yes 30+ is only a guidleline and if it says at elast 29-31 that should be fine for a short lesson.
i would advice to get a body warmer wrap/wetsuit type thing until she is a bit bigger/older anyway. amazon have some for reasonable price.
for the lesson she will need a swim nappy-huggies do them or i believe asda make smaller ones if she's super tiny. then she would need some swimming shorts that as a tight fit over to stop any elaks, again amazon have these for less than a tenner. then i would put the wrap over her just so she's snuggly.
don't let it worry you too much just try it out and see what you think.
Thanks. She is 11lb at the moment but is now gaining her weight as she is on the right milk for her cmpi
Okay so she needs a westsuit (costume underneath?) or a costume and bodywarmer (are these the little jacket things?) Do her legs and arms need to bo covered? And then a swimming nappy?
i would say a swim nappy, then something like this
with something like this over it
otherwise you could get something like this that does the job of the shorts as it fits snug over the legs and also covers her arms
wouldn't bother with a costume as they don't offer any warmth or keep any accidents in at this age.