Feeling well down. When I was pregnant with Toby at this point at around this time is when I had my first contraction...don't think she's gonna beat her big brother...and it makes me feel well shitty.
A bit worried at the mo. Just had a bath and had to jump out after a while because the skin on the backs of my legs and up my back feels prickly, like it's been stuck with loads of tiny needles! It's horrid and still feels like it now. Don't know what it is and it's panicking me a bit x
Yeah I did...don't know why I don't just stick to showers lol.
Well I'd have had 2 or 3 contractions by now with Toby and if I keep thinking about it like that it's going to drive me crazy so I'm off to bed.
Good luck for tomorrow Jo if it all goes ahead. Was really hoping I wouldn't make my sweep appointment tomorrow but it's looking likely...we'll see. Hope someone pops overnight (personally hope it's me haha) getting very eager for new babies x
Good lucky today jo! if he does take laptop, log him on to BNB to keep us updated
Still no baby at my end must have got up 100 times last night lots of peeing and my hips have actually become unbearable!
Sweep at10 I've asked my mum to come round for half hour so she can sit with Connie while I get it done as she won't be left by herself for 2 secs, I don't actually want it done im more curious to find out if I'm dilated etc. I turned into the devil yesterday had argument with OH and went to bed early so need this baby out soon before I have an actual breakdown lol.
Well my friend who got induced had her baby this morning. And at this point with toby we were on the ward. Him sleeping me having breakfast...
If anyone needs me today i'll just be blowing my brains out m'kay.
Doesn't help that i had a rotten nights sleep because of cramps a ridiculously increased need to pee and the bloody heat. Luckily its clouded over so hopefully it won't be as warm today as its heen x
Keep having horrid pains in my bump. Right at the bottom it's like somethings torn and it really hurts. I can't even describe the type of pain but it comes and goes so don't know if it's anything to be worried about.
Well I'll ask consultant about it when I go for my sweep later x
Well sweep was fun :/ lol I was 1cm dilated and cervix had shortened from 4cm to 2cm. Had some awful pains a few hours after but theyve gone now.. I'm far too hot today just got back from my friends and now dying for Connie to have a nap so I can too. Lost more plug since sweep but doubt it will workp
Well sweep was eventful. 1-2cm and.cervix open...oh and he accidentally popped my waters lol. Being monitored now an had a couple of contractions but nothing bad so will probably be sent home to wait for something to happen x
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