OK, Ladies! Let's here it!
We have all heard stupid stuff said to us about not having kids yet or how to get pregnant... so, let's share so that we can all have a collective giggle and a little understanding from those that have been there!
Let's here those terrible comments, insensitive remarks and horrible home remedies!
So, I'll start!
If you relax and don't think about it it will happen!
Go on vacation!
A friend of mine started adoption and BOOM, she got pregnant!
It'll happen when it it supposed to.
Give it time!
Have you tried acupuncture?
Have you read...
Maybe it's just a timing issue.
You should eat...
You should not eat...
Maybe in the back of your mind you don't really want to...
I think the more of these we have already read from others the more forewarned we are when we really here them out loud!
My standard response to the above? Sometimes to just nod but, sometimes, when it really gets me I just stare at them for an uncomfortable amount of time and then say: Did you really just say that?
With love and hopes of bringing a smile to your face!
We have all heard stupid stuff said to us about not having kids yet or how to get pregnant... so, let's share so that we can all have a collective giggle and a little understanding from those that have been there!

Let's here those terrible comments, insensitive remarks and horrible home remedies!

So, I'll start!
If you relax and don't think about it it will happen!

Go on vacation!
A friend of mine started adoption and BOOM, she got pregnant!
It'll happen when it it supposed to.
Give it time!
Have you tried acupuncture?
Have you read...
Maybe it's just a timing issue.
You should eat...
You should not eat...
Maybe in the back of your mind you don't really want to...
I think the more of these we have already read from others the more forewarned we are when we really here them out loud!
My standard response to the above? Sometimes to just nod but, sometimes, when it really gets me I just stare at them for an uncomfortable amount of time and then say: Did you really just say that?

With love and hopes of bringing a smile to your face!
