Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

Back from IOW. Had a really nice day yesterday the weather was good and took Connie to the zoo for most the day had a nice meal last night. Came back early today because weather is crap. Connie was impossible to get to sleep in hotel room so both nights ended up walking around in her pram and her going to sleep at 9 when she usually goes at 7 then her waking up at 4 both mornings and back in our bed until about 6. Have done soo much walking which resulted in a lot of braxton hicks! Me and OH got engaged friday night too :D


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Back from IOW. Had a really nice day yesterday the weather was good and took Connie to the zoo for most the day had a nice meal last night. Came back early today because weather is crap. Connie was impossible to get to sleep in hotel room so both nights ended up walking around in her pram and her going to sleep at 9 when she usually goes at 7 then her waking up at 4 both mornings and back in our bed until about 6. Have done soo much walking which resulted in a lot of braxton hicks! Me and OH got engaged friday night too :D

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! The ring is beautiful. So happy for you.

I'm poorly and my sister said it sounds like the same thing she's got which is a horrid virus she hasn't been able to shake for a week. Looks like I'll be ill for my birthday on Thursday :(. Oh well going out for a lovely meal with the family so I'm sure a lovely steak will make it all worth it. Just tidied the house but we're all still in our pjs and just gonna lounge around for the rest of the day. We were supposed to be going to OH's dad's but I just don't feel up to it and Toby is too busy playing on the xbox on the first game he's played on that's actually his lol x
Thank you :) I've still got the remains of my illness! Weve just been out for lunch with my mum her partner and my nan. Connies asleep on sofa so going to try and squeeze a nap in but no doubt she will wake up any second! Hope you feel better soon in time for your birthday!
Eugh stretchies not like i didn't have enough I have grown more!!!!

Mosnippy are they all good or some scary?

some scary making me wake up panicking he is coming early...etc last night one was i was in labour for days and he wasnt entering birth canal so i was gave in to say fine c-section and the little monkey got into position and out he popped haha
Back from IOW. Had a really nice day yesterday the weather was good and took Connie to the zoo for most the day had a nice meal last night. Came back early today because weather is crap. Connie was impossible to get to sleep in hotel room so both nights ended up walking around in her pram and her going to sleep at 9 when she usually goes at 7 then her waking up at 4 both mornings and back in our bed until about 6. Have done soo much walking which resulted in a lot of braxton hicks! Me and OH got engaged friday night too :D

aaawwww huge congrats hun!!! that is awesome!!! and the ring ...or bling is just beautiful! am jealous! haha
did he do it allll romantically did you know he was going to???

did you cry?? i know i would haha

Congrats!!! Thats beautiful hun.

Sorry im not around much girls. Damn insurance company are faffing around.with the claim saying i.need to explain how i got it wet in more detail and draw a diagram and photos (wtf)!!! As if i tipped a bottle of bubbles over my brand new laptop on purpose just for the sheer fun of it!! Grrrr.
Congrats!!! Thats beautiful hun.

Sorry im not around much girls. Damn insurance company are faffing around.with the claim saying i.need to explain how i got it wet in more detail and draw a diagram and photos (wtf)!!! As if i tipped a bottle of bubbles over my brand new laptop on purpose just for the sheer fun of it!! Grrrr.

They're idiots that hate paying out. Had it with my phone a few years ago as my LO was like 18 months old and put it in a cup of tea. They didn't believe me and asked for stupid things like that. Got it sorted in the end though. Just don't be tempted to give up though that's what they want xx

And yeah did it happen? I'm so jealous OH is annoying with that. Made me think it was coming soon for ages and then started acting like it's not going to happen for ages. Breaks my heart sometimes. Me and my grandma were talking about it the other day as my cousin had suggested he might do it on our anniversary and I was like no he won't and my grandma for some reason thought we were already engaged. I was explaining that you don't need to spend loads to have a nice wedding and my sister in total spent £800 on her wedding and made it all back and more from money in gifts and gift cards etc. But I was reiterating the conversation to him and he said doesn't mean we're getting married though I was like "yeah you've made that perfectly clear".

Also with him losing his job he can't buy me what he was going to buy me for my birthday which was an iPod but a lot of family when I saw them last week gave me money for my birthday, and some are sending some in cards. I said I could buy my own iPod with that and he could just get me something little when his redundancy money comes in and he picked up my left hand pointed to my ring finger and said "not that little though" it's like yeah I get the hint already. Pisses me off a little sometimes. It's like yeah I understand we can't afford it and there's no point getting engaged until we can afford a wedding and we've got other things to pay for before paying for a wedding but you don't need to act like that about it just stay quiet and don't talk about it. Act like it maybe bothers you a little bit to but don't act like you're relieved about the fact we can't get married right now.

