Gah I keep forgetting to check this as I'm stuck on the teen section
My ribs hurt SOOOOOOOO bad the last few days its unbelievable!!
He wont even be up there moving around and they just ache..
This morning while I was still asleep I was dreaming and he kicked my ribs soo hard I woke straight up flinching..
He also seems to be punching my right hip alot lately.. Stabbing pains.. argh!
Also, I had the same problems with people thinking something sounded like a "black name" like wtf why do I care? I'm not racist

One really bad thing about where I live.. It's abunch of racist rednecks..
I love the name Kiera and Damien both but FOB and alot of my cousins and stuff said it sounded like a "Black" name
I do like Tyrell though it would be cute to call him Ty for short

I think I'm still leaning towards Jace though xx