Wow Jo!! It's a good job you were induced! Congratulations, looking forward to hearing the name!
Good going KM! Looking forward to hearing yours later!
Sorry t hear you're feeling so shit Misse! You poor thing, hope you are not kept waiting too much longer.
How are you feeling Mo?
Not much going on here still, just BH but nothing to write home about. The heat at night is dreadful! We have double French doors in our bedroom and we left them open to get some air in before we went to bed last night but there were loads of flies in there, yuck! I got bitten about five times in ten mins after we turned our lights off and ended up having to douse myself in some insect repellent we had left from our holiday just so i could relax and go to sleep!
Had a nice day though, Played this morning with Erin, we spent hours playing with herbpaydugh and making things, well I made things and she destroyed them but it was fun and then we went round to my mums this afternoon, my younger bro has twins who are six months older than Erin and they all adore each other. My mum has them for a few days to give their mum a break (she and my bro not together anymore) so we spent the afternoon playing with them, they ran around naked playing in the paddling pool etc.
Then had a BBQ this evening!