So as you guys probably know I moved into a different room since becoming pregnant and we had all the big stuff moved afew weeks back but I still had afew shelves downstairs that was full of china dolls/jewelry boxes and such that I have gotten from special people in my life..
Also had a bunch of little "notes" I had written when I was angry and I don't burn them or throw them away like most people instead I kept them in hidden spots around my room such as underneath one of the dolls and such...
Well.. My dad clears all the shelves off and puts most of it in this one big box and packs my dolls away since we're moving in a few months anyway..
I just went through the box today and one of my little dolls that I got from my great uncle is broken, A jewelry box that's EXTREMELY fragile that I've had since I was little I can't remember which old lady gave me it the lid for it is all broken..

He just had all this extremely fragile stuff thrown into this box to haul upstairs for me to go through.. I'm surprised not more stuff is broken.. It makes me so mad he never even told me he did it and I'm scared to death of the condition my dolls are in.. I really don't even care for the stuff but almost everyone that gave me that stuff has passed away so I still like to hold onto it..
Even worse is I don't know what he did with the notes or if he read them and threw them away I was hoping he maybe put them in the box but he didn't..
Also I had a box wrapped in a little piece of cloth from my first boyfriend and the box made it up in one piece but the cloth is no where in sight and it was wrapped around the box with a rubber band and the rubber bands broken and I'm scared he threw that away to!!
I want to go down and look around but he moved everything in that room and has it set up as his little "man cave" now and I'm scared he threw the notes and cloth away and they meant alot to me and I didn't want to let go of them just yet.. I really hope he didn't read the notes
-Sigh-.. When we moved into this house a few years ago and in the process of moving out of my old house he bumped into my bookshelf and a doll that my cousin gave me fell and her leg broke.. He told me he would fix it and here we are over 3 years later and it's still broken.. My cousin died at the age of 23 in a car crash when I was 10.. She was the first person close to me that had passed away and it was really hard for me to get over her death and that doll meant the world to me..
Now he has all my dolls given to me by like her and my great grandmas shoved away in some tiny box I'm so scared he damaged one again I should have been there when he was moving all that stuff I'm so mad he never mentioned anything to me or asked me about the notes or
ANYTHING in that room for that matter..
I'm sorry to rant I'm just so mad and scared I want to cry thanks to the hormones.. I'm nervous to even ask him about any of the stuff because if we get in an argument I'll end up in tears anyway