I've had lower back pain since about 22 weeks, and I have been regularly seeing a chiropractor which has helped immensely.
At 28 weeks I noticed that my entire lumbar area is swollen, I assumed it may just be from a recent adjustment, but it is not getting better and is sensitive. It is noticeably swollen to other people as well. My concern is that it may be fluid retention? Did/ does anybody else have this issue?
Some background info- One week ago presented to labor and delivery with contractions every 5 mins (Every 1.5 mins by the time they got ahold of the doctor), I was given terbutaline to stop them. Additionally baby is measuring significantly large- apparently in the 90th percentile for weight as of 20 week ultrasound, and my fundal height was 5+ weeks ahead last time I was measured. I'm very petite 5'2" and 125 pounds (109 pre-pregnancy) no gestational diabetes or any preexisting health problems. DH is slim as well.
I see the OB Friday, and will mention it to him and see if he is concerned. I have no symptoms of preeclamsia, no protein, BP has remained consistently low, and no swelling in other areas.
Hoping someone will have some insight on this, as I haven't heard of this as a common pregnancy issue.
At 28 weeks I noticed that my entire lumbar area is swollen, I assumed it may just be from a recent adjustment, but it is not getting better and is sensitive. It is noticeably swollen to other people as well. My concern is that it may be fluid retention? Did/ does anybody else have this issue?
Some background info- One week ago presented to labor and delivery with contractions every 5 mins (Every 1.5 mins by the time they got ahold of the doctor), I was given terbutaline to stop them. Additionally baby is measuring significantly large- apparently in the 90th percentile for weight as of 20 week ultrasound, and my fundal height was 5+ weeks ahead last time I was measured. I'm very petite 5'2" and 125 pounds (109 pre-pregnancy) no gestational diabetes or any preexisting health problems. DH is slim as well.
I see the OB Friday, and will mention it to him and see if he is concerned. I have no symptoms of preeclamsia, no protein, BP has remained consistently low, and no swelling in other areas.
Hoping someone will have some insight on this, as I haven't heard of this as a common pregnancy issue.