My lo feeds all night long in our bed- it all started when my husband complained she is going to wake up her bother who is 16 month old up every time she makes a noise in her cot. She is 4 month old and is probably trying to self sooth a little louder than everyone else can appreciate. Anyway every hour or so I have to put my boob in her mouth to get her back to sleep so she is in our bed pretty much feeding all.night.long. Which means 2-3 nappy changes through the night and I go downstairs to do that because she cries because I've woke her up doing it. Another factor is through the day I'm busy with my 16 month old rubbing around after him sorting his meals getting hi ready getting out the door etc.. That she ends up feeding every hour for just 5 mins it's just too noisy for her and too much going off ! My 16 month old is always charging around screeching and bashing things!! I'm desperate to get out of this rut but have no idea where to start!! Help