Like the other girls said, Love Rory!
My little cousins named Mason who's.. coming up on two years I believe.
He's so freaking adorable I saw him in august when it was just a few of my family members knew at my other cousins (His uncle's) baby shower.. (Ok, not really his UNCLES baby shower since hes not the one having the baby but yeah

He was so freaking adorable he kept wanting to sit in my lap..
Sorry went off topic
FOB is a push over and went with whatever name I liked.. I went with Damien for awhile but finally he spoke up on that one saying it sounded like a "black name".. but eventually took that back as he noticed how frustrated that made me

(He really is adorable but I just don't want to be with him)
I know it's your child and you can name him/her what ever you want but it's always easier when other people like the name as well..
Alot of my family disliked Damien and it drove me up a wall.. They all like Riley though and all call him that and talk to my belly saying his name (SO awkward

FOB is happy with Riley James and that's his only "say" in it.. All the names he told me he liked I had cousins that were all named that (Huge family is a pain in the ass when looking for baby names) and so I gave up with anything he suggested..