SPOTTERS, lets unite and figure this out!

Sorry for the late chiming in here, but I've been hiding out for several days. I also spot and my Dr. thinks it could be due to endometriosis. Even though my ultrasound looked fine, she said it could still be there in a mild form. Next step is to sign up for a laproscopy (sp?) to check and treat if need be. Maybe that's what's (possibly) happening to others, too?
Hi Phrumkidost - From the little bit I've read, endo often can't be seen on ultrasound unless it's on the ovaries. I had a clean pelvic scan around 6 years ago, but if I do have endo now, I also had it then based on my symptoms. I'll be curious to see how your lap turns out!! I'm hoping to have one next cycle, but have a feeling it won't be scheduled for two more cycles.
Hi Phrumkidost, After my RE suggested that I had endo - i wondered if my monthly spotting could be due to that...he didn't even suggest that...but it is interesting that your doctor said it maybe due to endo. Thanks for the info. I went natural this cycle, and just added Maca, and natural progesterone cream that I bought online, if BFN, I will probably try to schedule the lap.
Hey everyone - spotting news to report - this month I took clomid, and although it extended my LP by about 2 days, I still started spotting yesterday and still waiting for full flow to begin. I know that with the clomid I had no shortage of progesterone this month, so I'm leaning towards the endo being the cause. I have a follow up scan of my ovaries next week and then I will also think about doing a lap.

Curlygirl - what does maca do?
Hey everyone - spotting news to report - this month I took clomid, and although it extended my LP by about 2 days, I still started spotting yesterday and still waiting for full flow to begin. I know that with the clomid I had no shortage of progesterone this month, so I'm leaning towards the endo being the cause. I have a follow up scan of my ovaries next week and then I will also think about doing a lap.

Curlygirl - what does maca do?

I wouldn't worry too too much about spotting that late in your cycle. I think you'd have time to implant and it shouldn't stop you from conceiving. Like with mine I had been getting it beginning at 7dpo so it was like my lining was shedding before I had a chance for the egg to stick. (So upsetting) That's great your LP extended! Let us know how you get on with the lap, hopefully if they find endo they can get it cleared out.
Hey everyone - spotting news to report - this month I took clomid, and although it extended my LP by about 2 days, I still started spotting yesterday and still waiting for full flow to begin. I know that with the clomid I had no shortage of progesterone this month, so I'm leaning towards the endo being the cause. I have a follow up scan of my ovaries next week and then I will also think about doing a lap.

Curlygirl - what does maca do?

I wouldn't worry too too much about spotting that late in your cycle. I think you'd have time to implant and it shouldn't stop you from conceiving. Like with mine I had been getting it beginning at 7dpo so it was like my lining was shedding before I had a chance for the egg to stick. (So upsetting) That's great your LP extended! Let us know how you get on with the lap, hopefully if they find endo they can get it cleared out.

That's true pinkpeony, I'm thankful that I don't spot too early. The earliest I've ever spotted is 11dpo, which should be okay. I really hope you can get yours sorted out and extend your LP. My FS mentioned trying me on femara - maybe that would help you as well.
Hey everyone - spotting news to report - this month I took clomid, and although it extended my LP by about 2 days, I still started spotting yesterday and still waiting for full flow to begin. I know that with the clomid I had no shortage of progesterone this month, so I'm leaning towards the endo being the cause. I have a follow up scan of my ovaries next week and then I will also think about doing a lap.

Curlygirl - what does maca do?

I wouldn't worry too too much about spotting that late in your cycle. I think you'd have time to implant and it shouldn't stop you from conceiving. Like with mine I had been getting it beginning at 7dpo so it was like my lining was shedding before I had a chance for the egg to stick. (So upsetting) That's great your LP extended! Let us know how you get on with the lap, hopefully if they find endo they can get it cleared out.

I found such early spotting upsetting as well: had visions of my little fertilised egg getting washed away with the uterine lining, without the chance to show how well it could implant. :nope:

Just an add on regarding spotting. This is for anyone who takes baby asprin or who has considered it. I took it for the first time last cycle and started my spotting at 5dpo (previously the earliest was 6dpo, with an average of 8/9dpo). The previous 2 months I hadn't started spotting until 12dpo - my latest yet. I never made a connection until today (sadly after I'd taken baby asprin as I'm on the dreaded 2ww) and looked up on Google to see whether asprin can cause spotting, and it seems it can. So I've decided that since it was self-prescribed I shan't be taking any more, at least for this cycle and see what happens.
Hello everyone, can I join? I'm well and truely a spotter, I generally starts at 6DPO and lasts until AF arrives. I've had a progesterone test done (fine), ultrasound done (I have a fibroid), hsg done ( both tubes clear) and I may or may not have cervical dysplasia as my latest pap showed up clear but i'm still spotting. We've been trying for 2 years and was ntnp for many years before then and I've never had a bfp. I feel like there must be some underlying issue that's stopping me get pregnant. My new idea is that I have hypothyroidism as I have many of the symptoms but I've had these for years. I'm getting booked in for iui soon so I will ask for a test. Has anyone had any experience with hypothyroidism?
I hope we all get some answers but most importantly a bfp xxx
So we went to our RE today, and we talked about laproscopy for endo...he said he could sometimes feel endo, long story short he did an internal exam, and felt some on my left side. It looks like I will be moving forward with the surgery. He was very positive that with the lap I should be able to conceive naturally.

