My LO is 6 months old and it's finally getting easier. We won't talk for weeks on end, then he will start blowing up my phone, calling 10+ times a day, but the second I call or text him, he won't answer, won't respond and disappears off the radar again for a few weeks. I can't put myself through that anymore, so I finally blocked him on FB and didn't give him my new number. If he calls on my parents land line, I answer, but I never initiate contact anymore. Really, once you get a week or two of no contact under your belt, it's much easier to avoid from there. If he's anything like mine, he has a lot of drama and chaos in his life and it's rather peaceful to take a break from all his BS.
I've had months and months on end of crying and pain and heartbreak, but it's finally getting through to me that he's not going to change and he's never going to care the way I want him too. Give it time....and if you DO slip up and contact him, just reset the no contact clock and try for a better record next time!