Summer Peaches... going to be ripe in late July/early August!!

at least your having signs lol I've got nothing! Looking forward to scan tmo though. Pretty sure Im going to make 41 weeks now
Definately active labor 4 1/2 cm at 1:20pm, leaking fluid too..
Good doing well then! :)

Right I've got a TMI / embarrasing question. I've had loads of pressure and bits of pain like eletric shocks or shooting pains in my actual vaginal wall. And I looked earlier (whilst attempting to shave lol) and it looks weird like everythings been pushed down and a tiny bit out. Anyone know what this could be? I googled prolapse and it doesnt look anything like that its just a tiny bit out but more just looks lower if that makes sense?
hmmmm not sure what that could be... maybe ask your midwife? might just be everything pushing down, i keep thinking about having a look down there..when i have to do the whole shave thing again...that is just a mission lol

oooo irmastar good luck and one word!! pussshhhhhh.... cant wait to meet the next peach!!
OMG!! How exciting Irma!! Hope it all goes well hon!

Oh Mo I have to give some serious care to down there, it's a mess! I haven't been to get waxed for ages, I hate shaving makes me so itchy! I should try and go soon!

Hows everyone else today? Erin was so grumpy this morning! We almost had a supermarket meltdown, but not quite. Not had to put up with that yet, not looking forward to the first one. Thankfully she went to bed nice and early tonight so feeling much less stressed now!
I wish my oh wasn't so wimpy an just do it for me lol I will do it on weekend again .... Unfortunatly thanks to having pcos anyway I have high hair regrowth chin the works an now pregnant it's like super growth it's horrid!!!! An the cream I had for my face to suppress it I am not allowed while pregnant :(
I am well achey and tummy jas been crampy all day but no contractions. She's really wriggly today too so don't think it'll be any time soon.

Had a lazy evening just watching telly with OH but bedtime now definitely. So shattered!
Go Irma!!!

MY friend had her LO yesterday bloody jealous but I think she hit 41 weeks lol.

Sore, miserable and grumpy I think sums me up and it's not even 7 am! I want to walk the dog without the buggy but have no where to put said child that goes in buggy! We are getting a maternity tour tonight so that will be fun MW is now of the opinion I should just do what I can within reason to get my little pain monster out!

Do none of you girls use hair removal cream your aim doesn't ave to be so good and way less itchy!
I didnt think you could use hair removal cream in that area? lol
I cant believe I actually managed to do a pretty good job. Scan at half 9 so fingers crossed. not sure what will happen if he is breech?
lol I never thought to look lol. I don't go probing it in far safer than shaving damn that would be messy not pg lol and I use a sensitive one. I know after birth it can't be used for a while but then I don't think i'll care lol
I used cream for bikini line as haven't found one that says you can use all over lol

Good luck for scan misse
jeez what happens if he's breech is that you in for the duration?

I generally do anything that would stick out and remind you of the secret garden before it was unlocked lol. don't give to much of a toss where i really cant see
Lol to fair I can't really be bothered, If I go into labor will have shower shave legs that's it lol make sure all fresh , it's generally trimmed anyway lol mw I'm sure don't care lol

Although my mom said in her day you got given enemas an had to shave down there
oh yes ifit needs a shave though they can do it. far better view lol
Seriously you won't care about your legs being shaved when you're in labour. You lose all dignity and you don't care. When I had Toby they wouldn't let me have a bath because they didn't have a shower curtain for it. I was like seriously you just watched me push a person out of me do you think I care if you see me in the bath? I was fuming because I was so shaky I couldn't shower properly so just kind of stood under the water hanging on to the rail. I couldn't wash. Can't believe I'm due in a week and for the first time ever I just can't see her coming in that time. Maybe I'll see if I can read all the fifty shades books before she comes. Almost finished the first one not picked it up for a couple of days though.

Hope your scan goes well misse and that he's not breach and Irma I hope you are holding your little miss and that everything went well x
Scan went well he's head down and measuring about 7.8lbs :) so pleased! Since everything was shaved last night this is my daydream lol.... Well ideal situation is we get Connie to bed at 7 then waters break so I can get in the bath and get myself ready then once I'm ready go into full on labour and contractions every 4 mins go to hospital and be 4cms and allowed to stay in then within 5 hours him be here then be able to go home soon after haha... Dream on!
Lol fabulous dream!!

After two days of being in bed I managed to blitz kitchen an now sorting laundry out need to go to tesco as have kiddies tomorrow an mil for dinner Sunday.... If My son loves me he will come out before then to avoid that lol as there is family drama so she just going to sit an moan an sulk lol
I had a dream a while back he would come on 16th lol do will see if that happens

As we plan to go out for dinner Monday while we still can
We've only had a few predictions of when she'll come. My sister said the 10th-WRONG! Me OH and OH's little sister all said 14th- seriously doubting the likelihood of that right now. Dad said 16th- I doubt that too. MIL said 21st and is looking the most likely. But my childish immature side doesn't want her to be right lol.

I want to go into labour today because OH has just sprung it on me that his friend is coming round tonight. The house is a tip, I can't be bothered to clean. We don't have DS tonight and I just wanted to slob about in my pjs and read. I don't like her either. She's OH's best friend but she obviously has wanted more at least (possibly still does). I think most people I know have asked if something has happened with them in the past because of the way she is with/about/around him. I trust him completely but she looks at me like I'm a bitch every time I'm with him. The first time I met her was at a party at her house and her mother spent the entire time telling people loudly and matter of factly that it's a shame OH and her daughter never got together because they belong with each other. And she just sat there looking at me with evil eyes and a look that said "yeah I think so today". Usually I'm fine. I put on a civil face and I'm nice to her. But right now I really can't be bothered to be glared at. Especially not in my own house whilst I'm already so uncomfortable!

Sorry for the rant x

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