GreenOrchid you made me smile about the acupuncture...

Thats pretty neat that he is able to find endo like that. I know its not an ideal thing to have, but its good that he is so optimistic. I have heard alot of women have good success after getting rid of it.

GreenOrchid-i am also a combo between stuck/tired! Mostly stuck though. I brought out the book again a few days ago. I plan on re-reading parts of it this weekend.

Did you re-read any making babies this weekend? Any advice for a fellow stuck girl? :winkwink: I got in some good workouts Sat and Sun and that's usually the best thing to keep my energy flowing and prevent my internal drama during my luteal phase :wacko:

I've barely had time to glance at the book :dohh: its on my list as soon as i have some down time. Since i have had my surgery and i don't bleed as much on AF, i try to wear a pad mostly. Usually the first day i will wear a tampon, then switch to pads. It is a hard adjustment though. I'm trying to eat alot of fiber right now to get my bowels moving and get the toxins out of my body sooner. Even with me eating alot of fiber, i'm noticing that i'm not going to the bathroom like i should! so i feel i'm truly stuck! its frustrating. I'm drinking ALOT of water as well. I used to do yoga and it helped alot but i quit doing it last year..i need to get back to it.

Sorry for the late chiming in here, but I've been hiding out for several days. I also spot and my Dr. thinks it could be due to endometriosis. Even though my ultrasound looked fine, she said it could still be there in a mild form. Next step is to sign up for a laproscopy (sp?) to check and treat if need be. Maybe that's what's (possibly) happening to others, too?

Yeah, endo can make you spot as well. I was paranoid i had it but i'm all clean. When i had my momectomy, there wasn't any endo there. I wouldn't have believed the surgeon if i didn't have a copy of all my pics, lol. Hopefully you will get so anwers with the laproscopy.

Hey everyone - spotting news to report - this month I took clomid, and although it extended my LP by about 2 days, I still started spotting yesterday and still waiting for full flow to begin. I know that with the clomid I had no shortage of progesterone this month, so I'm leaning towards the endo being the cause. I have a follow up scan of my ovaries next week and then I will also think about doing a lap.

Curlygirl - what does maca do?

Its frustrating, isn't it?! my doctor is adding estrogen and progesterone to my regimen after i ovulate, so i will let you know if it works. My progesterone was always borderline with clomid except for maybe the first 2 cycles. I'm on my 7th clomid cycle. Not all in a row though.


Just an add on regarding spotting. This is for anyone who takes baby asprin or who has considered it. I took it for the first time last cycle and started my spotting at 5dpo (previously the earliest was 6dpo, with an average of 8/9dpo). The previous 2 months I hadn't started spotting until 12dpo - my latest yet. I never made a connection until today (sadly after I'd taken baby asprin as I'm on the dreaded 2ww) and looked up on Google to see whether asprin can cause spotting, and it seems it can. So I've decided that since it was self-prescribed I shan't be taking any more, at least for this cycle and see what happens.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that info. I took baby aspirin for one cycle and i bruised so badly, I had to quit. I wonder if aleve is the same as aspirin? i've been taking it for arthritis and headaches.

Hello everyone, can I join? I'm well and truely a spotter, I generally starts at 6DPO and lasts until AF arrives. I've had a progesterone test done (fine), ultrasound done (I have a fibroid), hsg done ( both tubes clear) and I may or may not have cervical dysplasia as my latest pap showed up clear but i'm still spotting. We've been trying for 2 years and was ntnp for many years before then and I've never had a bfp. I feel like there must be some underlying issue that's stopping me get pregnant. My new idea is that I have hypothyroidism as I have many of the symptoms but I've had these for years. I'm getting booked in for iui soon so I will ask for a test. Has anyone had any experience with hypothyroidism?
I hope we all get some answers but most importantly a bfp xxx

Hey there! I also had fibroids and mine caused alot of spotting. They are all gone now and i'm still spotting. The fibroids caused me to spot as early as you as well. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and am taking meds for it. So definitely get it checked out because it can cause infertility if your thyroid isn't in the right range.

AFM-im on cd 11 and my ovaries are complaining. I'm having lots of pain from the clomid. this will be my last medicated cycle for a while if this doesn't work.
Happy Shopper - I have elevate thyroid antiboides I don't have a hypothroid yet but I could get it in the future. Since June I have been on thyroid medication and I still have the spotting...I don't think my spotting is due to that. I also had cervical dysplasia and when I had the colposcopy done it came back clear, but when I had my follow up pap it was still abnormal - I do wonder if that has anything to do with my spotting and my infertility. I sometimes feel that my doctors don't try to connect anything - its like I just have a bunch of random things but they are related.

GreenOrchid- Maca is a natural supplement which is supposed to work with your endocrine system to help regulate your hormone levels. I have only been on it for like 2 weeks, so I guess I can't really say if it has done anything yet.

