Just read birth story... still cant believe no one else as had babies! Time to finish sorting out washing then bed ready to wake up tmo still with no baby
Its sunny/cloudydown here today so going to go for a walk atlunch time... not sure why im bothering will probably just give me BHs and get my hopes up lol. Then MW at 1.30..
I've been havong braxton hicks on an off since last night and its starting to piss me off. I also think she's trying to get her head further down. So much pressure on the top of my pelvis at the front feels like something pushing down on it.
I'm still not really having signs ... MW was positive i think?
4/5ths engaged, i know its not alot but better than nothing lol.. Booked for sweep wednesday she did it so my appintment will be one day passed due date.. Shes on holiday fora week from work too but she onlylives round thecorner from me and said she will come to my house for it lol
I'm also only 4/5th mw said that doesn't really say much in terms of how soon you ready for labour lol so basically nothing is until you are in labour lol
Fraid not. About to go to bed. If you don't hear from me tomorrow it's because I'm drowning myself in ice cream and self-pitying tears. If I go into labour i'll let you know x
I am having tge mpst horrid pains in my pelvis. I think shr is trying to get lower but my god its more painful than contractions!!! But if she is moving her head down then hopefully that means it won't be long x
I wondered if everyone was gving birth yesterday. I'm certainly not! And now thinking i could wait a day or so as OH isnt working again this weekend so lay in tmo and im desperate need of one! Although it will be typical I wont be able tos sleep again.
My mum offered to take Connie out today and im very tempted to sitand do nothing all day but then again might go to baby group this morning I cant decide! I probably shouldnt sit indoors I'll just get annoyed.
Christ as I thought I'd be induced today I feel like I've hit due date to wahhhhh. I won't hit 40 weeks but by wednesday I will be the most pregnant ever and man am I huge!
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