Sophie2-Thanks for the post! You haven't had AF since January?? Wow, I wonder why your doctor didn't start you on Provera earlier. Hopefully this will help you get it since you are having cramps! (fingers crossed) Yea I have no idea why he told me to take all 3 at once. I asked him 3 times to make sure and he said yup. lol I trust my doctor though cause he was my mom's obgyn through all 5 of her kids!! Yea 5. Crazy right?? She's fertile myrtle and here I am having to take meds to have ONE!! but I am feeling okay so far. I was very heavy the 2nd and 3rd day of AF and now it's pretty much going away just like a normal period so the Provera worked! and I started my clomid on saturday night and I have no side effects so far. Well, I had a headache today and yesterday but not sure if it's the clomid (since it does say that it can cause headaches) or if it's just me cause I do get headaches sometimes. but no other side effects so far! now let's just hope this works :-/