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Steroids needed at 30 weeks...again!

I'm glad the contractions have died down :)
Thanks bev me too lol :)
So I'm allowed home this after noon possibly around 1ish as I thought, tightenings are back but I've not had any more meds since 7am, I should be due more now around lunch time, it does look like my body is trying to get into labour, but my cervix refuses to dilate, which is actually pretty reassuring, no more plug loss but my cervix is still glued shut lol. If I do go into labour at any time from now, they wont try and stop it, worrying, but they've done all they can and baby boy should be developed enough after all these injections and tablets lol! Just to take it easy now and get and finalize my hospital bag when I get home!
Thank you, me too! Just wish these tightenings would go and do one one if these start up again it will be one more day here :( I've just had 2 3 minutes apart :(
Well I've had all my meds, the ones to stop contractions seem to work for a few hours and then they come back, so I'm thinking just to not mention anything now and just go home, theres nothing they can do for me except keep me in giving me the tablets that dont work for long lol they did say if I go into labour at home I've had all the meds I could possibly need for baby, so I think I'll wing it and go home and take it day by day
Oh hun I’ve just read all of this,
I hope everything is okay & baby stays in for a while longer.
It’s positive that you’ve had the meds and they’ve done what they can, try and take it easy once home although easier said than done!
Keep us updated X
I hope all goes well and that he stays put thanks to the shut cervix.

This might be the paranoid in me, but just in case baby boy.makes a rapid entrance and you don't wanna stay are you close to the hospital?
How are you now hon? Did they manage to stop.it
Hi girls I'm home! I stayed until 6 had my last lot of meds and contractions stopped, I had a few more once I got into bed, but they were nothing that I've been getting in hospital, I'm hoping they will die down completely like they did with my second! But compared to this happening last time, I've had got way more contractions and plug loss early on than I did when this happened to me previously, so even though my mindset is, oh this happened before and I got to 40 weeks, I must get that out of my head, because knowing my luck even though it's a similar situation, it could be completely different if you get me and I could actually end up with a preemie which is not what I want! And yes I have 2 local hospitals, my hospital I'm using for birth is 20 mins down the road, traffic depending, but it will he an ambulance job during the day if I do indeed start dilating, and I have another just 15 the opposite direction, not my choice to give birth in this hospital but easy to get to and traffic is much less :)
Now it's time to completely finalize the hospital bags and get the carseat and changing bag out! I'm not going into labour and rummaging in boxes haha!

Also I dont know weather this has happened to anyone who's had the steroids before, but I have swollen up like a beach ball, my stomach is absolutely huge! I thought the steroids only helped babies lungs, not bulked him up like a body builder hahaha! I'm sure I swelled up last time just not this much!

Thank you all for the kind words and support through this shitty time! Baby boy is completely happy for now in there and he seems to be doing well, this is definitely my last pregnancy, after this happening 2 pregnancies in a row I think it's my body telling me it cant handle carrying babys anymore, especially bigger babies, and it's trying to evict them! He needs to hang in there a bit longer, me and OH are going to see Russel Howard live on the 23rd September and I've had that booked since november last year! I ain't missing that hahaha!
I'm glad you're home now and I hope that the swelling calms down soon!
Thanks hun, I've slept for 12 hours! So nice to be back in my own bed lol I've left hospital more ill than I was! I think I have a chest infection on the way and the worst stuff nose! It was wayyyy to hot up on that ward :(
On the plus side, they gave me this picture as a keep sake at the hospital when I first arrived and had all the midwives giggling and joking about how blessed he is, I haven't stopped laughing at this, that is the biggest, chunkiest little baby part I've ever seen in my life! It's no wonder hes measuring so heavy hahahaha I had to share!

Thats hilarious for the photo ahah.

Im glad youre home! I hope little guy stays in at least until 36 weeks! 37 would be the best but 36 shouldn't be too bad.

He's just in a rush to see mama! But that can scary obviously and having a preemie is also difficult especially when you have other kiddos so Fx little one stays put until october 9th at the very least!
Thats hilarious for the photo ahah.

Im glad youre home! I hope little guy stays in at least until 36 weeks! 37 would be the best but 36 shouldn't be too bad.

He's just in a rush to see mama! But that can scary obviously and having a preemie is also difficult especially when you have other kiddos so Fx little one stays put until october 9th at the very least!

Agreed hun! If he did come on October 9th there would be just 3 days between our birthdays as I'm the 6th lol such an eager little man! It must just be my boys, getting all excited to come and see me! He can wait a but longer I'm afraid, I'm not quite prepared yet and I still have the odds and ends to pick up haha!
Hahah love the photo and so glad ure home. Hope it all settles and u get to 37 weeks hon. Hope u make the concert that will be amazing.
I was told losing the plug and having the show doesn't always mean labour is about to start any time soon and I really hope thats the case for u hon. I lost mine monday and u know and had the show and have been not feeling right since but still no regular contractions just iregular ones ahd back ache and terrible lighting crotch.
Rest now hon and dont do anything strenuous. I will pray for you that baby will be born at full term just like with ure first.
Sending u lots of hugs hon xxxxx
Make sure all ure bags are packed just incase so ure not running around like a loon if anything does happen.

My friend went into pre term labour at just 28 weeks and thank the lord they managed to give her medication to stop it. She is now 40 weeks and still pregnant. So u never know hon.
I have it all fixed for you <3:hug:
Hahah love the photo and so glad ure home. Hope it all settles and u get to 37 weeks hon. Hope u make the concert that will be amazing.
I was told losing the plug and having the show doesn't always mean labour is about to start any time soon and I really hope thats the case for u hon. I lost mine monday and u know and had the show and have been not feeling right since but still no regular contractions just iregular ones ahd back ache and terrible lighting crotch.
Rest now hon and dont do anything strenuous. I will pray for you that baby will be born at full term just like with ure first.
Sending u lots of hugs hon xxxxx
Make sure all ure bags are packed just incase so ure not running around like a loon if anything does happen.

My friend went into pre term labour at just 28 weeks and thank the lord they managed to give her medication to stop it. She is now 40 weeks and still pregnant. So u never know hon.
I have it all fixed for you <3:hug:

Aww thank you for that :) yeah it wasnt the plug I was worried about tbh, it was the regular contractions and lower back pain (I tend to labour in my back) that was happening for 3 days and I just assumed I over done it, it was only until Monday night when the plug came away when the contractions started up worse than before, I wouldn't say they were agony, but it definitely felt like the type you get at 4cms dilated, so when I phoned and explains that, plus the period pain, plus losing the plug and plus the immense pressure, they had me in to be safe, it was only then at the hospital that the scan showed baby to engaging, they could tell this by feeling it as well and with the positive fibronectin test they just didn't want to take any chances. I know with that test it could mean nothing at all, but all the symptoms adding up plus that, there was no way they wanted me going home lol

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