Telling OH

I took my test the day before AF was due, and honestly I was not expecting a BFP. So I woke up at 6:30 that morning and decided to take the test since I wanted to know if I was going to start the next day. So I took the test and left it for the 3 minutes for it to process and went to feed my kitties. While I was waiting for the cats to finish, I went and grabbed the test and brought it into the kitchen because the light was on there. I flipped the test over and it said 'pregnant' and I thought 'it does not say that' and turned the light up brighter (its on a dimmer) and it still said 'pregnant'. I immediatly started crying, and ran down the hall and burst in to the bedroom. My poor DH was still asleep and woke to me crying and telling him to turn on the light. He thought one of the cats was dead. I finally convinced him to turn on the light, and shoved the test in this hand. He asked 'does that say what I think it does?' Laughing and crying I told him 'yes, we are pregnant'!
We had just gotten back from a cruise in Mexico, and I started getting REALLY sick. I thought I had picked up a bug in Mexico or something and went to the docs 3 times in 2 weeks. No meds helped, but for some reason, I insisted that I wasn't pregnant. Finally I decided to take a test, "so I didn't have to worry about that being a factor anymore". My DH was at work, and I waited until like 10:30 at night. It was positive and all of a sudden, I didn't feel sick (for that night at least), and I couldn't wait for DH to get home. He ended up having to work really late that night, so I left a note on his side of the bed saying to wake me up when he got home, and I left the HPT inside it's wrapper on his side of the bed. I couldn't even fall asleep tho, so when he came in the door, I handed it to him and told him he's gonna be a daddy. We were both so excited, even tho it was like 2:30am we stayed up for another few hours talking about the baby. I should have thought of something cute, but I was too excited to tell him!

Do you think you can keep this to yourself until Christmas? That would be hard for me, as I tell him EVERYTHING. Actually, I tell pretty much everyone everything lol. Good luck thinking of a way to tell him!!! And congrats!
I was on the injection but started to feel rough and couldnt eat much ignored ot for weeks and then one evening whilst in tescos I said I was going to get a test - OH has seen me buy about 10 whilst being on the injection so just shrugged at it lol.

Got back to the boat and ignored the box staring at me for the whole of about oooo 10 mins lol. Then I caved in and did the test whilst OH was lighting the fire, did the test and left it on the worktop and after 2mins got OH to check it and he said "pass me the box" so I handed it to him and he said " well your pregnant.." and I thought he was bein a turd so told him to shut up and said "if you dont believe me look yourself!"
I looked at it and then at him looking quite scared lol bless him and just cried. Tell you what I had never needed a fag and pint so much but i resisted :D

I think I could hide it until then unless my breasts become humongous or I have a bump!
Poppy has a great store :rofl:

My DH actually knew that I was testing, so I took the test (fifth test I took in a 6 day period the prior 5 were negative) and walked off and my DH stood there staring at it and told me "I think it's positive". His tone was hilarious :rofl:
Kudos to you.. I could never hold it in that long. As soon as I found out I went home took another test and gave it to my OH because I was speechless myself so I figured I would show him.
I was thinking maybe I would tell him around christmas. My idea was to buy a few bibs, gift wrap them, and have a card inside that says, "Merry Christmas Daddy!"

How does that sound?

Aww that is too cute, sounds like a good idea!! :thumpup:
My OH was on the train to work when I rang because I was beside myself. I said 'Can you come home please?' and he said 'Why?' and I said 'I don't want to tell you over the phone, but Ive done a test, and its come up positive' and he said 'Fine, Ill come home, but I bet you're just holding it upside down or summit'.

I would have liked to do it a bit nicer but I was panicked. Didnt know who else to ring!
Well.. OH had told me not to do a test until the weekend but i was so impatient. We had been trying for a while and i was a week late for my period so i dropped him off at work and rushed to adsa (where i got glares from the staff. There so annoying some of them. I think its because I look alot younger than I am)

Any ways... 4 tests later as i couldnt quite beleive my eyes i was far too excited. I phoned him & he didnt answer so I sent him a Picture MSG. Not the most romatic or exciting way but i was too excited I had to get it out my system.

I was watching the telvision this morning and a lady on there has bought a silver gify box with a bow took her OH out for a meal and passed him it over the table.. I thought that was cute.
Last nite I finally told him.

I arrived at his place with a gift. Inside was a 3 pairs of blue infant socks and a card on which I had written my due date.

I thought it was really cute. OH took it very well.
i cant beleive you left it so long, my OH would be gutted if i kept it from him.
i dont think you should keep it from OH as it was both of you that made it to where you are.
I had a terrible time telling my OH. We had his friend staying with us who I was finding it hard to tollerate.

It was the evening and they were sitting in the living room talking & I was bored and picked up the spare test from the bathroom. I did it and remained sitting on the loo as I watched it quickly turn +ve with 2 very dark lines. I didn't expect to be pregnant and just tested because it was a spare and it was the day AF was due but hadn't arrived. I honestly thought AF was just late again.

