would struggle to do acu too if I had to pay those rates. Where I live there's a lot of choice, and there's a huge range in the rates people charge. I go to a community acupuncture clinic where it's basically pay what you can ($20-40). The only drawback is that it's in a room full of other people getting treatments, so you have to talk in a whisper and you don't have much privacy. But that's why they don't charge as much. Also they're not necessarily specialized in fertility acupuncture although in my experience they know what they're doing.

ooh that's nice to have access to inexpensive acupuncture. Where I went to grad school in California there was an oriental medicine school with an inexpensive clinic but not here that I know of.

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