Sounds like you ladies are having fun!
Alex was 5lb9! Hes still in a little heated cot but they are just being cautious. Not managing breastfeeding very well - he's just too little to coordinate suck, swallow, breathe with a boob in his mouth. Hes been so unhappy and had bad wind from his poor latch so its bern a terrible night! The longest he stopped crying for was 45min all night! Daddy has just given him his first bottle and hes finally happy.and asleep. Not sure when we be getting out but he hasnt had any wet nappies yet and doubt it'll be today!
DD is completely unphased at "baby" and happy as ever! Will start a little parenting journal once Im home with laptop!
Just wish I could sleep but LO is so mucousy and noisy its impossible. I forgot how hard it is having a newborn, will swap for pregnancy any day lol xx