Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

Think I'm the only one not using anything probably be the last to pop !

I'm not using anything either Mosnippy, I wanted to buy the raspberry leaf tablets but I think it is a little too late for that :shrug: I didn't use anything with my son but used to walk alot and he was born at 38+3..this time I would like to get to 40 weeks as I don't have everything ready yet, but I being lazzzzy yhis pregnancy so who knows:dohh:
Oh good thought it was just me letting nature do its thing lol even though I am so uncomfortable!

I walk a lot which hurts like hell after :(
Ahh big bump!
I'm not using anything either, never got round to buying anything.
Irma think your the first one to say u want to get to 40 weeks lol

Aw my friend had her little girl yesterday , she was due 1st July this is number 2 for her! So cute

Can't wait to see what my little man looks like lol
Thats not a bump it's a mountain!!!! but very round!!!

lol waiting on MW visiting so i can confirm little sod is head down to blow up the ball!!!

He is now a little sod as had me up half the night cramping and pooping!
Nice bump km it looks much more evened out now, just perfect!

I'm not using anything either really. The only thing I have is EPO but I think it started the bloody show so waiting for now! I think I may be induced at 38-39weeks as baby seems to have stopped growi.g and moving so well but will see at scan Tues. The consultants get so nervous with the bleeding at the end. Dont know whether to accept it or not, I always said DD was too early at 38wks with u.derdeveloped digestive system and severe reflux and jaundice but then again this baby is bigger and showing so many signs of coming on his own soon anyway - pains all last night again.

Its such a hard decision, don't want baby forced out early but could never forgive myself if I turned down the induction and something happened! Induction was horrific last time 24 hours of pitocin hell!
Well. Feel terrible today. Feel so sick, I'm really uncomfortable and just ready for it to be over. I know she's still got a few weeks but she's so big and it's just so hard to not feel a little selfish and want my body back lol.

She has been a bit quiet over the past couple of days. Not moving quite so well but lots of hiccups. Just wish something would start. Proper thinking about changing my method of coming down the stairs to come down on my bump, maybe it'll break my waters haha x
Sounds fun kmb!
OK when do naps become intermittent?? she had along one yesterday and nodded off in the car in the afternoon so far some eye rubbing an no sleeping!!!!!
Nice bump km it looks much more evened out now, just perfect!

I'm not using anything either really. The only thing I have is EPO but I think it started the bloody show so waiting for now! I think I may be induced at 38-39weeks as baby seems to have stopped growi.g and moving so well but will see at scan Tues. The consultants get so nervous with the bleeding at the end. Dont know whether to accept it or not, I always said DD was too early at 38wks with u.derdeveloped digestive system and severe reflux and jaundice but then again this baby is bigger and showing so many signs of coming on his own soon anyway - pains all last night again.

Its such a hard decision, don't want baby forced out early but could never forgive myself if I turned down the induction and something happened! Induction was horrific last time 24 hours of pitocin hell!
I know the desicion you take will be the best for your LO. Jaundice is the main thing I want to get to 40 weeks my son had it bad when he was born and had to stay a week at the hospital and when I went went home with no baby I felt terrible, plus the hosp was an hour away so no help there..
Molly my grandma always told me "no naps after 5 will keep you sane" that is what I did and Daniel always went to sleep around 9pm
molly she is probably moving from having multiple naps to one long nap. We just started making the morning nap later and later until it was around 11am and if she slept for a couple of hours I either took her out in the pram/car later for a 20min nap to keep her going until bedtime or I put her down really early for bed like 6pm. If she only slept an hour or so I would put her back in the cot later. We've always been really strict for naps and still have a great routine (excluding our recent hellish 18month sleep regression LOL)

6.30 wake up
11.30 - 2 nap
7 bed

Some days she only naps 1hour15mins and others it's like 3hours.

Hope you are okay km, it's really tough isn't it :-( I'm in daily pain, terrible diarrhoea, still spotting, hip and back pain are horrendous and contractions throughout the night stopping me sleeping. I want this over and am ready to try something as drastic as breastpump or castor oil at 38 weeks. I will see what they say at my growth scan on Tues at 37 weeks.

My OH is being an utter dick to me again. He's just being horrible and is in a foul mood with me most of the time and speaks to me like shit just because he feels like it. 3 weeks away from having a baby and I literally cannot stand to be around him :-( I do feel bad as his Nana died a month ago and I have been so focused on this pregnancy and baby I guess I haven't checked in on him much. Don't know how to fix things.
Don't you feel guilty, he shouldn't be taking anything out on you stardust.

As for naps Connie tends to have different nAps everyday but no matter what goes to bed at 7 and now waking up about 6.30 today she's had 2 half hour naps where as another she will have 2 1 and a half hour naps

The dog is better atlast and I'm seriously feeling like ready to get baby out , I wasn't in such a rush until this week I feel so heavy and have no energy. Got my ball back out for some bouncing tonight now he's the right way round
Awwwe hun I hope things get better with your OH soon.

Today I have absolutely blitzed the house!! It's immaculate. Even cleaned the swing and the changing mat my friend gave me.

Am in loads of pain now though and have again lost loads of plug. It's soaked through about 3 pads but it's definitely plug because it comes out in bits and not all the time. We're going out tonight. I was reluctant at first but so desperate to get this baby out of me and I feel it's just my luck to go into labour in the middle of a crowded bar on a Saturday night lol. Haven't done anything to try and get her out today apart from clean a lot. Oh and I did have a bit of a boogie in the kitchen whilst I was cleaning, that may have helped haha. But I am like you I feel like if she doesn't come by my estimated date I may let my sister bring some castor oil round after all lol. I said no earlier in the pregnancy but I am so bloody uncomfortable it's untrue. And warm too. Definitely think my body is taking the bun in the OVEN thing a little too seriously haha.

Anyway need to go put tea on and whilst it's cooking have a quick shower x
she dropped to 1 a month ago it's now intermittent she wouldn't go down until this afternoon been awake for 10 minutes quietly upstairs. get her to quick and she screams!

Life goes on after death don't feel to bad he needs to catch on
I dont know why but have just decided I a going to actually spring clean house at 7 in the morning, Ive had the worst night sleep of my life and the pain in my hips when I sleep is unbearable now! Was meant to have an early night so had a bath and got in bed at 9 but didnt put it down til 11!
I fell asleep on the sofa before 11. Woke up dripping sweat went to go to bed and my neighbours still had music and loud talking going at nearly 2am!!! They had kids out there to.

It's July Ladies half of us are due to pop this month anyone else bricking it at the thought it's no longer next month??

I'm just about to make oH his super hot curry for lunches at work before showering, laundry and a selection of other rubbish house hold activities.
Well, jumping her out didn't work although I think my labour my start with my waters breaking...I was bouncing on the ball this morning and it feels like my cervix is falling through lol so guessing I may be dilating a bit and my waters may be bulging. But oh well we'll see. Holding off on the induction tricks today as my little sister is coming round and I haven't seen her since Christmas. She has come back from uni for the summer so really looking forward to having a good catch up. But it's mine and OH's anniversary tomorrow so we're going out for a curry and on Tuesday I will be back to a day of trying everything lol.

So excited that this is our month x
The curry's not for me btw. I have a random chilli allergy so can only make it not eat it.

Ball! thank you might blow that up while i dry from the shower
Excited an bricking it! I'm a mom this month an get to meet my son! And life as I know it will be changed forever !!! Eeeeekkkkkkk
Just thought I've only done a bag for me with a days worth of badger stuff in. what the hell do i pack for him??? Abby has a bag to take to grandmas or will but badger???

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