Haha. I've changed my mind back after tonight. Lol. Had a horrid couple of hours. Been in tears the entire time from being so uncomfortable. Really want to try and enjoy the last couple of weeks but I constantly feel like I'm gonna pass out, or be sick, or both. The weight of her and pressure of her is just too much. It's been horrid!!!
Congrats agai. Stardust, Alex is gorgeous!!
KM that is how I been feelingfor the past month even standing up the pressure is too much, I constantly feel like I'm gonna pass out, and my pressure is being low ...I'm exhausted OH got off early from work bc of 4th of july and we did some swerious baby shopping, I think we r ready I just need the diaper bag I forgot it lol
I'm so ready now! ... and 100% given up on eviction attempts... It didnt work! All we could do with getting is a playmat, weve got a small pack of nappies but my friends got a box I'm buying off her, need to pick that up.
I've got 2 very full up hospital bags to take everything just incase. Now I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to handle it and give up on my water birth.. I really want one though
Not impressed. Barely slept I was so uncomfortable and little miss wouldn't stop wriggling. Why can't she realise it'd be much nicer to keep me up from out here than in there plud there'd be more room and I'd give her cuddles lol.
I spent most of last night in tears I was so uncomfortable...I am seriously considering the castor oil if I have to do another week lol. But I'm actually too chicken and afraid of pooing in labour lol x
I would go for castor oil but really couldn't bare the side effects! I have proper period pains today so maybe he's working his way down. And after last nights conversation I actually went to mcdonalds this morning for pancakes and syrup lol I figured if I'm going to be pregnant for a few more weeks may aswell make the most of it. And I didn't sleep either KM lots of peeing and noisy seagulls and 4am!
I didn't even get up to pee. I was just so uncomfortable.
Nothing was helping whilst I was up so I thought I'll go to bed. But get to bed am still uncomfortable and she wakes up and starts wriggling!!! OH came up to check on me I was crying so loud he could hear me from downstairs but nothing was helping. He's so wonderful he just sat and cuddled me whilst I cried.
Awwww little Alex is just the cutest he looks tiny!! Congrats again!
I have woken up not feeling pregnant! Lighter my bump seems to have vanish is that baby dropping you think? It's weird! Feels like I have no stomach but he is still there so weird!
Got to take Toby see his school this morning he has a class and everything. And then I said if it doesn't rain again and it's dry then we'll go on the park for a bit afterwards. Then it's back here to tidy because the house seems to be getting messy again and I've totally slipped on the washing.
wahoo got my ironing stuff! seem to have come back with a floaty dress thing for a water birth and some bikini bottoms that undo at the side! tried the dress it's to big!!! Im usually atleast an 18 on top and it's XL!
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