Stupid old fart


Mummy to Niamh
Jan 24, 2009
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So i was on my way back from town with my little brother who is 3 and because of the weather we got the bus. The back of the bus was pritty much empty and the front was busy but with a few seats left. I sat my brother on one of those seats at the font of the bus that you have to go on a step up and face sideways and i stood infront of him facing him with my back to the rest of the bus. The bus starts filling up and im chatting away to my brother when all of a sudden this old man comes and stands next to me and says "move so i can sit down" Now this bloke cant have been any older than 65.

Pardon i say thining i havent heard him right.

"Im an old aged pentioner and i want that seat"

I inform him that there are plent of seats further up the bus.

"But im an old aged pentioner and it says on that sighn that you have to give me the seat"

Well by this point im livid. I tell him that one hes not having the seat for being so god damn rude, two the sighn says that they are priority seats for the elderly OR people with children and three if he is able to stand on the step(which is just wide enough to get your foot on) and swing round into the seat then you are capable of going up the one step to the rest of the seats on the back of the bus and four there are plenty of other people who dont need the priority seats who dont have children who you could of asked to move so on that basis, no you cant have this seat.

He starts chuntering away to him self so i just egnore him and talk to my brother.

Now several people who would come under number four in my rant offer him there seat to which he refuses and says "im standing to make a point"

If he was that unable to stand or walk to the back of the bus he would have accepted there offer to sit down.

I have nothing but respect for older people and allways move or stand up so that they can sit down but when they are so bloody rude it dose nothing but piss me off and feel sorry for the nice older people that get tared with the same brush.

Had he asked nicely in the first place i would have moved but im buggerd if im going to after how he spoke to me.
Good on you for sticking up for yourself and telling him to stick it. Rude old man! There is never any need to speak to people like that and it makes my blood boil when people do and think it's ok! I'm with you, if he'd have asked nicely then fair enough but as he didn't he deserved to be told NO! x
i have a thing about old people and theeir expectiations and he sounded incredibly rude, but, why owuld you not make a 3 year old move? i absolutely would of moved my kids further up the bus as soon as i saw someone needier getting on the bus
I would probably have given him the seat but given him a good talking to first like you did. Good on you. If he's capable of standing the whole way then he's capable of sitting elsewhere.
good on you, i'd of done the same. manners cost nothing and i hate how certain people believe they are above everyone else just because of age etc x
i have a thing about old people and theeir expectiations and he sounded incredibly rude, but, why owuld you not make a 3 year old move? i absolutely would of moved my kids further up the bus as soon as i saw someone needier getting on the bus

I couldent see any one getting on the bus as i had my back to every one else. My brother dosent have good balance and can fall off a seat even though he is sat still.
i know how you feel hun! a little old lady insisted she was in front of me in the bank and i didnt let her get in front of me as i was in a huge rush and she was most definetely not in front of me! its like abuse of of of.. not power the other thing? i have been tryng to write this for the last 30 hour so ..yeah.
I haven't been on a bus in ages but I definately think when it comes to queueing some older people have a serious manner deficiency and seem to think they have a god given right to plonk themselves anywhere in the queue they feel like, especially at the post office. But then you get some really lovely ones who balance it out so that's why I never tend to say anything because I do like to believe that those horrid ones are the minority. xx
good on you hun.. there is no reason to be rude and the fact he was rude about it why the hell should you move.. ive had old people sit next to me and dump there shopping on my feet and legs :growlmad: and act like im sat in there shoppings seat :wacko: or when they talk up the whole bloody walk way with there bloody shopping bags on wheels that are empty :growlmad:

Ill teach kyle to move for older people when his old enough to understand, but i dont expect him to move if his being spoken to in a rude manner since it shows no respect so why should he show respect back :shrug: its only respect to move into another seat not Law
Good on you hun and this is exactly why I DONT have respect for old people I am afraid. I don't get why they deserve more respect when half the time they are so god damn rude and just expect it. I think anyone of any age can earn respect and I am not gonna give it just because of someone's age! Rude rude man!

I did that with a bloke over a parking space i "accidently" stole the other week, i was fully prepared to move until he started whining saying i should have used my brain, tough crap now mate im not moving if your going to speak to me like that

Manners dont cost a thing!!
I hate this sort of thing and if im totally honest old people just really annoy me when they think that the world owes them a favour and that they can speak to anyone how they like because they are "old"....sorry but it just really annoys me! I would of done the same as you hun,if he was fit enough to stand there and argue with you then he was ok to walk a bit further up the bus.
Totally agree with you hun. He had no right to talk to you like that. Respect is a two-way thing :hugs:
I totally agree with you. Manners cost nothing.
Silly old man.
Totally agree manners cost nothing. some old people are plain RUDE and think the world owes them somethings. Such a shame cos there are so many sweet old people to
I understand exactly how you feel. Old people expect us to move, but they wouldn't lift a finger for us.

That happened to me once. I was a bus that was EMPTY with Tegan and sat in the bit where the pushchairs go, and this old woman got on and said 'move i wanna sit there' I said there are plenty of other seats, this bus is empty...' she said 'NO, I want THAT seat!!!' So i told her to get lost and sit somewhere else, she called me rude, I said she was the one who was rude, and then she started waving her walking stick at the sign saying its a priority seat INCHES above Tegan's head. She almost hit her with the bloody stick, so I called her an ignorant old witch, told her if she nearly hit my daughter with that stick once more I'd shove it where the sun don't shine :blush: and spent the rest of the journey stewing in my RAGE.
I normally move for old people, but this one annoyed me.
Was tegan in a pushchair if so then she hd a right to be there aswell

Stupid woman I would understand if the bus was full. In fact no even if the bus was full there was no need to be so rude

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