I eventually removed myself from the loo in shock and sat on the bed and phoned my sister as I didn't want to disturb OH but he walked in and I panicked and just told him. The reaction wasn't good and we spent weeks arguing but now we are both very happy and looking forward to it. I've heard of many men taking it badly at first though.
Rich and I had only been together for about a month when I found out, as it was only monday and I wasn't due to see him until the wednesday, I spoke to him on the phone, told him I needed to talk to him and he thought I was ending it, he was shocked when I announced I had been to the hospital and that I was pregnant but he was the happiest guy I have ever seen.
i bought the test really just to put my mind at ease that i wasnt pregnant, ie stop hoping i "knew" i wasnt cos the blood test had said a week earlier that i wasnt. i went to the bathroom and almost immediately started seeing the two pink lines. i didnt want to get his hopes up so i came back to the living room and told him we had to wait a few minutes. then he said he needed the toilet and i just about leaped to the bathroom to get it first so i could show him!!
awwww, that was a nice thing to do! My DH bought me 4 tests after the GP suggested I was pregnant. I was kind running down stairs shouting his name and lengthing it out in one long breath.
On new years day i found out for certain that i was pregnant!. I simply got up in the morning when my o/h was still asleep and crept upstairs to the bathroom to take the test.
As soon as i saw that it was a bfp i just stood there for a min in pure shock!. I then went back down stairs and placed the test on the pillow next to my o/h so the test would be stareing him straight in the face when he woke up!.
I tell you i wish i had a video cmra at the time! you should have seen his face!
With Abi, I was sat at school having just gone back in the september and it was just after my birthday in octiber, i hadnt been out for my birthday but felt like rubbish all day longthe day after, it kept coming in waves and disappearing.I'd never really thought i could be pregnant at all as we'd always been so careful. after about 2 days and people making jokes about things and saying stuff to staff about me having a drinking problem, becuase i was getting sick lol

the 2nd November, my Head of year asked me to go to her office, she was concerned about me being ill so much recently and asked if there was anything she should know etc, implying i had a drinking problem, she was going on about how people drink to make them selves look better but it didnt work. I told her i hadnt been drinking at all and didnt know why i was ill, she sent me off to the nurses office who was going to do the checks etc, as meningitis was rife around that time in school, any ways, she asked if i could be pregnant i was like, nope, she asked how i was certain, i was like becuase we use protection, im not stupid, she asked me when my last period was, i was horrified lol and as soon as i looked in my diary i KNEW! she gave me a test and sent me to the toilets, came up as clear as day two lines next to the C & T i was so shocked, she came up to find me about 20 mins later, i was just stuck, didnt know what to do, she signed me out of school and let me go home. I walked to Joshs's works and thought about how i was goign to tell him, scared shitless lol, but he was great about it, i slipped it into his desk and asked to borrow a pen, he got out the 'pen' that first came to hand lol. He looked at it, and was all smiley and happy and hugged me etc, then kind of stiopped dead and was like, wait a minute, have you PEED! on this? it was so funny lmao

anyways, with Izzie, we had just found out Abi was ill, around this time last year, near christmas, and Abi was in hospital, just having been diagnosed with her Leukaemia, and we were asked if we wanted to give blood or donate bone marrow to help, we both agreed to gove blood, so of course they took samples from us and disappeared off. about 3 hours later, her consultant came over, i was in with Abi, Josh went outside and spoke to him, apparently he said something along the lines of, we can take 2 pints from you mr matthews, but im afriad we arent allowed to take any from your wife in her condition, is she aware that giving blood can damage the baby? so yeah, he knew and i didnt! my periods hadnt ever returned to normal since Abi so i just suspected nothing, yet i was already just over 4 months pregnant, looking back now i dont know how i missed it, but i just wasnt really ill, and when i was i think it was stress related, so i ignored it.

With Kabe it was easy haha, i suspected but totally thought i was wrong, after all, Izzie was only 9 weeks old, how could i be? and we'd only *cough* ed twice since she was born. We still had a test left in the house anyway from my sister coming and testing at our house, so anyway, we took it, i didnt really want to know, i thought it was rubbish lol and it wouldnt be positive. i put it on the toilet seat and then left it, went down and carried on what i was doing, fed Izzie, tidied up, tried to keep myself occupied, my sister rung and asked us to go over to her house for a bit, so we got ready and went lol. My older sister came round to see us lol, and we werent in. She has a key cos our house is on 4 storeys and we disconnected the doorbell so she knws where we keep the key and let herself in. She must have gone into the bathroom for something, cos we returned home and found a sticky post-iit note thing on the door saying congrats, well happy for you! hope you dont mind me looking, looking forward to a new niece/nephew, Jodi x lmao, so once again, someone else knew before i did that i was pregnant. i kind of knew if i admit it, but thought i was being stupid. but no lol, just over 5 months later, Kabe arrived!

not doing it again though! never lol
I was about two weeks late before I noticed that I had missed my period! :dohh:

I told my BF that I was two weeks late, and he was like.. uhh ohh, jokingly. I didn't htink anything of it, even though I had just come off birth control, my periods were always irregular before I started the bc so I just figured they would be like they used to be.

Anyways, my BF went and bought a test because he was really anxious to find out. I read that it was better to take it in the morning, so we waited. However, me being unpatient kept waking up in the middle of the night looking at the clock. Finally I just went and tested and it came back negative :huh: however, when you turned it, it kind of looked positive, but was really faint.

Well, two days later we went to walmart and bought a two pack of tests. Since there were two I decided to go ahead and do one that night.

When I went in the bathroom to pee on it by BF was beating on the door wanting in. I was like, "YOU AIN'T COMING IN WHILE I'M PEEING!!" :rofl: So after I peed on it, I set it on the floor and unlocked the bathroom door. By the time we made it back over to the test it had already come back up "Pregnant"!!

He was over excited and went straight away to tell him mom, and I went and told my mom/grandparents the next day.


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