When I had my BFP in June, I did spot right before I had it, so I guess the spotting really doesn't effect getting pregnant, although I lost it very early.
CurlyGirl - totally know what you mean about some doctors not really connecting the dots about various symptoms or health issues! Very frustrating!
Thought I'd say hi. I thought spotting was a major problem until I got pregnant two years ago. That cycle, the spotting started as usual and I assumed my period had come so gave up on that cycle but then after a few days, the spotting turned a lighter and lighter brown until it became white. That's when I did a test and found I was pregnant. The red flow never came.

And then while pregnant, around the time my cycle should have come the following month, I spotted for a day. Totally freaked me out cos I thought it was the start of a miscarriage but it cleared up.

After giving birth, I had a 'clean' period with 14 day LP for months but now I'm back to having a messy cycle :(
That's great to hear Unmar! So many cycles I just assume I'm out once the spotting starts. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long for your next BFP.

Curlygirl - I know what you mean too about dr's just looking at all these problems in isolation. I have had the same frustration for the past year. I've been brushed off so many times! Especially about the problems I'm having with my cycles. It's like - :shrug: meh... come back in 6 months if you not preg still.
Hey ladies can I join?

I have severe endo and spot when it gets bad. I'm spotting at the mo. I had a lap in feb and had an 8cm endometrioma (cyst) on left ovary, 2cm on right and uterus was attached to pelvic wall. And a blocked right tube.

Found out in August that I had a cyst back on left ovary only 5 months post lap. Today I had another ultrasound which showed the cyst on my left ovary is now 6cm, I have a 2cm cyst on right ovary, uterus is tipped and ovaries aren't where they are meant to be.

I'm not surprised with all the pain I'm getting at mo.

Em xxx
Hi ladies, I'm a spotter too. Tried everything (b-complex, clomid etc) but none of them stopped the spotting. I did however conceive on my 4th round of clomid and I never spotted. I did however spot every month (around when period should of been due) up until I was about 32 weeks pregnant. Since having baby my spotting is less and the first few periods after birth I had none but I'm back to spotting - it only lasts 3 days now unlike the 5-6 days before pregnancy.

Anyway Just want to say spotters can get pregnant - I thought I'd never get preggers but did after 3-4 yrs trying
Hi ladies, I'm a spotter too. Tried everything (b-complex, clomid etc) but none of them stopped the spotting. I did however conceive on my 4th round of clomid and I never spotted. I did however spot every month (around when period should of been due) up until I was about 32 weeks pregnant. Since having baby my spotting is less and the first few periods after birth I had none but I'm back to spotting - it only lasts 3 days now unlike the 5-6 days before pregnancy.

Anyway Just want to say spotters can get pregnant - I thought I'd never get preggers but did after 3-4 yrs trying

thanks for sharing that! it is so good to hear!!

Hey ladies can I join?

I have severe endo and spot when it gets bad. I'm spotting at the mo. I had a lap in feb and had an 8cm endometrioma (cyst) on left ovary, 2cm on right and uterus was attached to pelvic wall. And a blocked right tube.

Found out in August that I had a cyst back on left ovary only 5 months post lap. Today I had another ultrasound which showed the cyst on my left ovary is now 6cm, I have a 2cm cyst on right ovary, uterus is tipped and ovaries aren't where they are meant to be.

I'm not surprised with all the pain I'm getting at mo.

Em xxx

:hi: Welcome! I'm sorry to hear that your cysts have grown back. that has to be frustrating. What are your plans now? are you going to do another lap?

I had my follicle scan at the Fertility Specialist today.
I asked about the spotting and he said that spotting at 10dpo wasn't too bad, that usually 10-14 is when when your corpus luteum starts shrinking and preparing for AF if there isn't a fertilized egg. He said spotting happens when the progesterone/estrogen drops too fast in a short amount of time..then the lining gets angry and starts to spot. So i'm taking the progesterone and estrogen later in my cycle to prevent the "crash" of the hormones that are causing me to spot. Which all of this completely makes sense and goes along with the book "making babies-3 month program for maximum fertility" On the stuck type (thats me ) there is trouble with hormone shifts...and its not a smooth transition. So hopefully this helps.

I just want to say that the Bcomplex has lengthened my LP but not my spotting. I used to have a 10-11 day LP and now i have a consistent 13 day LP.
i thought i would update everyone on my doctors attempt at figuring out the spotting.

Last cycle the fS added estrogen to my regimen after i ovulated, along with the progesterone to try and see if that stopped my spotting. It didn't :dohh: Instead of spotting at 10dpo, I started a day later at 11dpo. So i guess it helped a little bit, but not enough.

So now I am going in this Thursday for another sonohysterogram so that he can try and see if i have a polyp that is causing the spotting. That is what he suspects. I hope thats not the case, especially since i had surgery back in march to remove fibroids. I'm glad that he is being proactive and not telling me that it is natural and nothing to worry about. I guess after everything has been ruled out, then he can say that. I will let you all know what he finds out and says about the spotting!

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