In all seriousness - ask for a tour of the facility, they're usually happy to do it. If you see a spotless, well organized, technologically advanced system with what looks like competent people working there, you'll feel a whole lot better! My DH wouldn't think of giving a "sample" there until he felt that they wouldn't mix it up with someone else's, so we talked to them the week before, we got a lovely tour, got showed their barcode scanning system, they offered us their written policy on positive patient identification, lots of things to make us feel better. I did not see people working slopily, or listening to music gossiping, carelessly doing their work, I saw silent, non-distracting, organized, clean workspaces, and very professional seeming people hard at work. As it turned out, we were the only IUI prep that day so we really felt better, but their open-door tour helped relieve a LOT of worries. Good luck!!!