Does anyone know how to stop bed-wetting? Up until now we didn't really see too much of a problem, but now my step son is 5 and still peeing at night. He has been daytime potty trained since he was barely 2. But he is SUCH a heavy sleeper that he doesn't wake up to pee. He even pees through the pull ups some nights. We've tried waking him up in the middle of the night, but even then he will still sometimes go before morning again. He is so deep in sleep too that even after waking him it's hard to get him out of the bed and stay awake long enough to go in the toilet. We've tried everything we could think of. His last drink is at dinner time. And if he does have anything after then, it's a sip of water here and there. We have him pee before he goes to bed too. Does anyone have any suggestions?