I have 4 kids an a mil today an not in the mood as woke up moody an the 12 year old girl who is going on 45 is doing my head in an really need to bite my tongue I wanna stay in bed!!!!
OH got up at hlf 8 and I went back to bed til 11 lol felt so much btter besides hips waking me up every 5 mins!
Then we dropped Connie to my mums at 1 for an hour and went to toby carvery now back indoors weathers grey so going to watch harry potter 6. The torch comes here this evening and carries on tmo but not sure if i can be bothered to go see it
I've sat on the couch in my my pjs all day feeling sorry for myself. Oh I swapped the sleepsuits in the hospital bag for ones up to 10lbs because I definitely think she'll be around 9lbs and even though the smaller ones still MIGHT fit I'd rather not test that at the hospital with no back up sleepsuit. I've left the other vests in as mostly I'm worried about the fact her legs are long. That's the main reason I don't think her sleepsuits will fit.
Still feeling sick but haven't thrown up in a while. Having some cramps but think that's just from my stomach being pushed when I was throwing up. Just gonna have a lazy day today and do nothing I think x
Ugh chocolate...can't even stomach the thought right now. I am hungry though. Think I'll get a lolly ice as it's the only thing I can stomach right now.
Managed to do my nails again.. once again somehow had more trouble with my hands thn my feet! Period pains and backache all day think maybe hes just moving himself down a bit lol I'm under no impression hes coming any time soon
Yep I've been having cramps all day but not even the tiniest part of me dares think they're anything more than just cramps lol. Still feel sick but all of a sudden came over incredibly hungry and just scoffed a ham and cheese sandwich without even thinking about it haha x
Abbys in bed to snap so will get her dinner when she's up we have eaten already. I am working my way through some cream cakes I have lactose intolerance so this should be fun.
I have a chillie allergy so the curry option would be dangerous. My parents raised me on Curry so would have to have chillies in to have any real effect on my guts. The smell of yoghurt makes me gag so couldn't have that. Now I just want to gag full stop lol.
I hav been getting some tweaky muscle pains so thats new
these aren't what I know as contraction pains so more interesting lol. Yay lunch time eclaires have worked now eating an apple see if i can keep momentum
Had some crazy pains earlier, think she may have dropped a little as I can now feel her hiccups in my bum and that's never happened before. Had a right boogie in the kitchen with Toby whilst cooking tea and have had a couple of pains since but I am in no doubt that it will of course yet again turn into nothing lol x
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