SOrry to whinge on the back of your happiness lol. It just frustrates me.
Huge congrats misse, the ring is beautiful!!
Mosnippy you are not alone on the dreams, two nights ago I was dreaming I was sitting at the edge of my bed and was feeling pressure down stairs so I checked and my baby's head was almost out, so I was trying to tell my mom but I was afraid at the same time because she was gonna take me to the hospital and I didn't want to go because "doctors were gonna take my baby out, and she wasn't ready yet" weird
Awwww love the rock! My rock has been removed as I have fat hand I have worn that ring for 4 years and looks like another 40!!!
Thank you everyone. it wasn't anything particularly romantic we were just in our hotel room after Connie had fallen asleep got on one knee and asked me to marry him. He's not one to give a speech or make a massive gesture but I dont mind I loved it :) I didn't cry, I'm not really one to cry with stuff like that lol. I had an idea it would be soon but didn't think it would be that night. I have also broke my laptop I dropped jt yesterday and now it won't turn on :( need to take it down pc world!
Misse congrats thats so fab and gorgeous ring!

Kmbaby so sorry you have been feeling so crap hope you feel better soon. Hun he shouldnt be doing that tho your not just whinging its a valid point. We only spent £2,000 on our wedding and it was a church wedding and had everything we wanted. We just went to Inverness for a long weekend for our honeymoon with our wedding money which we got £1,000! My family all did things for the wedding, mum did flowers, aunty and gran organised the cake and my gran made my dress and my FIL made the rings and I think thats more sentimental. I hope he does pop the question at some point soon :hugs:

Laptops are so annoying sometimes, my shift key wont work on mine and its only a year old you know its like it gets stuck! So annoying.

As for dreams I dreamt last night that I kept on applying for my old job back but when I was emailing the application the placesof how many people can apply kept on dropping and dropping so by the time I hit submit I was too late and couldnt apply. Very bizarre. Ive only ever had one baby dream months and months ago and nothing since. Oh and saturday night I dreamt I went out on a night out with my hubby and was defo him but he had a diff face but didnt recognise it and I forgot I was pregnant and had about 8-9 vodka and irnbrus and got drunk and was hungover and so guilt ridden the next day :shrug:

Hows everyone feeling? I cant be bothered doing anything today.

Was I water melon yesterday??????

Ahhh my friend who is actually a member on here I don't think she's in this group but should be is being induced in just over 2 weeks eeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk!
Was I water melon yesterday??????

Ahhh my friend who is actually a member on here I don't think she's in this group but should be is being induced in just over 2 weeks eeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk!

wow! thats fab! On my fruit ticker I think changes to a watermelon at 37 weeks :shrug:
And KM I had it for ages an ended up really disappointed when we went to Brighton in October for anniversary I was convinced he would do it then but he never and actually ended up having an argument where I got myself worked up. we plan on getting married abroad hoping 2014-15 nothing too massive just close friends and family. Used to hate seeing people get engaged when we weren't. I'm not desperate tom get married so soon just wanted the confirmation we were getting there.

Had to do food shopping today, got very wet! Now sat at my mums with connie asleep on my lap and hating that i have no laptop at home. Me and OH getting takeaway tonight and watching football hoping he gets home a bit earlier than usual!

And pretty sure I've been a watermelon for a while now...
Maybe hmmm weird what the heck can i be next?????

Measured the bump 35cm! STill can't decide which way up he is.

Got the plumber coming at 4 to presurise the boiler might have to video him doing this???
I was measuring 31 last Monday I think. But feel massive. Just weighed myself thought I was 10.3 but I'm now 10.7stone..... So one of us has had a growth spurt lol, hoping it's Harvey, thought I had been eating well, maybe my 2 packs of Maryland cookies in 2 weeks has had a not so great effect :haha:
Hmm google says raspberry leaf tea from 32 weeks..... May get some this week
I was told capsuals are better and tehy taste nicer lol I started a few days ago and have now started on 2 a day!!!! wanted to check i didn't go into spontaneous labour. EPO next week!
i have midwife today, i know i picked up a few lbs haha... not good

my munchkin keeps turning, i feel hiccups down low in pelvis which is good but they they where up high under ribs so he back to being breech! silly bugger! i have scan next week..excited to see him again! and see how big he is measuring!

almost finished the transformers wall piece, just the toy box to jazz up now and we done with that!

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