Hi ladies, Just thought I would check in!
So... my last 2 cycles were very long. 47 days and 56 days, which was very annoying and a bit worrying as I never knew when to expect AF and when I was ovulating etc.
I went to the dr's and they said that as it was only the last 2 cycles, not to worry too much and to keep monitoring. Well after reading a lot on here about Agnus Castus, I began taking some to help regulate my cycles. I have also lost 5 and a half pounds in the last 3 weeks as I am overweight and realised that this could be having an impact on my cycles as well.
Today, well technically yesterday - Day 26, I have had some brown spotting. So I am in two minds at the moment...
Firstly, if it is the start of AF, then I am pleased that my cycles are more regular again. Secondly though, I am a little disappointed, as looking back at the last month, we had sex right around the time I would have ovulated and so I'm annoyed that I am most likely not pregnant.
Mixed feelings right now. I have sharp shooting pains on my left side at the moment and it's been keeping me awake. (Although I have just looked at the time and realised that I need to go to sleep as I have to work tomorrow/today!)