Stepping DOWN to NTNP -- any advice?


Mom to precious Levi
Apr 20, 2011
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My DH and I have been full on TTC since February of this year, NTNP for about 6 months before that, but we DTD often enough for it to be considered TTC :blush:

I just finished up my 3rd round of clomid. I ovulated on all of them, but DH and I have decided to take a break from full on TTC.

Have any of you ladies moved from TTC to NTNP? How did you handle it? Did you stop all TTC things (besides BD of course ;) ) like temping, opks, etc. or did you keep going with them to track your cycle? I haven't been temping this cycle yet, but my cycles are so irregular I feel like I should continue so I know if/when I O. But at the same time, then I'll know if I'm in the TWW and I don't really want that stress right now.
I've ot got any experience or advice to offer, just didn't want to read and run, good luck :hugs:
Hey girl,

DH and I were NTNP for 5 months, but like you, we were dtd enough to be seriously TTC lol. It took me using Clomid and Pre Seed for 3 months to conceive my DS because I didn't ovulate on my own and never got AF on my own, but after giving birth, my cycles returned to somewhat regular, they were still like every 40 days, but that was more regular than I've ever been, however I even though I had AF, I wasn't getting any positive OPK's.

Anyhow, long story short, by June I decided to stop using OPK's and obsessing over the possible symptoms and possible ovulation etc, and just sort of "let go" of thinking about pregnancy etc, plus DH got busy with work & I was traveling to visit family, so we actually only dtd once a week, well apparently that was all we needed to do the trick because I got pregnant that month! I couldn't believe it because I wasn't getting ANY positive OPK's in the previous months, so I knew I wasn't ovulating the last 5 months, so I just figured we'd stop NTNP/TTC and I'd have my doc call in Clomid for me once the summer was over and we weren't so busy, so it must have been by the grace of God that I even ovulated on my own :) I'm not sure if that helps you at all, but thought I'd share my story since I too was on Clomid in the past and recently bounced back and forth with the whole NTNP/TTC :thumbup:

GL to you, lots of :dust:
Thank you for your encouragement! DH and I are moving to another state in 7 weeks, so maybe being busy with that will be the trick :). With all the stories about people just relaxing/forgetting about it and then ending up pg, it's almost too easy to get my hopes up.

Congrats on your baby on the way! Have you/Are you going to find out the gender?
I know how you feel :D I always heard the stories of ladies relaxing and forgetting about it and then becoming pregnant and I was just like "yeah right, that'll never happen" lol, but I guess being so distracted with other things in life, such as moving, hopefully does allow you to put it out of your mind a bit and with any luck it will be just what you need to conceive :thumbup:

Thank you so much for the congrats :hug: we decided not to find out this time around since we knew with DS, it was hard for me at first because I'm such a plan-ahead kind of gal lol, but now it's just really exciting to not know what it is and to anticipate the whole "It's a ___!!" when I deliver :D

We've been taking more of a NTNP approach last cycle and this cycle. I've wanted to take a more relaxed approach for a while but never managed it. Anyway, I stopped temping several cycles ago and just stuck with OPKs, but last cycle (and this cycle) I've ditched the OPKs (and saliva scope) too.
I'm finding it so much easier this way, it's much less stressful and, although I don't think it's possible to get away from the TTC mindframe, it's nice to sort of take a 'break'.
I'm still aware of CM changes and ovary twinges and so last cycle I was just one day off my guess of when ovulation occured (my Luteal Phrase is consistent so I was able to figure it out when AF arrived). So I still have a good idea when I'm fertile, but it was interesting to just let OH take the lead with when to BD and we did end up doing it during my fertile period.
This cycle I'm not making any notes on the calender of what CD I'm at so hoping it's even more NTNP-like.
I'm going off on a ramble here, but inconclusion :p NTNP is much kinder to the crazy TTC brain that I have developed.
I just had my period after 4 months of TTC. I know, it's not that long but TTC was making me unhappy, so I've decided to stop all efforts (except not preventing). I was starting to feel totally pathetic, not that I think those who TTC are but that's how I was feeling myself. I'm not going to track anything anymore, not talk about it or think about it. I have a demanding job so that should be easy enough.
Thank you ladies for all your input. I'm glad to know that I"m not alone in this, and I think we should all just remember that we can always ramp back up to TTC when the time is right! :)
I too am stepping down the next couple of cycles. I just finished my 4th cycle of TTC using OPK's and timed BD. I decided that I didn't want the stress of TTC during the holidays, so me and DH decided to NTNP for the next two cycles. Plus, I always hear that once you stop stressing and "trying" it will happen. So we'll see. Good luck!
Good luck to you too! I always hear that about it happening when you stop trying as well, but it just seems too good to be true! I'm pretty sure that won't happen to me, lol, though it would be amazing!
We recently went from full time TTC to this month NTNP.

I have to say I'm happier with NTNP.

When we were TTC I was stressed and obsessed with symptom spotting and temping ect. But this month I am a lot happier and we have BD's more in the last week than we would have in a whole month of TTC.

I'm not going to test until i'm at least a week late (if I am late) and if I do get a BFP then it will be an amazing early Christmas present.

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